20260504? ago

This is my main objection to the Qanon movement. You people are obsessed with the idea that policies don't matter and voters only respond to public image and likability. Yet voters mostly respond to policies. As long as most voters disagree with Republican policies most will vote against them. Likability has nothing to do with it. Videos of Hillary in a child dungeon will not cost the Democrats one single vote.

Trump won by changing the message and embracing trade protectionism which won over blue collar voters who usually vote democrat. He won with policies. Voters care about policies the most.

This fantasy that videos of Hillary in a child dungeon will sink the Democrats forever are stopping people from making real changes. its a fantasy that change isn't needed, just wait for the video of Hillary in a child dungeon. But change is needed. Trump didn't win by being the same, he went against the ayn rand fans in the conservative movement and supported trade protectionism. This is what won the election. Policy change is needed.

20260580? ago

You are utterly wrong. The only thing that will cost Trump votes among the 55% who might remotely consider voting for a Republican is the perception that he is the most unlikeable person in politics. By showing the vast corruption of the Dems, he will be by comparison just an embarrassing tweeter rather than corrupt. The red pilling is critical.

20262048? ago

WRONG. People only care about likability if two candidates have the same policies. Otherwise they vote on policies.

Your attitude is what is killing this country.

20250859? ago

Well, let's get on with the Clinton's fall from grace.

20250833? ago

You fucking Q tards are so dumb. You're like a patron who goes to a restaurant to get handed a shit sandwich and then you turn around and give the restaurant a Michelin Star.

NOTHING that has happened since the midterm elections could even be remotely considered to be a "win" for the patriots — but you fucking morons keep eating the shit sandwich, telling each other how delicious it is, and how any day now you're gonna get served dessert.

"Oh they are gonna arrest the Clintons and overturn Obama's presidency since he's from Kenya" etc etc etc — and all these mother fuckers are still walking free, raping children, sucking their wives' cocks, and living the dream.

Do we really have to wait until Trump is out on his ass in 2020 for you fucking morons to realize you've been duped?

20250654? ago

We have also found out the Clintons are actually members of the Rockefeller family. In an update to what we reported previously, we have learned that Bill Clinton’s mother was a Rockefeller (rather than his father), while Hillary Clinton is the daughter of David Rockefeller. Then, of course, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is a grandson of David Rockefeller. https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2019/08/benjamin-fulford-august-5th-2019-a-look-at-power-centers-negotiating-world-government/

20250502? ago

It's not the Clinton's I'm concern with. They are old and toothless now. Justice should be served, but it's not about them.


20249151? ago

Seems like Bill and Hillary look different. Since there blood supply is shut down There Health will deteriorate. Body doubles seem to be in play. Fucking brilliant.

20248723? ago

Could not agree more. It's being spoon fed to slowly wake up to it. The trafficking, the underage girls, more and more. And as it comes out, more and more people will wake up to it which will allow them to speed up the pace.

20248573? ago

accept recognize. fixed it for you.

20247646? ago

Good theory Patriot! Very logical. Very notable! Very good marker.

20247516? ago

So why was NoName executed in secret? Could have used him and his criminality as an appetizer too

20247090? ago

Thomas Jefferson said "30 to 40 percent of the public have no knowledge of their political surroundings and depend completely on newspapers for direction." Nothing has changed.......

20246614? ago

Does anyone know who the cops were that saw what was in Weiner’s laptop? Nypd suicides connected?

20246108? ago

So shock us already. How many years do we have to fuck around in interweb forums like it's some kind of god damn nerd hobby? Prosecute the enemies of the people and save the motherfucking republic.

20245780? ago

Which makes sense. BUT, is Epstein going to skip justice? Has he been transported back to Israel?

20245716? ago

God dam the kids are slow, goats! Fucking checkouts. Saw one at the Gun Show. She was chastised by her male co-worker that she had given the drink to the wrong customer 4 times. It almost made me do a Fight Club sacrifice. Fuck.

20245397? ago

Timing is everything!

It's great seeing it all start to happen. world wide!

20245267? ago

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20245164? ago

No time like the present to kick this off. The Clintons and the deep state have been getting away literally with murder and high treason.

20244612? ago

Remember how long it took you to accept 911 as a State funded sacrifce ritual of the Mason's?

You still aint got a clue,dont kid yourself

20246393? ago

Yeah, and still no justice on that either!

20246469? ago


Get on board and help push with your support.

20244595? ago

I wish they would rise up. They need to be rounded up and a) reeducated or b) swapped to a socialist country for new citizens that would love America and all that she offers. How about we import Greenlanders and ship the fucking liberals to American Siberia?

20244321? ago

The real backlash will be the arrest, trial, conviction of treason and execution of O.

20244696? ago

For some.

