20211273? ago

66.6 years old at his death to be more accurate.

20208685? ago

I think its the Marines that he trusts, not army

20208584? ago

No he wasn't

20208396? ago

I like this post, thanks.

20208120? ago

But I BET he could have been useful in implicating others and exposing the BIG picture for paltry concessions like medium security prison instead of maximum security experience. Or whichever is a "pound me in the ass" prison to one that is less so.

20208066? ago

Ehud Barak and 9/11:

link 1

link 2

20207723? ago

<< a message was sent to the Israeli cabal through the date of Epstein's "suicide"....The 9th of Av is when the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed in the days of Jeremiah and again (on the same day) in 70 A.D. >>


20207486? ago

On a 30 day accounting calendar, Epstein was

66y 6m . 666m

66 6 . 666

20207603? ago

I looked up the number of days he lived. I forget the number now but the calc said it could be expressed as 6660.00% of a standard 365 day year.

This guy has 666 all over him. That’s beyond a white hat message, that’s a message from God.

20208579? ago

His book of names are the souls he has collected.

20207709? ago


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20207433? ago

If the DS didn't kill him that sure is sending the message, You are not safe anywhere.

So whose next Soros the Funder?

20207192? ago

Murdering prisoners, no matter how abhorrent their crime, is not justice. That's not how a Constitutional Republic behaves, that's exactly how a judeo-communist dictatorship behaves. Justice delayed, will always be justice denied.

20207474? ago

Moses parted the red sea

20207276? ago

Nobody died.

20207379? ago

Then why pretend that he killed himself? That's also not necessary. More communist bullshit.

20207477? ago

Communist bullshit, exactly.

Who's telling the tale that he killed himself?

20207644? ago

Who's telling the tale that he killed himself?<

I'm not going to get into semantics about this case. It's a waste of my time and yours. The official story is that he hung himself, released by the authorities, after they concluded a necropsy on Epstains body. I'm working off that. OP is insinuating that Epstain was murdered by the secret patriots police, or swept away for a secret trial - or whatever.

20207722? ago

Waste of your time, for sure.

"Official story".


"Epstein's body."

You trust the first two listed. Why?

And there is zero evidence of a body.

You're watching a movie......

What is a movie? Is it real?

20207882? ago

Fuck off with that ridiculous insanity. Seriously, how the fuck do you weirdos even have a conversation with a human being when you act like a cheap unemployed drugged out magician waving his hands in the air with every bullet point of a topic and proclaiming "presto! change-o!"

My god you people are insufferable. I can't wait for Trump to die just so you fuckers can go back to Reddit or Facebook, or where ever the fuck you retards crawled out from.

There is a genuine reason why people hate you. You are divorced from logic and reason.

20207941? ago

Very well. Back to your lying mass media induced false reality. Back to sleep. It's safer there.

Logic and reason? That escapes you currently. Think for yourself.

20208071? ago

"Thanks for your typical "presto change-o". I know how important that is for you magicians.

Logic and reason? That escapes you currently. Think for yourself.<

Says the guy that can't even have a basic conversation without quoting an anonymous character on a public forum.

Take you're own advice, fuck stick.

P.S. Thanks for derailing the conversation. it seems that's all you devout Q people seem to do. Derail, Deny, and Quote. but sure, I'm the one that needs to "think for myself".

Give me a fcuking break.

20208212? ago

There's no evidence of a body. Seen one? Pictures, at least? You have a bunch of talking heads telling you a bunch of "news" that makes no sense, doesn't add up, and is constantly changing. Nothing presented by the talking heads, or in print, is solid nor incontroversial. You are led along with bullshit and you desire an outcome, an answer, so you settle with some conclusion from the mish mash of bullshit. It was a suicide, they led me along to that and that's what they concluded. So it was a suicide.

That's what you refer to logic and reason?

No, no, go fuck yourself.

Learn to think for yourself.

20208547? ago

I was having a conversation about a current topic being discussed. I have no fucking clue what you were on about. It was really nothing more that that.

I believe you believe whatever Q tells you to the point you are willing to deny any and all non-Q approved rhetoric, details, theories, or propaganda. That's dangerous to a person that claims to have "free thought". You can no longer state "Think for yourself" or "Learn to think for yourself" because what you are doing is nothing more than rote learning, and mimicry.

If you want to insert your little fantasy of espionage, wizardry, spells, and magic, you go right ahead. The only one being led by their nose is you and this community, by a person, or persons, you have no fucking clue who they are. Nothing substantial. Nothing tangible. You do not know the first thing about any of the Q personalities.

