20208823? ago

The pic makes me sad, can't help it.

At some point she was just a child. Idk wtf happened between then and now to make her such a monster, because I choose to believe we are all born with some level of humanity.

20209533? ago

And that's how Jesus taught us to think. It isn't easy, but it's so needed

20207203? ago

You mean her current behavior, or in the picture?

20208298? ago

Kathy Shelton born 1962 and Clinton, "She was laughing at the vagaries of the legal system that play out every day across America in one way or another."

20206716? ago

Only the awake see it for what it is. The CNN faithful are blissfully oblivious.

20208444? ago

Barr wrote Fiction Books on Interplanetary Slavery & Sexual Abuse? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3386600 Here is a list of shady and weird shit that has been released the past couple of days that relates to the CIA and Mossad but for some reason reddit won't allow. The more and more you read about this, the more apparent it is that the CIA/Mossad are involved and probably have a vested interest to keep this stuff under wraps.... Epstein's accomplice, Ghislaine Maxwell was found reading a book about covert CIA operations and the secret history of the CIA at In N Out. As if she was trying to send a message: https://www.foxnews.com/us/jeffrey-epstein-ghislaine-maxwell-in-and-out-burger-californiaGhislaine Maxwell was allegedly living in Boston with her boyfriend but he denies that: https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2019/08/14/jeffrey-epstein-associate-ghislaine-maxwell-massachusetts/xfh2JloheR869JKvwwkVpI/story.htmlGhislaine Maxwell's father was Robert Maxwell. Robert Maxwell was a rich media mogul who almost everyone suspected was a double agent for Mossad: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1445707/FO-suspected-Maxwell-was-a-Russian-agent-papers-reveal.htmlEpstein had a fake Saudi passport: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/jeffrey-epstein-mansion-saudi-arabia-passport-cash-diamonds-trump-a9007446.htmlOne of Epstein's clients was the Saudi Arabian businessman Adnan Khashoggi, who was the middleman in transferring American weapons from Israel to Iran, as part of the Iran–Contra affair in the 1980s. http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/07/jeffrey-epstein-high-society-contacts.htmlEpstein is close friends with Ehud Barak, the former prime minister of Israel. https://www.thedailybeast.com/jeffrey-epstein-israeli-politician-ehud-barak-often-crashed-at-his-manhattan-apartment-neighbors-sayEpstein and Ehud Barak both funded and bankrolled Carbyne, a Public Safety Technology company that has developed a call handling ecosystem, which delivers advanced IP-enabled communication features and caller solutions.. They essentially are a 911 service looking to replace the current 911 service. https://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Jeffrey-Epstein-bankrolled-Ehud-Baraks-high-tech-investment-report-claims-595492Carbyne has partnered with Google to work as a 911 service in Mexico. https://www.israel21c.org/google-and-israels-carbyne-improve-911-service-in-mexico/I will leave it up to you to see how potentially invasive the Carbyne app can be if you had it: https://carbyne911.com/about/Epstein apparently got a free 77M$ house from Les Wexner and he was close to Les Wexner as Wexner gave him Power of Attorney and control of his funds. Wexner is the owner of Victoria's Secret and Uber rich. https://www.wsj.com/articles/jeffrey-epstein-taught-a-retail-legend-a-hard-lesson-be-careful-who-you-trust-11565964001Wexner founded and is part of "the Mega Group" which is a group of America and Canada's wealthiest Jewish Business men. The other founders are Edgar Bronfman and Michael Steinhardt. https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB894240270899870000Bronfman was president of the World Jewish Congress - the most powerful diplomatic and lobbying group in the world regarding Israel and probably by extent Mossad. They have a lot of tangential relations to Mossad.Edgar Bronfman was associated with the sex trafficking cult NXIVM. He later disavowed them but his daughters were deep in it. His daughter was recently arrested along with other NXIVM members for sex trafficking: https://www. timesunion.com/news/article/Bronfman-Russell-to-plead-guilty-in-NXIVM-case-13780718.phpIt was found that Epstein had a portrait of Bill Clinton dressed in drag wearing Hillary's blue dress: https://www. vanityfair.com/style/2019/08/jeffrey-epstein-mansion-bill-clinton-paintingWilliam Barr is in charge of this investigation. William Barr's dad hired Epstein. Barr also worked for Epstein's previous legal company. He has a clear conflict of interest.Donald Barr, William Barr's dad wrote a book on sex slavery in 1975 immediately after hiring Epstein the previous year. Barr was forced to resign in 1974 and no one really knows why. https://www .amazon .com/Space-relations-slightly-gothic-interplanetary/dp/0860000249I haven't even gone into the Roy Cohn and Craig Spence connection, because to be quite sure I'm not even sure I believe it. All I can say is that Craig Spence in the 1980s seemed to be doing a very similar thing as to what Epstein was doing, but he was doing it with call boys in the White House. He committed suicide shortly after being outed. One of his famous last words were: "All this stuff you've uncovered (involving call boys, bribery and the White House tours), to be honest with you, is insignificant compared to other things I've done. But I'm not going to tell you those things, and somehow the world will carry on

20213769? ago

Please make a separate post about this anon.

20207732? ago

I disagree. People I know are noticing how similar these staged acts are and how they suddenky seem to change the conversation. They will have no trouble digesting the facts when they come out.

20208184? ago

I hope you're right.

20206678? ago

They don't even care to hide it anymore.

20208320? ago

Dalton school

20206403? ago

Of course it isn't. Only to crazy people. ^

20206286? ago

Ask the scars around Obamas skull.