For others who realize Obama was just a puppet, it'll be the downfall of the Rothschilds, Soros and any other puppet masters.

I suspect Hillary is above Obama in the power structure, and even she is just a pawn to those families.

20246519? ago

The upturn will not be that easy. Soros is a player, but a puppet for sure. He is too OBVIOUS

20244230? ago

I was thinking they must also be ready to reset the economy to something with inherent value and End the Fed in response to the coming "recession" traitors have planned as well.

20244048? ago

The left is divorcing itself from the Clintons and the emergence of "The Squad" is going to dethrone Pelosi. Biden is coming across as having dementia (along with Pelosi). The young radicals are all that will be left and America will reject them. Then when the sex-trafficking comes out, there will be a bunch of Dems and Republicans who will go down.

20244735? ago

Please, God, let this be true.

20243752? ago

God, I hope so.

20243731? ago

i agree, they have been discredited big time already. you'll still have plenty of idiots acting out but many have doubts in their minds now. Some of them will even start digging into the evidence and realize they've been had.

20244457? ago

By the time the curious ones put down their shovels we could have a whole new army of reformed liberals like Andrew Breitbart and David Horowitz. I could almost imagine!

20243636? ago

I repeat nothing will be done now people believe Epstein is dead. It's already yesterday's news. I was watching the BBC and they did a puff piece on Andrew.. The actress smiled and went on to another story about floating cow farms. The media knows how to kill a story. And this one will be deep sixed just like NXIVM.

20243512? ago

That's NOT Hillary in the pic.

20244212? ago

Fake Hill and Bill? Those mental gymnastics must hurt after awhile.

20243771? ago

Nope. Not her.

20244185? ago

Not Bill either huh?

20243251? ago

This would be a sensible evolution for the great reveal.

Pause for a moment to consider the scale of this . . .

The Clinton’s crimes are soooo egregious that in order to prepare the public for the horrific disclosures we present an international pedophile child sex-trafficking kingpin with young victims numbering at least in the several dozens, and survivors recalling despicable tales of abuse.

20246490? ago

Dozens? this goes millions.

20243405? ago

Pretty much this. Q mentioned that the truth being dropped at once would put 90% of the population in the hospital. They have to mentally prepare the general public.

20244547? ago

the general public is willfully ignorant on these topics, the information has been readily available for years

20244678? ago

Exactly. Which is why Q has pointed so often to public domain information - things hidden in plain sight. Because people have been blind/ignorant to it all. As Q has put it, we simply forgot how to play the game. We let ourselves get distracted and divided and complacent.

20243040? ago

More To Jeffrey Epstein Than Meets The Eye – Whole New Chapter. – Investment Watch


“One thing we did not know, or I did not, Epstein was Mossad and very involved in politics. He was involved in working with Hillary Clinton and Henry Kissinger. He was involved in the movement of nuclear missiles, and I am trusting a source who is always correct. He has been around for years and works out in the field. I will be listing several of his videos. My advice to you is if you really want the truth, you will take the time to watch them.”

20242812? ago

Gotta say, while my leftist friend continues to buy the msm propaganda, he no longer seems to support Hillary. He was pretty staunch in his support at the start of this, not so much now.

20243442? ago

They held their nose and ignored Bill's rape victims, because the media did the same, but Epstein's misdeeds are getting media validation, albeit limited, so your friend's change of attitude makes sense.

20242668? ago

civil war 2.0 2020

20242602? ago

Just keep trusting the plan goyim. Stay pacified by the LARP while world goes to shit around you. All while you pretend you are "watching a movie"

20243439? ago

Just keep fucking humanity with your continued global enslavement while billions suffer. All while you pretend you're actions in this lifetime dont have cosmic consequences.

20242822? ago

Thank you rabbi

20242586? ago

I think you under estimate the power of delusion. No matter what comes out as evidence a big chunk of the left will never buy it.

20246451? ago

A chunk yes, but how big is debatable. I can’t believe the amount of normies mentioning the Epstein suicide to me and that they don’t buy it. Asking all kinds of questions. My own mom, who doesn’t follow any politics asked me if Hillary had something to do with Epstein’s death. Epstein’s suicide woke MILLIONS.

20244377? ago

4%-6% will be forever lost.

20250166? ago

From my experience only 4-6% of libtards can be saved. I do see the right very united on three things. The left are intolerable and can’t be lived with, the left are beyond reason so discussion with them is a waste of time. Secure borders are top priority and not negotiable.

20250867? ago

You obviously don't know many libtards. Those people are completely fucking gone. Hillary Clinton could cut the head off a child and drink the blood on the stage of the MTV Music Video Awards and all these fucking liberals would cheer for her.

