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20214926? ago

Yes. And I've wondered the same thing myself all these years. When you read interviews with "retired" models they often talk about the drugs, sex parties, and not remembering long stretches of time. It's possible they've all been drugged a lot in order to be a part of these "parties." It's also possible they aren't sure themselves what really happened. In a drug induced state (think Angel dust, Ecstasy, Date rape drugs) you forget what happened or never were fully conscious enough to know. Sauce - I was victim of a date rape drug. NO idea what happened, only know the aftermath of what happened, which is still too painful to discuss...

Now that we've seen the M.O. of RayRay Chandler - the way she sold her slaves through her "modeling agency" - this is not the least bit out of the question, Wexner is a real POS

20217750? ago

Rachel Chandler's MySpace, voat attacks Glow Nigger Proxys