So from now on, when you meat a person, a real individual having a talk about this "q" related topic, just state clearly and boldly upfront " Q told me to say this to you" then, start your message. Because that's EXACTLY what you are doing. And if they do not agree with you - just threaten to kill them. You already sound like a nutter, why not go full in?!

When this is all over we can look back and laugh at how ridiculous and myopic you are.

But for now. Lets try to have a modicum of civility and speak as if we are both adults not suffering from severe head trauma.

Oh, and stop repeating yourself, it makes you sound like a parrot.

20208739? ago

And perhaps this will help your understanding. Take a minute and a half to view it:


20208958? ago

I'm not interested. Speak to me using your own words, thoughts, and ideas, even humor, or fucking jog on mate. I require something more substantial in my communications to pique my interests. Off you go now.

20211859? ago

Mockingbird Media. Not my own words, but, something the CIA came up with. The video simply points out the results of Operation Mockingbird. (My words). Controlled narratives to the masses (my words). How am I doing?

Not interested? Of course you're not, mate. Looking into the matter and researching would lead to some serious cognitive dissonance for you (my words).

Humor? You'll laugh at the talking head fools once you realize what it is they are and do. You'll laugh at the useful idiots. (My words).

Substantial? Not sure you understand what is substantial. Your views are that of a child. (My words). An ignorant, arrogant child. Sorry for your condition, mate.

20216789? ago

Mockingbird Media. Not my own words, but, something the CIA came up with. The video simply points out the results of Operation Mockingbird. (My words). Controlled narratives to the masses (my words). How am I doing?<

That could easily be applied to Q. And for the record, I do not support any legacy media. Nothing I have said to date has ever been in support of the Legacy media. That's your perception to bare.

Not interested? Of course you're not, mate. Looking into the matter and researching would lead to some serious cognitive dissonance for you (my words).

Why is that? I do not support anything the Legacy media says or does except to fade into history.

Humor? You'll laugh at the talking head fools once you realize what it is they are and do. You'll laugh at the useful idiots. (My words).

So you are saying if I do not believe in Q, support Q, or if I even question Q, I'm a legacy media deep state tool and a heretic?! That is so telling about you people. So rudimentary and binary. So cult like. No tolerance will be granted for individuals with independent thought. Yet, I'm the bad guy to you. Jesus fuck.

Substantial? Not sure you understand what is substantial. Your views are that of a child. (My words). An ignorant, arrogant child. Sorry for your condition, mate.

Substantial, Now you are telling me what I should believe, think, or understand down to the word. Don't you see from the outside, how that could be concerning to a stranger interacting with you? Yea, it's true. I prefer conversations with substance. I do not need to explain myself to you, but it helps if each side knows what to expect. I'm sorry that Q hasn't trained you on that part of human interactions and basic polite communications. Some day though, crosses fingers

If you disagree with this and would like to return to cutting and pasting your leaders demands and ideas in lieu of speaking on or about a topic with genuine thoughts and opinions, you are more than welcome. Stop replying to me.

I've done nothing but challenge the validity of your leaders views, if your perception to that challenge is considered to be a display of ignorance, arrogance, or childishness, well then... God Bless the unruly children for being the only fucking adults in the room.

Take it easy. bud.

20208639? ago

Appears you have Q Derangement Syndrome. None of what you bloviated there ^^^ holds any regnancy. It's rather cookie cutter rhetoric on your part, truth be known.

Your point is well understood. People you don't know (but you see on the telly) have explained to you what happened in the Epstein escapade and you believe what they tell you.

In your rant above, replace "my trusted sources" where you mentioned "Q" and speak to yourself in the mirror.

20208887? ago

Appears you have Q Derangement Syndrome.<

That's profound.

Once again, You are repeating yourself. I'm well aware that you are incapable of having a normal adult conversation without hostility. I'm questioning your God. I'm sure that upsets you. No need to reinforce the point though. I get it.

Are...are you going to kill me now? Am I a sinner? Did I insult your deity? Did I shatter the illusion of faith? Why are Q followers so weak? Why is your religion so fragile? You people really dislike it when a normal person not in your preferred Qool-aid drinker club, deviates from the script.

I would find this abnormal behavior interesting if I hadn't already studied cults and ritualistic behaviors when I was in Uni. Spoiler: I know how this ends for you. It's nothing more than appointment. Boring and anticlimactic, I know.

By the way, I spoke to your magic man Q-ueen. He said "time is short! get the pitchers and the paper cups and a few gallons of water and meet me at the compound!"

