20237464? ago

IDGAF what hes said or done, the answer is yes he should be able to post, name or anon. Some people need to reevaluate thier idea of freedom

20236158? ago

Got that ccp honestly. I'm not srayz and I had negative interactions with him as soon as the call was made to come to voat. He can come back, but he'll need to earn back all the ccp he validly lostbering a namefag stooge.

20235920? ago


muh namefags

muh SBBH

muh fat jew titties

muh shills

LMAO @ u Qultists having a scism because fat jew whore titties and also some internet blowhard got downvoated too much to post.


20236039? ago

Where have you been faggot? This has been the major soap opera over all of voat for the last two months or more. The namefag "goats" have been going back and forth with pages and pages of written bullshit trying to straighten it all out.

well I said this and she said that and I had this and he looked at that and it was only one boob and that's a skinny dick....and blah blah blah day after day after day of namefag "goat" bullshit ..did you get pics? I didn't get tit pics, who got tit pics? I wanna see tit pics, where's my tit pics?

There were a few people who got banned as a result and only one of them (Miss titties herself) was a Qultist.


20235872? ago

Censorship is censorship. The trolls on here are completely worthless and counterproductive, but hey, they want to throw their time away on people who know better, that's there business. I don't subscribe to NV, nor do I think you should, but spamming down vote just seems childish.

1st Amendment support doesn't end when people disagree with you or say things you don't like.

20235853? ago

What he can't post a link to his site content?

Is the site banned?

20236611? ago

He has been down voted so his ccp is too low to post threads.

20241620? ago

Hi I am Dave nobody, look look, I have a neon revolt link.

Done. Shut up

20235813? ago

NeonRevolt used to be a compiler of important Q related stuff - but nowadays he is an extremely obnoxious narcissistic, that tends to autistic outbursts, both in supposed good and bad form.

When he has an "opinion" on something, it's not an oponion anymore, no, it's a fact. Because Neon said so. If you disagree he will manically insult you as "boomer" and post 20 """"memes"""" to make a point.

He's barely researching anymore anyhow, he just browses through 1-4 Twitter pages and makes about 5-6 posts on average. The most work is being done by the gab group.

Neon is also back to Twitter - he used to be proud to be banned there and was trying to get besties with the gab admin team, but since he's just another obese heavy metal neckbeard nagger that desperately needs attention, he of course is back on twitter, where he averages only 1 retweet in 10 tweets.

I guess that's the reason for THIS thread here, just Neon looking for more exposure, to peddle his "book" that's written lilke he likes to talk on the internet:

"It was... it was like... like... you know.... spiritual."

or that every second sentence starts with "Why"...

tl,dr - reading Neon used to be worthwhile, nowadays he's a lazy, narcissistic poser that needs attention

20235781? ago

Yes. He is one of us. Not on the side of eyethespy and inthematrixxx. His information has done more for the Q movement publicly than any single person here.

20235615? ago

Who cares. Sometimes I read his shit, sometimes I don't. I mostly stopped when he started selling merch.

20235446? ago

I think NeonRevolt is an amazing researcher. I don't get the controversy, whether some people are annoyed that he's gained particular prominence, or if it's down to a few community members that he's rubbed the wrong way in the past... shrug-worthy.

I don't suppose he'd post here all that often even if he had free reign, though, since Gab has become a de facto Speaker's Corner, and he adds articles to his website fairly often. But it is ludicrous to have crowded him out when we have people like Steve running around here, spamming up the board.

20235542? ago

It is not actually Steve who is spamming up the board, think more in terms of a certain retarded faggot from sbbh who likes to spam the Steven crap and the 19th amendment BS.

20235317? ago

Yes definitely.

20235302? ago

Come on Neon! WWG1WGA!

20235337? ago

He's a paytriot and was outed by BO as being one of the fraudulent reddit mods. He also lied about GreatAwakening here and split the community so he could keep his sheeple in their bubble.

20235354? ago

Aren't you getting tired Srayzie? You sub is a knock off of the Q-endorsed sub (QRV). You are all SBBH shills disrupting Q. Glownigger whore.

20235359? ago

Aren't you getting tired Srayzie? You sub is a knock off of the Q-endorsed sub (QRV). You are all SBBH shills disrupting Q. Glownigger whore.

GA is catching up on subscribers, and doesn't have the SBBH faggots posting gore and porn there on the activity.

You are quickly getting overtaken, and will become less and less relevant as time goes on, and the shills destroy your weak little Neon-loving sheeple.

20235371? ago

and doesn't have the SBBH faggots posting gore and porn there on the activity.

You would know all about that, wouldn't you?

20235378? ago

I would know it doesn't happen on GA, and QRV faggots were complaining to the previous GA mod about it, which is why she stuck her neck out in the first place.

But keep trying to make your narrative stick. I can back mine up.

20235442? ago

The previous GA mod directed the sbbh faggots to post the porn and harass QRV, it was a coupe attempt on our sub that failed because strayzie got into an argument with her sbbh pals and they turned on each other.

