Based Nixon? Nixon talking about IQ tests, Welfare, Ethnicity and other things (
submitted 5.5 years ago by 3387174?
21054462? 5.3 years ago
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20212445? 5.5 years ago
Nixon was a pedophile, too. Or at the very least controlled. Named by Sarah Ruth Ashcroft - he raped her as a child.
20212014? 5.5 years ago
@daskapitalist @mralexson Talking about Liberia and Haiti, this is Nixon at warp speed @Empress @Splooge ?
20211936? 5.5 years ago :
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21054462? ago
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20212445? ago
Nixon was a pedophile, too. Or at the very least controlled. Named by Sarah Ruth Ashcroft - he raped her as a child.
20212014? ago
@daskapitalist @mralexson Talking about Liberia and Haiti, this is Nixon at warp speed @Empress @Splooge ?
20211936? ago :
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