Better hurry, I'm sure you can spring for the powdered grape drank.

that last bit made me fucking laugh


20211951? ago

No hostility at all in your comment. Do you actually read what you post?

Studied cults did you? ROFL.

Perhaps you might perceive which one it is you are involved in? I doubt it. A clue: it ends badly for you......

20216479? ago

Perhaps you might perceive which one it is you are involved in? I doubt it. A clue: it ends badly for you......

I'm not hostile towards you, or anyone else. I'm not afraid of you, no matter how many times you repeatedly and cryptically threaten non-q believers and average citizens for not getting inline with your belief system.

Unlike you lot, I welcome open debate. I have requirements, yes, I find that when people just quote their bible and leaders (Q) and do not expand past that, that there is a serious problem with the movement.

You don't have to like me, you do not have to respect me, but threatening to murder me because I'm a non believer is a big red flag. It's not just you, many many people in your movement have displayed the very same rigid and forceful philosophy. Just be aware, and just consider that you might be being conditioned to violence. What happens when after all this time you do not get what you want. If you are angry enough now to harm people - you people are really going to lose your shit once you find out that this could all be a larp, or a operation. If you deny this as a viable option, you are at risk.

That's a point I would like to make. Take it or leave it.

No hostility at all in your comment. Do you actually read what you post?<

If you find an opposing opinions hostile, you might be in a cult. Please stop saying things like "read what you wrote, or do you even read what you wrote.". They are indicators of a limited mind.

20217034? ago

Not sure where you're getting this "angry" perspective from. Not sure where you get the idea of murdering you. I'm not being cryptic at all. Pretty straightforward, actually. That you may not understand the perspective offered is perhaps reason you decide it's "cryptic". There are many shills that promote violence that "associate" with Q.

Perhaps you spend too much time reading their bullshit in deriving your view. That's to your own detriment.

And if you can't take a fuck you every now and again and not immediately conjure a man of violence set on murder, I can't help you snowflake.

That you refused to view the short video speaks volumes. "You welcome open debate". No you don't. You refused to view the video. Your "open" debate is restricted to the parameters you determine as acceptable. You deceive your own self.

Q is a source of information. Take it our leave it. It's not a matter of "believing". It's a matter of determining facts and how they fit.

We'll provide an example. The information regarding the Epstein matter, coming out now in the mainstream, was all known by Qtards as early as April 2018. Do you understand? This is easily verified if you are interested (which I doubt). Q is a source of information. I won't deny that there sheep-like followers of Q. But, it is what it is. Ultimately, Q "followers" are Trump supporters, many Patriots, who have bought into the concept of MAGA and "Draining the Swamp" and rooting out some serious corruption and horrific dealings by those in power. Epstein trafficked children. Let that sink in. Really bad dude. Who else was intimately involved? Qtards know. Do you? Rachel Chandler, heard the name? You will. And eventually you will come to know all of what Qtards know about the matter. It will come out into the mainstream. Whether you can accept and stomach it is another matter (I doubt it). Speculation about what happened to Epstein is rampant. It should be. Thinking people realize that the information submitted simply doesn't add up to what the "average people" accept as the conclusion of the matter. Okay?

Check the video. Then we can have an open discussion.....

20217492? ago

Not sure where you're getting this "angry" perspective from. <

There are many shills that promote violence that "associate" with Q.<

I doubt it. A clue: it ends badly for you......<

You asked a question, then you answered it, and then you call into question my character or my very genuine concern. Jesus Christ. Let's move on.

That you refused to view the short video speaks volumes. "You welcome open debate". No you don't. You refused to view the video. Your "open" debate is restricted to the parameters you determine as acceptable. You deceive your own self.<

You demand I watch a video instead of you speaking on the topic - or else. The state of all media right now, and you are using media in lieu of a conversation. No thank you, I'll choose 'or else'. I've consumed enough propaganda concerning this topic. If you don't like it, make up some conspiracy why I refused to watch it, fill in your subjective reasons and call it a day. Just like you did above. I know that's what you are going to do to control the narrative, so lets not pretend that you are offering an alternative.

You deceive your own self<


You are hilarious...at times.

Q is a source of information. Take it our leave it. It's not a matter of "believing". It's a matter of determining facts and how they fit.<

You do realize this is exactly how the Legacy media operates. It's the exact same model. All you need is many people, saying the same thing given by a primary source, make them repeat it over and over again, fight off non-believers, banish heretics, shame the individual thinkers, and guess what you have?

Operation: Mockingbird media 2.0.

