20208417? ago

HUGE squandering of resourses mostly. I tried to apply online. Nobody even got back to me. Same with CIA. I'm pretty sure it's a CLOSED elite circuit. Somebody like me got in, I might blow the lid off of the scam or something.

20208365? ago


20208278? ago

Vast untapped coal, oil, natural gas, and uranium deposits- all ripe for the NWO to process after they exterminate the 8.5 billion people.

20207506? ago

I think that's where the secret space programs operate. They can take off without anyone seeing anything. Also can have Aliens come and go under the same premise.

20216743? ago

and Japanese and Euros and others are doing robotic missions. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3247676 The Jew in Japan...What is the Agenda? Why not Replace Kenyans with Mexicans, Indians, Chinese and Brazilians?So Why No Open Borders for Saudi Arabia and Israel?

20207389? ago

Polar research?

20206996? ago

Nuclear reactors to melt the ice and blame global warming

20206564? ago

Cold and ice

20206427? ago

Captain America ?

20206360? ago

Another Starbucks.

20216731? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3387476/20215527 That must be why Defango went to NYC.

20207165? ago

Across from a Starbuck's

20206238? ago

...Rockefeller Plateau and territory unclaimed by any country may be a good place to begin a dig.

20206213? ago

For our Star to go into a micro-nova, it might be the only place to survive.

Think about how $22T was "mis-allocated"

Also research large underground facilities at Denver airport and all their occult symbolism.

20206246? ago

PS we are kind of in that "sweet spot" 12,000 year cycle for a non human caused extinction event.

Quiet sun is part of it.....its also 1/2 the "wobble" or precession into the "age of Aquarious" which is where we get smart right before we get bitchslapped back into humility.

My own work, I'll write more on it.

20206177? ago

Linda Moulton Howe, if she can be trusted, has interesting interviews with a Navy SEAL about Antarctica. Operation Highjump following Hitler is super interesting, and SoD Forrestal's suicide by hanging himself then throwing his own dead body out the window at Bethesda.

20216720? ago

John Kerry? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3387334/20214503 They are protecting frozen DNA.

20216804? ago

Anunnaki and/or Nephilim DNA. They may even have their bodies there. This would explain the famous tweet by Buzz Aldrin.


“Thule nephilim”

“B’nai b’rith nephilim”


20206069? ago


Baby steps.

Make America Great Again.......then.....we can dive into the rabbit hole known as Antarctica.

20205944? ago

Whatever it is is way too cool!

20205818? ago

according to Majestic 12 there is an unguarded stargate and it is where the mk ultra mind control device is located.

20206722? ago

well, he is full of shit.

20205715? ago

Kerry and no name both visited Antarctica

20207157? ago

And the pope

20213252? ago

I was trying to remember who that was, but time was short. Thank you for offsetting my shortcomings! That whole thing concerns me more than anything about Antarctica.

20207789? ago

Must be where Satan lives.

20211026? ago

I’ve heard Azaz’el.

20208315? ago

Or maybe where he visits

20205659? ago

Yep. The secret Nazi base where Hitler fled after he "committed suicide"

20205504? ago

Ask DJT to buy New Zealand then you can find out. Greenland is no use to anybody.

20207224? ago

I bet more than half the population would welcome it. All he has to do is get IC to drop the payment and logistic trail of Tarrant and the horse faced cunt would be out in a flash.

20208330? ago

This would greatly please me.

20205660? ago

Long game, dude

20205375? ago

I still think Pindar lives there. He's Satan's right hand demon and he calls the shots. Lol, he probably dispatches the 4AM talking points.

20206838? ago

He does. He's fucked.

20206047? ago


20209571? ago

This isn't working for me.

"403 ERROR

The request could not be satisfied.

Request blocked. "

20204986? ago

I can’t remember if Q has referred to it.

20205075? ago

Not directly as the full "Antarctica". You can search at qmap.pub.

20204944? ago

Neu Schwabenland.

1947 admiral Byrd goes down there and gets fucked up by third Reich ayylmao 4d hollow earth a-Pollo flying discs. We try to reverse engineer in nm (project 1479) but crash IT. then they send us a message in 1952 by flying over the Capitol.

20205734? ago

Ur talking advanced crystal Atlantis technology.

20205748? ago

Pretty much. Fuck storm area 51 I'm talking let's Groupon to Egypt and storm the sphinx left paw

20205908? ago

I'm with ya, but we'll need to dig like a mofo under the Sphinx, perhaps at night when nobody's around. There's more buried under there from what I've read.

20207038? ago

Get the right tools and enough men and we'd be good. Maybe a company size of weekend trained volunteers. Live stream the release.

Where's the gofundme

20210698? ago

Can we start with what's in the wall at Coral Castle, above the beds where it's been patched over but sounds hollow. What did Leedskalnin know and what did he squirrel away in there?

20205668? ago

Read his diary. Yes, "Hollow Earth", and Wooly Mammoths, (kid you not).

20205778? ago

His diary is mixed review bc he refers to the north pole and a few other weird things so authenticity is mixed on the doc itself but I don't think it discounts anything else.

20205004? ago

^^I'll have 1 of whatever they had^^

20205095? ago

Comment is condensed and in shorthand but I think it might be accurate.

