20222275? ago

Nadler couldn’t be DS because if he were then he would have made sure to keep Mueller off the stand and out of the public eye rather than insisting otherwise.

20222191? ago

The explanation is simple. It's the Dems usual playbook. They fear the Epstein story - because it is not done by a long shot - and they therefore want to try to get ahead of the mess by portraying Epstein as a liability for Trump. They will push a narrative that Trump knew Epstein so when the shit hits the fan, half of America will still think it's dirt on Trump rather than dirt on them.

20220752? ago

It works to our advantage, the DS/Cabal thinking we think he committed suicide. Makes (((them))) feel like a breather is due. It’s not.

20220696? ago

It has come to the point now where they only have ONE trick up their sleeve. IMPEACHMENT. And that will NOT work. So ANY and I mean ANY thing that "MAY THINK" or "MAY HAVE" teeth will be pursued. They are completely out of ammunition and searching the driveway for rocks and pebbles but only finding dirt clods.

20220422? ago

Reminds me of the Russian Hoax.

evil cabal wanted to kill epstein. They probably found out he's not dead. Now they want to know where he's at, so create this investigation to get intel to kill epstein.

Meanwhile, they use this investigation to create a coverup for their failed assassination.

The coverup is going to be more than the crime. They are done.

Bill Bar will investigate, and bring Justice to their face.

20219713? ago

Nadler is too stupid to think ahead to do this for optics. They didn't know. Good post OP

20219389? ago

Totally agree. Deep State is not of the loop on this one. That is why the MSM are not running the same stories. They dont have orders.

They dont know if he is dead or alive. Which means the white hats are in control.

20218960? ago

Riiiight. So, the Cosa Nostra is investigating organized crime, are they? Spoiler alert. The conclusion will be that there's no such thing as the Mafia, which is totally a conspiracy theory. Totally.

20218792? ago

The House Judiciary Committee - don't make me laugh. Suicide will be always the reason if the left/dems/deep state are involved, for sure. Seriously?

20218291? ago

House Judiciary does death investigations now? Cool, let’s do Seth Rich too.

20220667? ago

Great add! I'll second that! =-D

20217629? ago

[Jerry Nadler] is an evil moron. He should be a subject of the criminal investigation into crimes against children along with [AS]

20217513? ago

You mean the one ran by DEMs?... The same party that had multiple members already uncloacked as having been pretty friendly with Epstein and his affairs?

20217504? ago

I would image they are launching this investigation so that the MSM can claim "all we have to do is wait for the proof that is obviously there to connect Trump to Epstein".

It's The Mueller Report 2.0

They have to know there is nothing there, or it would have been used already. This is just for MSM talking points.

20218541? ago

Build up your CCP anon, so you can have more input to the board. Head over to GreatAwakening here on Voat, or another board where you have interest. Most will allow for you to earn CCP (rules at right of board). Once you've earned them, they work here as well. Your comment was valid so it'd be nice if you had more flexibility here. I earned mine quickly on other boards. Just don't ask for upvotes - that's looked down on at any board. Good luck.

20217555? ago

My only point of contention is that they know they'll be "competing" with both the FBI and the IG. Are they really desperate and stupid enough to go toe-to-toe, "my investigation vs your investigation"?

20218117? ago

There are so many delusional leftists that will believe anything that could incriminate Trump. All the committee has to do is say they have info relating Trump to Epstien and all the evidence in the world could not convince them otherwise. It's kind of amazing that they never bother to ask the most basic question, "if Trump was guilty of activities with Epstien, then why have him arrested?".

20217302? ago

Huh seems like a way to tie up the evidence from being used against them, zero chance they are doing from a transparency or justice POV

20217286? ago

why is congress investigating this anyway? They want to look busy they don't have any agenda and can't pass any common sense legislation

20218583? ago

THANK YOU! They spend their time doing ridiculous investigations - or traveling abroad - rather than the true work of the people.

But on second thought, with the Dems, the less time they spend thinking of news ways to tax & regulate us, the better...

20217076? ago

That should sufficiently pop in their faces . Ever wonder if they are all subdued under the Patriots and it is a movie .

20216988? ago

This is a case of the fox guarding the chicken house. But yes, it's just a ploy to stall declas and keep "orange man bad" going in the news cycle.

20217894? ago

This guy/gal gets it ^^^

20216985? ago

Coverup. Long-time CIA operative Porter Goss had breakfast on 9/11 with the head of Pakistan Intelligence, who played in a role in getting money to the hijackers, then ended up heading the first 9/11 investigation.

20216699? ago

Nadler and the dems want to get in the middle of the real investigation to cover things up and put a false spin on everything!