You don't really want to speak on the Q movement, you just want to tell people what to think, just like the legacy media. And when people like me do not fall in line, you start your attacks, just like the legacy media. I see a pattern forming. Can you?

It's so common many long time accounts on voat brag about blocking your subs. These are the same long time accounts that speak about insane conspiracies and they are saying you people are insufferable! From my brief interaction with you people, I can see their point.

Good luck with your "fight".

P.S. You are in no way being manipulated by a government, or an intelligence operation. But keep getting your 4 a.m. talking points from the same sources, saying the same exact thing, over and over again.

./ end of line

20217852? ago

Nope. Think as you desire. Believe as you desire.

You might want to consider, however, that much of your discourse here appears to be projection.....

That's how I see it. That's what I think.

20218355? ago

Nope. <

Interesting. I will use that in the future.

Think as you desire. Believe as you desire<

I have done nothing less. I came here on my own. All my opinions thoughts and ideas expressed were solely mine.

You might want to consider, however, that much of your discourse here appears to be projection.....<

Nope. That's how I see it. That's what I think. That's how I say it. Sometimes an opinion is just that, an opinion, fruedo.

./ end of line.

20218784? ago

Very well.

So too mine, though you've contended otherwise. To which I say, you know not of what you speak.

Let's try something you portend to be an expert on, cults, shall we? Let's have an adult conversation, if you desire.

What's the largest current cult on the face of the earth?

20222974? ago

So too mine, though you've contended otherwise. To which I say, you know not of what you speak.<

Your baseless slights are not a motivational device for me. That's not how you convince people to talk to you or with you.

Let's try something you portend to be an expert on, cults, shall we?

I don't remember ever saying I was an expert, I said I studied them. I've studied many topics, over many decades. Why are so set on twisting everything I say just to create a negative narrative that doesn't exist?! What are you trying to do, insult me? Is that how you communicate with your friends and family?

"Hey asshole, I know you believe you are a astronaut because you once said you booked a flight on a plane, but you better answer my questions and engage in a dialogue with me!"

So, no. I do not desire to speak with you beyond this. The discussion was about Q, that's what I was interested in discussing. I can see you want to get far away from the locus of the Q topic because you have no chance of ever convincing me that it is, what you guys say it is.

20225336? ago

To my eyes, you did present yourself as knowledgable of cult phenomena having studied it in Uni. Further, you presented firm conclusions as to the outcome of the "Q cult" as if speaking from an authority on the subject. So, to my eyes, you present yourself somewhat an expert.

You've displayed very little knowledge of the Q movement, and as you say, there is little chance of "convincing" you. So, why discuss it?

I proposed discussing a topic you are familiar with.

If you don't desire, that's fine. I understand.

What is the biggest cult, currently, on the face of the earth?

20207176? ago

I agree with you OP.

20207013? ago

Its just like his best friend Richard Branson naming his company VIRGIN. You have to send the message back to them.

Suicide is the same thing. All the fake suicides and all, they get to look at from our perspective now. THEY are the ones doing the suiciding , until nOW. ha ha , By Songbird, By Timberwolf , and that " DEVIL IN A BLUE DRESS< BLUE DRESS, DEVIL WITH THAT BLUE DRESS ON....... That's the next shoe to fall, RED SHOES ,,, Get it? Yet ? We are sending them their own comms. Master Troll Engaged.

20208435? ago

So Barr wrote Fiction Books on Interplanetary Slavery & Sexual Abuse? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3386600 Here is a list of shady and weird shit that has been released the past couple of days that relates to the CIA and Mossad but for some reason reddit won't allow. The more and more you read about this, the more apparent it is that the CIA/Mossad are involved and probably have a vested interest to keep this stuff under wraps.

Epstein's accomplice, Ghislaine Maxwell was found reading a book about covert CIA operations and the secret history of the CIA at In N Out. As if she was trying to send a message: [https://www.foxnews.com/us/jeffrey-epstein-ghislaine-maxwell-in-and-out-burger-california](https://www.foxnews.com/us/jeffrey-epstein-ghislaine-maxwell-in-and-out-burger-california)

Ghislaine Maxwell was allegedly living in Boston with her boyfriend but he denies that: [https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2019/08/14/jeffrey-epstein-associate-ghislaine-maxwell-massachusetts/xfh2JloheR869JKvwwkVpI/story.html](https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2019/08/14/jeffrey-epstein-associate-ghislaine-maxwell-massachusetts/xfh2JloheR869JKvwwkVpI/story.html)

