20253620? ago

Weird anon talks about Bronfman family


can it be related?

20227065? ago

BS. She's 40 years old sitting on a family fortune. She should have thought about graduating HS well before this arrest. She is a disgusting person and the judge should not accommodate any of her requests.

20226360? ago

She wants to escape

20225817? ago

In the US today, a high school diploma is kinda useless. You're taught nothing of importance. If you can't even read and write properly what's the point?

20225572? ago

This really pisses me off. An extremely wealthy woman can afford to have someone administer the test at home. Plan to flee?

20225384? ago

Wait a minute. A lot of prisoners get their ged while in prison. Why so special Clare? Let me guess, your rich, your an elite and your part of the upper class justice system.

20225295? ago

TLDR; Fuck your feelings.

Play big girl games, be treated like a big girl.

20224505? ago

NOPE !! The Judge has set the terms of release. If she does not like it, she can report back to jail. Rules are rules, just because you are on house arrest don't mean you are not "locked up" and you sure ain't special.

20224454? ago

Poor baby who wrecked so many lives wants to enjoy hers now? Suck it up buttercup.

20224148? ago

Thought this case was supposed to bring down some big names?

20225586? ago

Yet to come. Patience is a bitch to endure.

20224648? ago

Keith Rainere was found guilty on all charges, and is currently in jail for a very long time. During his trial, much new information was learned, and more people will be put on trial in the future.

20225065? ago

Sauce on the future, new info stuff

20225498? ago

It was a pretty long trial. Lots to read. Sorry I don't have a good summary handy.


20225780? ago


20224772? ago


20224188? ago

Stop thinking then.

20224016? ago

Come on guys, let the sex trafficker, pedophile enabler (at the very least) get her high school diploma.

20223986? ago

Did not know you needed a diploma to get into prison. Learn something new everyday

20223830? ago

https://archive.ph/AB4kg :

2019-08-15 | Seagram's heiress Clare Bronfman wants to graduate high school

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