You people are seriously delusional if you think the brainwashed masses are going to give up their political parties that they cling to — both on the right AND the left. Anyone who blindly clings to a political party who doesn't give a FUCK about them are the ones dragging this whole country down.

20250671? ago

Just remember the population is like a bell curve. The most right and left are a slim minority. However, that slim minority occupies the attention of the media and is what gets projected into the mainstream consciousness. Most folks are solidly in the middle and can be persuaded through reason and logic.

20250852? ago

Logic dictates you’re correct, why is it the extreme fringe makes so much noise? I’m sure when push comes to shove the numbers pursuing violent resistance will be low, even though I venture larger numbers will be unhappy but passively accept things.

20254348? ago

Just like in the Revolutionary War. Only 3% actually worked to defeat the British. Probably less than 1% took up arms and/or took violent actions. Most folks are just comfortable and are happy to get by. They are more or less irrelevant non-combatants. They don't make much noise, so there's nothing newsworthy to gawk at. They might lean one way or the other but they're not willing to put it all on the line.

20246744? ago

This guy Q’s.

20245973? ago

sometimes it feels like my entire circle of friends/acquaintances are in that 4 - 6%.

20248270? ago

Same here. Family, too.

20249159? ago

And I'm the 1 that's crazy. oh well WWG1WGA

20246447? ago

I gave up probably 50 "friends" because they are that half of the population that is deluded.

I used to be lib based, as an engineer, nature and ocean lover...so most my friends were that. But when reality hits.....they will no longer accept me as a friend, or even anyone to invite to a get together.....too bad---it's a serious character flaw. Fuck them.

20247038? ago

No loss with those “friends.”I find delusional libs very boring. You can’t talk to them about anything meaningful. Even the so called professionals can be so dumb politically. I know a CNN-watching Finance VP who declared the Betsy Ross flag a symbol of white supremacy. Too little time in the day to put up with idiots socially.

20246201? ago

me too

20243841? ago

they can't afford to even if they do

20243656? ago

Yep, ANTIFA are no different than ISIS. They're paid for.

Why has black block gone from ~5% of protesters to >80%?

These aren't grassroots organic protests.

20243544? ago

Yes I am skeptical too!

20243504? ago

you have to get the few lefties still trying to understand just a little bit to crack that egg.

20243188? ago

I have a buddy from high school. Had lunch with him last week. Total lib. He believes the clintons were involved woth epstein.

the left wants to investigate his death. Now they arent going to give up on their marxist positions just yet, but jailing the clintons will be a start.

20242694? ago

Exactly. Which begs the question of why the fuck Q+ insists on this being artful with the killing blow. If you have everything, put up or shut up. No amount of drips is going to move the orverton window enough for liberals.

20244623? ago

They've said from the beginning that a % would never accept it. They're under no illusion that they'll get 100%. The idea is to get enough awake and paying attention that any backlash will be limited and swiftly dealt with.

20244449? ago

Who said he’s targeting liberals?

20243107? ago

Q+ isn't trying to open/close the Overton Window for liberals though. He is trying to save the mothers of fatherless little black babies in the inner city and the little brown babies' dads that are out trimming lawns and roofing buildings in 90° heat.

Give Trump a chance—if he can pull this off it will destroy the Lib's plan to have these demographic groups voting Democrat for the next 50 years.

20244260? ago

These guys (or one?) responding to this awesome post are horrible at ROLCON, it's hilarious how they just can't keep from outing themselves

20243605? ago

It's always the same refrain...listen as yoko sings...all we are saying....is give Trump a chance...

Infrastructure. Wall. Immigration. Lock her up. Gun rights. The guy hasn't performed. Except in the case of sex trafficking. He has a decent record. But now that the DOJ has the goods will his Mossad SIL prevent the revelations? Or is this mystery q who rallies the troops correct...wait and see is not cutting mean mr mustard

20243560? ago

Trying to save them by doing nothing publicly noticeable? All we have seen is talk and delusions of grandeur. Nothing meaningful has change, no one of note has been brought to justice, "patriots" are going to prison, and start witnesses are suicided (I dont buy that he was smuggled out, he was killed). I'm glad you still have hope and I'm not trying to discourage you or anyone. Weve just had enough fucking talking.

20242583? ago

Oh fuck off. The lines are already drawn in the sand, people believe what they are going to believe. No amount of artful bullshit from Q is going to sway any of the brainwashed liberals.

Deliver or lose 2020, it's that simple for Q+ now.

20242528? ago

You got the idea!!


20244571? ago

Peter Marino, Alessandra Ambrosio , Fly global girl recently deleted her instagram, Chauntae Davies does not have any connections no photos on myspace anymore, ? http://revistaquem.globo.com/Revista/Quem/0,,EMI118368-9531,00.html they brought their daughter Maya Dubin ? Eva Anderson and https://myspace.com/zzinta