Ghislaine Maxwell's father was Robert Maxwell. Robert Maxwell was a rich media mogul who almost everyone suspected was a double agent for Mossad: [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1445707/FO-suspected-Maxwell-was-a-Russian-agent-papers-reveal.html](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1445707/FO-suspected-Maxwell-was-a-Russian-agent-papers-reveal.html)

Epstein had a fake Saudi passport: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/jeffrey-epstein-mansion-saudi-arabia-passport-cash-diamonds-trump-a9007446.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/jeffrey-epstein-mansion-saudi-arabia-passport-cash-diamonds-trump-a9007446.html)

One of Epstein's clients was the Saudi Arabian businessman Adnan Khashoggi, who was the middleman in transferring American weapons from Israel to Iran, as part of the Iran–Contra affair in the 1980s. [http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/07/jeffrey-epstein-high-society-contacts.html](http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/07/jeffrey-epstein-high-society-contacts.html)

Epstein is close friends with Ehud Barak, the former prime minister of Israel. [https://www.thedailybeast.com/jeffrey-epstein-israeli-politician-ehud-barak-often-crashed-at-his-manhattan-apartment-neighbors-say](https://www.thedailybeast.com/jeffrey-epstein-israeli-politician-ehud-barak-often-crashed-at-his-manhattan-apartment-neighbors-say)

Epstein and Ehud Barak both funded and bankrolled Carbyne, a Public Safety Technology company that has developed a call handling ecosystem, which delivers advanced IP-enabled communication features and caller solutions.. They essentially are a 911 service looking to replace the current 911 service. [https://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Jeffrey-Epstein-bankrolled-Ehud-Baraks-high-tech-investment-report-claims-595492](https://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Jeffrey-Epstein-bankrolled-Ehud-Baraks-high-tech-investment-report-claims-595492)

Carbyne has partnered with Google to work as a 911 service in Mexico. [https://www.israel21c.org/google-and-israels-carbyne-improve-911-service-in-mexico/](https://www.israel21c.org/google-and-israels-carbyne-improve-911-service-in-mexico/)

I will leave it up to you to see how potentially invasive the Carbyne app can be if you had it: [https://carbyne911.com/about/](https://carbyne911.com/about/)

Epstein apparently got a free 77M$ house from Les Wexner and he was close to Les Wexner as Wexner gave him Power of Attorney and control of his funds. Wexner is the owner of Victoria's Secret and Uber rich. [https://www.wsj.com/articles/jeffrey-epstein-taught-a-retail-legend-a-hard-lesson-be-careful-who-you-trust-11565964001](https://www.wsj.com/articles/jeffrey-epstein-taught-a-retail-legend-a-hard-lesson-be-careful-who-you-trust-11565964001)

Wexner founded and is part of "the Mega Group" which is a group of America and Canada's wealthiest Jewish Business men. The other founders are Edgar Bronfman and Michael Steinhardt. [https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB894240270899870000](https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB894240270899870000)

Bronfman was president of the World Jewish Congress - the most powerful diplomatic and lobbying group in the world regarding Israel and probably by extent Mossad. They have a lot of tangential relations to Mossad.

Edgar Bronfman was associated with the sex trafficking cult NXIVM. He later disavowed them but his daughters were deep in it. His daughter was recently arrested along with other NXIVM members for sex trafficking: [https://www](https://www). timesunion.com/news/article/Bronfman-Russell-to-plead-guilty-in-NXIVM-case-13780718.php

It was found that Epstein had a portrait of Bill Clinton dressed in drag wearing Hillary's blue dress: [https://www](https://www). vanityfair.com/style/2019/08/jeffrey-epstein-mansion-bill-clinton-painting

William Barr is in charge of this investigation. William Barr's dad hired Epstein. Barr also worked for Epstein's previous legal company. He has a clear conflict of interest.

Donald Barr, William Barr's dad wrote a book on sex slavery in 1975 immediately after hiring Epstein the previous year. Barr was forced to resign in 1974 and no one really knows why. [https://www](https://www) .amazon .com/Space-relations-slightly-gothic-interplanetary/dp/0860000249

I haven't even gone into the Roy Cohn and Craig Spence connection, because to be quite sure I'm not even sure I believe it. All I can say is that Craig Spence in the 1980s seemed to be doing a very similar thing as to what Epstein was doing, but he was doing it with call boys in the White House. He committed suicide shortly after being outed. One of his famous last words were: "All this stuff you've uncovered (involving call boys, bribery and the White House tours), to be honest with you, is insignificant compared to other things I've done. But I'm not going to tell you those things, and somehow the world will carry on