20248701? ago

Not to mention the FBI has to be weeded out from top to bottom as well..co-conspritors....throw in the state department too for good measure

20247749? ago

Watch Free Movie Counter-Intelligence

For those not familiar with what the CIA “really” do, you might be interested to watch this free American made movie. Which exposed the CIA in 5 parts at http://metanoia-films.org/counter-intelligence/#watch

Alternative links 1:

  1. Part 1: https://www.bitchute.com/video/oC6WDFZq5GMx
  2. Part 2: https://www.bitchute.com/video/fxtZUc4s1qcb
  3. Part 3: https://www.bitchute.com/video/MlWqPLCL8gzh
  4. Part 4: https://www.bitchute.com/video/FRRBzXx3pWar
  5. Part 5: https://www.bitchute.com/video/leBVGP1R68aJ

Alternative links 2:

  1. Part 1: https://vimeo.com/65148608
  2. Part 2: https://vimeo.com/65942057
  3. Part 3: https://vimeo.com/66019647
  4. Part 4: https://vimeo.com/66183267
  5. Part 5: https://vimeo.com/67967592

In summary, according to the Counter-Intelligence movie, the CIA is arguably by far the largest terrorist organization on earth. Including CIA's illegal terrorist events within the USA.

There are lots of good people working for the CIA and FBI. But allegedly and unfortunately, the bad people have intoxicated it beyond repair. Like a cancer? Will the Trump administration be able to drain the swamp? Time will tell.

Read an interview with Scott Noble, the American documentary author at https://dissidentvoice.org/2014/07/counter-intelligence-spying-deters-democracy/



To encourage the author to create more movies, your donation is welcome at http://www.metanoia-films.org/donate/

20245417? ago

So basically, the jews.

20244415? ago

Check Q 3411 where he cites the Declaration of Independence. Then watch this video, paying close attention to the very first sentence. Play that first sentence back a couple of times and parse it carefully. Put it together.

3411 quotes the Declaration of Independence. What happened with that document? Did the patriots reform or restore their monarchy? No. They created an entirely NEW government--a new form. Now, what did Trump say in that video? He said they are "replacing" a corrupt government and setting up a "NEW GOVERNMENT." It's right there as clear as can be. When I connected the dots, it made total sense.

Trump and Q are not restoring the old republic. They are preparing to replace the United States government with a new one. Goodbye FBI and CIA. The military intelligence branches will remain and the military will provide security during the transition. Trump will be the last president of the United States. He will preside until a new government is stood up and new, fair elections are held. The criminals that corrupted the old republic will be out of power or locked up. The corrupt centers of power depend on having the old government that they hobbled for their own ends. They will not have any access to the new government at all. It is exhilarating to consider. We are part of a movement that is going to restore liberty.

Welcome to the Revolution.

20244986? ago

Thank you. Great insight here. I hope you are right!

20242926? ago

and the FBI....

20242240? ago

FBI,CIA and the Federal reserve are all Un-American. Remove them all

20241916? ago

Yes and yes

20241580? ago


20240517? ago


20240430? ago

The STATE will never let that happen

The US will always be under Roman Law.

Once you learn that,Q then goes to lower case(q).

20240266? ago

The secret service counterfeit $$$ division....

20240123? ago

Obviously, the Fed and C_A are two of the biggest targets; but their masters are the real targets, and many steps will be necessary to destroy them. I will be happy for now if the public can see the IG report and the unclassified/unredacted FISA applications and other info that have been promised.

20240040? ago

The FBI and ATF need to be on this list...

20239811? ago


20239670? ago

We have both coasts who are totally brainwashed. YES the C_A needs to be dismantled, and the FED too, I just can't see the majority of USA understanding how they have been lied to all their life.

20239067? ago

How many times throughout history has this been tried?

20238828? ago

That'll simply be a side effect of the judgement of [them]. No more employees when they are hung for treason. Doors shut.

20238796? ago

Amen patriot!

20238722? ago

Most.three letter agencies must be disbabded. Blatantly unconstitutional. The antithesis of liberty.

20238691? ago

That's The Plan.

20238409? ago

no the way is to completely exile all dual citizens from our government and reduce immigration by 90%

20238357? ago

I would add the FBI, which has been shown to be deeply and dangerously politically corrupt at its highest echelons. The field level rank-and-file professionals who are found not so tainted should be transferred to other departments and agencies who would assume the former disgraced FBI's vital law enforcement and counter-intelligence roles.

