20243612? ago

Great movie! Non stop action.

20243317? ago

Really good movie, probably Paul Walker's best.

20243207? ago


20241649? ago

germanfag found something odd..never thought about the word until now and in this context..spitballing in graphic..thoughts?


20241326? ago

Which running scared faggot? There's one from 1980, 1986 and 2006. Be specific faggot.

20241751? ago

This is the 2006 version. Had to answer my own question since non-specific faggots were being non-specific.

20242469? ago

Some faggots are lazy, faggots.

20249633? ago

Try decaf

20241310? ago

When I saw that movie for the first time was not long after pizzagate. My mouth dropped to the floor. People watching it with me couldn't understand why I was freaking out a little!

20242775? ago

20241155? ago

If the bad guy pedos aren't jewish then it is a smokescreen

20242475? ago

That guy is clearly Jewish.

20242131? ago

Is that all you are good for is pointing a finger at the Jews? Enjoy God's curse fool.

20242535? ago

How keep holding on to that curse,

12“When you come to appear before Me,

Who has required this from your hand,

To trample My courts?

13Bring no more futile[f] sacrifices;

Incense is an abomination to Me.

The New Moons, the Sabbaths, and the calling of assemblies—

I cannot endure iniquity and the sacred meeting.

14Your New Moons and your appointed feasts

My soul hates;

They are a trouble to Me,

I am weary of bearing them.

15When you [g]spread out your hands,

I will hide My eyes from you;

Even though you make many prayers,

I will not hear.

Your hands are full of [h]blood.

20241243? ago

Says one of the tranny porn posters. GTFO ShareBlue

20241328? ago

Watch the clip. Looks like one to me haha

20241253? ago

I've never posted porn here. That's probably GA who does that.

20241493? ago

It's SBBH/ShareBlue, nice try. IP's are being logged, it's all good.

20244245? ago

Log my cock, kike

20244342? ago

Do you wear your ninja mask when you talk tough online?

20244458? ago

No. I am protected by my second amendment right. Why are you worried about what I wear, glow kike?

20244722? ago

Not when it comes to sedition. Good luck to you, fag puff.

20244761? ago

Yep. You are a jewbag.

20241117? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=21T9wcunChQ&t=330s :

Running Scared child rescued from pedophiles scene - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

20242359? ago

One of the best individual scenes in any movie.

20242464? ago

Everyone should watch that scene.

The rest of the movie isn’t bad, but feels like a let down in comparison to that one awesome scene.