20244973? ago

Of course. They're desperately trying to find & permanently erase all the hidden HRC emails.

20243175? ago

Looks like Gmail is deleting Hillary's Chinese emails..

This should take some time.

20242373? ago

Not working for me. KY at 3:54 central

20242343? ago

no problems here

20242090? ago

It was out for about two hours

20241909? ago

Gmail works fine for me - but hey - you made me look! Haha

20242765? ago

Why would jewoogle pull a switch? Masons, the jihadi Shriners, Mossad? Click on "connections " and look at the people shes connected with. Almost all private profiles but the profile pics alone are fucked. Two girls sitting inside a pentagram (mel and steph hausberger) , a little toddler covered in black ink standing naked in a bathtub, some ither fucked up looking ones https://voat.co/v/QRV/3390103/20242713

20241886? ago

The Internet is turning to shit!!!

20241847? ago

I have a Gmail set up through work, not by choice. It had been fine for me all day as far as I can tell. Every email I've sent had had a quick, normal response.

20241793? ago

Fuck Gmail. Why would you ever use such a cuck'd email provider?

20242122? ago

What's a good alternative? I want to use my own domain name and I need good spam filtering.

20244495? ago


20242175? ago

Look into protonmail.com. I think they have a domain name option, although I've just been using the free version so far.

20243153? ago

I never trusted protonmail. Their leadership is all from CERN and leftist breeding colleges.


20242736? ago

Compromised - get tutanota.com instead

20242974? ago

Really? Got any sauce on that?

I know someone claimed to hack protonmail late last year but I seem to remember that being a bogus claim.

gestaltit dot com/exclusive/stephen/protonmail-was-probably-not-hacked/

20243356? ago

Look into their policy, which they changed - they now track you IP (store it but say they encrypt it - but why the hell store it in the first place?) and they read your mail - all an excuse not to block any IP adresses for other users - read on their website or look for reviews

20241896? ago

I have an account to have an email account to give to people I don't want to have my real email account.