20218174? ago

Something Masonic? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3387577/20217980 Syria, Aleppo, bath house (looks like epsteins little st james island)

20216421? ago

oy vey we will get to the bottom of this, goys!

20216377? ago

Maybe they know an investigation will find nothing, and they very act of having an investigation makes the normies think the deepstate wasn't being it. They're saying they want to investigate the very crime they committed. They can destroy evidence, witness tamper, get inside info so they can elimate any threats, etc.

20216298? ago

Well this certainly puts my mind at ease... They didn't learn a thing bringing BM front-and center? Proof they are incapable of learning.

20216111? ago

Finally we can get to the bottom of this

20216114? ago


20216056? ago

If the house is investigating it then they can use the mueller playbook. The mueller playbook was used in order to delay the D5 avalanche that is quickly descending upon the traitors by not allowing any info to go public because muh ongoing investigation. Same thing here.

20218051? ago

Exactly. "Can't talk about that, not at liberty to discuss that, that is the subject of another investigation, etc, etc, etc, blah blah blah...)

20216430? ago

Not much they can do, doing an investigation into his death is pointless from the publics POV and does nothing to the current running and ongoing case against Epstein and his ilk. If anything, his untimely death works against the Cabal, by removing the ability to contend with "Evidence" that has been entered in thanks to the Discovery phase.

Anons would be wise not to fall for the mind trap of thinking that this will favor the Cabal. It will not.

20216617? ago

Epstein was only charged up until his death. There wasn’t any discovery in the case yet, hell he was still in court fighting the bail decision.

20224424? ago

Discovery applies to CIVIL proceedings, not criminal.

20225059? ago

You are god damn dumb.

The distinguishing characteristic between “raw evidence” and other information potentially coming out from a prosecutor’s office is that the evidence is presented as is. In essence, a defendant will receive all potential evidence, but they are not required to receive any information regarding the prosecution’s intention to admit this evidence, or how this evidence may play into their overall legal strategy.

The intention of the discovery period is a two-pronged attempt by the courts to better the criminal justice process. First, as most would assume, discovery allows a defendant a better chance, or fairer chance, during trial. Contrary to popular crime dramas, surprise evidence at the last minute vindicating or convicting a defendant is rare. Additionally, by providing all evidence against a defendant, the defendant may prove more likely to agree to a plea agreement, sparing both the prosecutor’s office and the courts the burden of going to trial. Included in most reciprocal discovery periods include pieces of evidence and reports, such as arrest warrants, search warrants, grand jury indictment testimony, police reports, and previous arrest records.

20225050? ago

Discovery is the general process of a defendant obtaining information possessed by a prosecutor regarding the defendant’s case. In addition, prosecutors may be allowed to obtain all information a defendant holds regarding a case as well. This inter-exchange of information is commonly known as the “discovery period”, which typically occurs prior to trial, but as evidences surfaces, may extend well into a given trial period. Typically, discovery periods involve the exchange of any information or evidence a prosecutor intends to use against a defendant during trial, which may include:

Crime scene evidence such as photographs and other forensic evidence

Witness, law enforcement, and even defendant testimony, as well as the names, addresses of all intended witnesses at a given trial

Police reports, written or oral testimony from witnesses, booking reports, toxicology results from defendants, and DNA evidence offered by defendants

Any intended expert witness testimony intended to be used during trial

Virtually any other form of “raw” evidence obtained by the prosecutor’s office

20225040? ago

Lol. U need to stop trusting your asshole because the shit u keep pulling out of it is a bunch of bullshit. Please do some digging prior to opening your stupid dick sucker, please.


20216605? ago

“Discovery phase”? The JE case hadn’t went to discovery phase yet. Wtf ru talking about?

20224030? ago

“Discovery phase”? The JE case hadn’t went to discovery phase yet.

Please learn English if you value your credibility. The verb structure is had not "gone".

20224097? ago

U must be the one who claims the JE case has “gone” to discovery, obviously. Morons like yourself use this type of deflection all the time to get ppl to not notice their mistake but rather to recognize a mistake (albeit one that is still factual but has the wrong verb structure) made by another so as to deflect from the factual mistake of the original claim. U might be an English major but u need to do something about blurting out untrue bullshit that u happen to pull out of your ass.

20215994? ago

We need a Voat nonJewdicary Committee to investigate Epstein's death!

20215982? ago

Fuck off with your deep state conspiracy bullshit.

20216003? ago

What, are you fucking retarded? Why not say something instead of nothing?

20216092? ago

Hey hey hey we don't use the "r" word here, numbnuts

20215960? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=NI0wDL1nLeU :

House Judiciary launching investigation into Epstein's death - YouTube

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