Strazie and sbbh created the problem and then she begged putt to give her QRV and then @FastJack got involved and put a stop to all of it.

20235288? ago

Yes. I hope he posts again. The shills shouldn't get to dictate who gets to use Voat. Neon has been one of us since before we came to Voat.

20235203? ago

He’s a massive faggot who earned every one of those downvoats.

20235220? ago

What did he do? Not bow to your queen?

20235422? ago

what's with the taking sides? they are both drama queens....but if I have to say who annoys me more it's NeonRevolt

20235230? ago

Look through his comment history and see for yourself.

20235260? ago

20235315? ago

U still mad Kev?

20235364? ago

Are you reduced to accusing people of being your alt accounts Conner?

20235373? ago

So you wanna pretend he’s your alt now Kev? That’s really beneath even you.

20235379? ago

Keep fishing glownigger.

20235385? ago

Says the shit doxxer.

20235306? ago

He got outed as literally someone the BO on 8ch called out as a fraud. Nice try.

20235320? ago

And Crensch mods a sub that was literally passed over by Q himself who personally endorsed this sub. Nice try.

And Srayzie had (and still has) her SBBH cucks shitposting this sub with porn and forum sliding crap.

But neon is such a bad guy that he shouldn't be allowed to post on this site, right? Save it shill. You are glowing so much they see you from space.

20235349? ago

And Crensch mods a sub that was literally passed over by Q himself who personally endorsed this sub. Nice try.

As a reddit replacement for weak faggots, since they don't belong on most of Voat. Too many feefees to be able to deal with the fact that CivNat is extermination of whites.

And Srayzie had (and still has) her SBBH cucks shitposting this sub with porn and forum sliding crap.

Sounds like you're a bunch of faggots that like that kind of thing. Not really my bag, but since you stick around, you really should own it.

But neon is such a bad guy that he shouldn't be allowed to post on this site, right? Save it shill. You are glowing so much they see you from space.

He can post. 10 times per hour he can make a comment. Enjoy, Neon.

20235358? ago

As a reddit replacement for weak faggots

The weaklings are the ones hiding behind banhappy faggots like yourself.

He can post. 10 times per hour he can make a comment. Enjoy, Neon.

Not for long. @neonrevolt is going to be able to post as much as he wants here very soon. Sorry if that triggers you.

20235368? ago

The weaklings are the ones hiding behind banhappy faggots like yourself.

The weaklings are the ones that couldn't handle the truth about race that permeates the rest of Voat.

Not for long. @neonrevolt is going to be able to post as much as he wants here very soon. Sorry if that triggers you.

Sure, and we'll make sure everyone sees the bullshit he tried to pull, and how the Q-chosen BO called him out as a fraud.

20235188? ago

I hope he starts posting his articles here. He has as much right as anyone else to use this site.

20235322? ago

You mean the guy outed by BO as being a fraud? Outed by srayzie as being full of shit about who was compromised here? Being full of shit about something so small really shows that you can't trust him with anything bigger.

20235392? ago

Srayzie is a crazy THOT nymphomaniac who takes too much Adderall.

20235400? ago

You say that as if it somehow invalidates her immaculately-sourced exposé on Neon.

20235435? ago

You bring up that expose as if it somehow invalidates the quality of his research?

20235443? ago

It shows exactly the quality of his research.

He loves his false-positives.

20235108? ago

Name fags are not well received here. Is there some reason why he can't go about things the same way the rest of us do?

20235896? ago

namefags are not well received here

Explain serialbrain2

20245386? ago

Explain serialbrain2

Rebbiter invasion. Not so bright folks follow spun number tales. Peruvian coffee!

20245562? ago

Lol best explanation so far

20247202? ago

Aka the real reason I’m banned from v/greatawakening

20247386? ago


20235949? ago

He posts in GA I think, once in awhile someone will put up something by him here but not very often. I searched QRV and this is what I got for the last 20 days:

NSFW Anon Is SerialBrain2 The Greatest Comms Decoder Or What?

submitted 1.4 days agoby anonto QRV


NSFW Anon Serialbrain2

submitted 15 days agoby anonto QRV


NSFW Anon The shills on Reddit are now linking to posts by serialBrain2 as an example to prove we are all idiots. Thus finally fulfilling the purpose of that namefag.

submitted 17 days agoby anonto QRV


NSFW Anon SerialBrain2: Trump Reversed the Chemtrails: Third Confirmation. (archive.fo youtube.com)

submitted 18 days agoby anonto QRV


Only two of these were archived serialbrain posts didn't look like everyone was happy with them.

Look for yourself Just put in serialbrain2 on search voat and search v/QRV

20235984? ago

Ok. Perhaps not as popular as I thought. It seemed like his word vomit was fairly well-received, but as I told the other guy, I skip most of his overdone autism

20236125? ago

Overdone autism is a good way to put it. The first thing I thought when I read his post was what a sperging faggot and I ignored him after that.