20238337? ago

your spot on

20238327? ago


20238181? ago

Either we return to liberty, or at least put an end to the forced redistribution of wealth dysgenics, or we have no hope. We will continue to fund our enslavement, and replacement.

The slavers who want a more willing, domesticated, "humans lite", slave, can perpetually steal 99.99999999% of the wealth we generate. There is no way for us to produce/earn/work our way out while remaining their cattle.

Get free or go extinct.

20238125? ago

The only way for the IRS to be weaponized is if the US Marshals are compromised from the Top down to the newest Janitor.

The Only way for the FBI to be weaponized is Pedo-Blackmail.

The FBI is above the LAW and we are all FBI Informants.

20237992? ago

FBI needs to go too - rotten top to bottom

So is the DoJ and the State Department

All of the federal bureaucracies are full of people that are by nature completely parasitic

20238017? ago

The FBI should stick to investigating UFO and the monster of the week.

20237787? ago

We also need to get rid of all politicians who hold dual citizenship.

20244572? ago

and the F BI.

20241772? ago

Getting rid of the legal/governmental institutions, even restricting dual-citizenship, still allows their subversion to take place thru other means, like 'advisory panels' and 'NGOs' and 'Blue Ribbon committees'...but Muh Democracy has to be preserved sigh

20242798? ago

Democracy is merely two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner.

20240033? ago

It's not the abuse of power that is the problem but the power to abuse.

20238999? ago

They also shouldn't have all their money in foreign interests. So many of them do. If a politician has millions in China or Israel or wherever, and not the US, their votes are gonna follow their pocketbooks. Every single time.

20239292? ago

999 witnessed

20239009? ago

999! KEK

20238579? ago

And are ex- lawyers.;-)

20238413? ago

This needs to become a nationwide initiative.

Candidates for federal legislative office must not hold allegiance to any other country.

In fact, I prefer that only as a starting point. No federal job should go to any individual with dual citizenship.

I admit, there are times when a foreign national or dual citizenship person brings value to our national endeavor. We can engage their services on a contractual basis.

20245108? ago

I mean Holy shit, you can't even be a grunt in my country's armed forces with dual citizenship...

20237754? ago

That is quite a task.

20237716? ago

Well since that's the plan, I would say you hit the nail on the head. LOL.

20237710? ago

And the IRS and end county ownership of all land where th epeople are just renters as opposed to allodial title owner/soverigns. How about we just go back to an original interpretation of the constitution!? Full allodial title gold/silver standard. Etc

20246756? ago

Q, Please make this part of giving the Country back to us, We The People.

20247185? ago

Don't be a pussy and ask... I have been demanding this of those who I hired to fix this fucking mess for OVER A DECADE. They do it or they fall... eventually,. KEK demands it. If Kek is with us, who could stand against us? Remember, you pay taxes that you worked for and give them to Q for NOTHING... unless you demand your terms. Yes we are all on the same team but when I say WE THE PEOPLE I fucking mean it. When I say ALLODIAL TITLE, I fucking mean it. When I say GOLD/SILVER STANDARD I fucking mean it. When I say FULL 2A I mean I want to see some redneck on the fucking news with a bottle of moonshine and a full-auto .50 manchinegun shooting up a rotting trailer just for fun. Don't get me started on the Broad Interpretation of The COmmerce Clause... We will be here all night.

20237982? ago


You pay off a house and property to have it STOLEN from you when you are 90 years old and can't pay the taxes.

20238801? ago

Exactly!! This needs to be dealt with immediately.

20237743? ago

Oy vey! Pay your taxes goy!

20237919? ago

Yes absolutely and how can the Nation issue debt without the bankers getting their pound of flesh in interest.

20237624? ago

Don't forget the IRS and their theivery

20279052? ago

A Global network? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3392507 One of the women at Epstein's house with Prince Andrew was Australian Prime Minister's daughter [Katherine Keating] interviewed Ghislaine Maxwell for Huffington Post

20237443? ago



What is best in life? Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!

20238283? ago

That is good? To make our mothers, wives and daughters miserable cowering in fear?

The only way to win is by protecting my enemies children from generational abuse.

Call may me a pussy-whipped homosexual.

For my humility is vengeance.

20237740? ago

Pepe! What is best in life? Crush the beta cucks, see them driven before you and hear the lamentations of their non-binary otherkin.