I just went back through a couple of his posts here and it looks like the only one here who likes him is the OP of the posts.

Strange how they like him at GA and we don't like him here.

20235929? ago

can't speak for here but i did notice on 8chan he wasn't highly thought of, neither his famefagging nor his supposed decodes.

20235981? ago

He seems popular enough on GA. I don't pay much attention to him because seriously, tl;dr that autism

20235993? ago

it's fake autism, i think

20236032? ago


Latching on to a movement with followers some of whom, quite frankly, will believe some outlandish things and sperging out some massive creative writing exercises gets him the attention he apparently needs from a segment of Q followers who believe him simply because he seems to be on their side.

Smart guy? Perhaps. Creative? Yup. Knows his target audience? Seems that way. Honest? Doubtful.

20235118? ago

Is there some reason he can't go about things the way he wants to without getting stalked by a crazy methhead and her JIDF nazi larping sidekick?

20235241? ago

What happened to him was complete bullshit done by cowards who preach "Muh free speech" yet deny it to others by intimidation, vote manipulation and down vote brigades.

I was talking specifically about QRV, if he were to just be another anon here like the rest of us then no one would know who he is and there would be no issues, right?

As far as what goes on outside of QRV that's a question for goats not anons.

20235331? ago

Neon deserved what happened to him for his lies about GreatAwakening, and the fact that BO called him out as one of the fraudulent reddit mods.

20235406? ago

I guess I was naïve to just how nefarious this person really was. I didn't know that he lied about GreatAwakening and that BO called him out.

Looks more and more like this was a case of voats immune system taking care of the problem and starting to sound like he is more interested in name fagging and paytriotism than he is about the GreatAwakening.

20235411? ago

That's definitely the case.

20235093? ago


Should he (she/they?) come up with a new username and let their diggs speak for themselves. Abandon yer BRAND, brah.

He can always post anonymously..

20235103? ago

Why? Why can't he use his name? This is not neon. If he wants to crosspost his articles for people who want to read them why shouldn't he be allowed?

20235204? ago

Namefag won’t stop namefagging

20235123? ago

Because paytriots insist on BRAND recognition. anons sockpuppet with ease.

The great awakening has leadership in abundance, what need has it for individual egos whose only intent is to "lead".

Sheep no more.

20235135? ago

If neon just wants to post articles to a sub why shouldn't he be allowed to?

20235152? ago

Because his fanbase is outnumbered by goats who DGAF.

20235164? ago

The Voat community is pro-censorship? Or is it just the fat jew whore and her orbiters? Does she still send nudie pictures for down-votes?

11/9/19 Super Wild Awesome Time!!!!

20235335? ago

Someone is sad that they are Alex Jones tier.

20235328? ago

Yes they’re pro censorship.

20235176? ago

Abandon the drama, and ch,ange username. Or don't.

(i) have nothing more to say.

20235072? ago

The shills HATE neon, so he should be celebrated.

20235088? ago

The shills have no problem blasting him with down votes though. Patriots send thoughts and prayers which are nice but don't help when you have ccp restrictions.

20235189? ago

There's not much that can be done about that because shill groups like SBBH use bots and alts to down-vote brigade.

They target anything valuable to Voat such as popular communities or users who contribute a lot of popular content.

20235199? ago

Srayzie led that charge if I recall correctly. There has been a split in the SBBH group since then. I wonder if Patriots are willing to vote against them? Srayzie still has a down vote squad active in GreatAwakening too.

20235228? ago

Every Mod of the GA were SBBH mods at one stage. I'm not sure if that's till the case.

Srayzie is "friends" with those CCP-farming, down-vote-brigading shills.

It was obvious how TheAwakening and QRV were being attacked relentlessly while GA was left completely alone.

20235313? ago

I know that @crensch is not sbbh are you saying that @bopper and @MolochHunter are or were?

20235274? ago

I'm not sure if that's till the case.

It is.

It was obvious how TheAwakening and QRV were being attacked relentlessly while GA was left completely alone.

Yes. And they chased Neon (and others) off the site.

20235412? ago

This is disgusting beyond measure.

I ran a semi popular Voat community a few years ago until it got large enough to gain SBBH attention... then the daily attacks began and all the daily posts on my subverse were downvote brigaded so no new content was visible. This happened EVERY SINGLE DAY 24/7 for six months until the community was destroyed.

I was disappointed that Putt recently decided that using bots and vote manipulation was allowed on Voat because that makes destroying communities a cakewalk for SBBH.

I'm not sure if SBBH are funded by Reddit or Mossad or JIDF, but it's clear they hate Voat.

20236065? ago

I too am sorry your community was destroyed. Do you think that GA would have been destroyed as well if crensch had not done what he did? Would that have saved your sub?

20235671? ago

compelling argument, no shill(s) should ever be able to gang up on a community like that

but it's common enough isn't it?

anyone who's been on the receiving end of that kind of attack knows what that's like

sorry yr community was destroyed, anon