20207467? ago

Can you unpack it for us plebes

20208490? ago

Operation Highjump happened after WW2. In that operation, Admiral Bird went to Antarctica and got his butt handed to him by what appeared to be the sort of thing that Hitler's top scientists had been working on before the war ended.

While many scientists came to the US to work with the CIA and in Secret Access Programs in Operation Paperclip, it is becoming widely accepted that others of the top scientists and leadership of the Nazi party actually escaped to South America and to the bases they'd developed in Antarctica during and before WW2. Part of the reason that, after all this time, Hitler and Nazis have so much charge (when arguably there were other mega villains of at least equal stature) is to keep anyone from being able to formulate a sensible thought with either of those nouns involved. One of the arguable false flag attacks was timed to the release of both JFK stuff and the fact that the CIA was still trying to find Hitler in South America in the 1950s.

Admiral Bird came back from his trouncing in the not-so-empty southern continent none the wiser of who had been his opponent and heralding warnings. The hollow earth (not flat earth, that's different) probably refers to the idea that these flying saucers that overpowered the US Navy came out from in caves in Antarctica. But it foreshadows all of the insane, unbelievable amount of stuff and people under the ground right now. That would include we humans, other humans, sentient reptilians, good "aliens" working out their karma and helping us out, break away civilizations.

Background. It turns out that even though a lot of the science fiction we see is what's known as "soft disclosure", many of the fundamental assumptions we have about time and space are wrong. Also, the CIA has actively been screwing with science to put regular people off of a particular track and set us back. Nevertheless, a lot of the stuff you see on star trek or SG1 is relatively correct including that there are all kinds of other very impressive (and some scary) sentient beings around us. There is in fact a sort of prime directive not to interfere in this batch of humans that we quite wrongly consider the best, the only and the culmination of something when we could be said to be more like plucky, resilient survivor descendants of what used to be a lovely, global human civilization and that is just our recent history. I'm still working on the hollow earth part.

It turns out that sentient life doesn't generally evolve or exist on planet surfaces because there is a high energy field in our galaxy that our solar system passes through as we orbit the galactic centre and periodically, when we pass through it, our sun sends out a mighty super flare or some think of a micro nova every 12000 years that majorly resets life on the surface, messes with the poles, sinks and raises continents, flood continents, lose the protection of the earth's magnet field and space comes down and freezes the flowers in the tummies of the mastadons (which would not happen unless it was flash frozen, the flowers would have been wilted, digested, even if the beast died normally moments after swallowing).

When that happens, the prime directive is suspended and the more advanced, positive "people" can rescue us. We are getting close to the time and so there is more interaction. A key element of the interaction occurred with President Eisenhower. It turns out nuclear bombs are a big, big problem for ETs and others. (Some of them come from Earth so they are not really extra terrestrial. Many time travel and probability travel through nearby dimensions. There are all kinds of mutual projects now.) When humans started exploding nukes, we got a lot of not-so-subtle warnings from ETs including turning them all off and a meeting inviting us to disarm and they would help us evolve. Eisenhower did not take the deal to disarm and get the help because he couldn't, or felt he couldn't. But he took some steps that are coming to fruition now.

So we did try to reverse engineer technology that crashed but also old technology that we found. And we did get a visit over the capital warning us similarly to the way they kept turning off our missile silos.

The pressure of the impending micro nova is approached by the cabal side as a technological problem but the positive side is looking at it from an evolution of consciousness, biological problem. The bad side is eating babies (figuratively) and trying to merge with AI. The good side is using the technology that is our human bodies to, ya basically, evolve in time.

20208928? ago

Atomc bombs are fake. They do not exist.

20218824? ago

Please unpack this interesting assertion.

20208546? ago

The earth is a torroid if you need a picture. It's what water does when it spins in space.

20218793? ago

Everything is a torroidal field. Earth. Sun. Solar. Galaxy. Your body. But you still have a body on there still is an earth and it’s spherical-ish. I am big fan of torroidal fields. But saying one level of reality doesn’t exist just in order to highlight another isn’t working.

20225763? ago


You're wrong. But ok.

Water spinning in space forms a toroid. Same thing would happen to a cloud of dust.

20226228? ago

So you are saying that the matter shapes itself into a toroid whereas I am saying the matter shapes itself into an approximately spherical shape with a toroidal field. The dust coalesces into a sphere. OK. Interesting. But what are you trying to explain that is insufficiently explained already?

20228341? ago

Wouldn't gravitational fields be toroidal as well?

Why wouldn't the matter itself also be toroidal?

Isnt a hydrogen atom also toroidal?

Sorry you've been lied to your whole life that the earth is solid.

20226186? ago

You might enjoy this. As it turns out, the Hebrew alphabet are all parts of a toroidal field.

Happy to be wrong. Tell me more. But address Ben Davidson's actual science. Toroids describe the magnetic fields and the movement of plasma through out the nearby universe. There might be a level of reality that privileges plasma and magnetism over matter, sure. But there also is this layer of reality with mud and a sentient, benevolent Earth mother who is healing and participating in our consciousness elevation.

Everyone is trying to figure out what could possibly be the motivation of flat earthers. Is it so there is a bona fide conspiracy theory that is actually untrue? It has no explanatory power. There are no problems in our grasp of cosmology or physics or ontology or epistemology or every day life that are solved with this weird idea except that, unless you think about it and use your eyes, the world sort of seems bumpy but flat.

If I am wrong for some other reason (as no doubt there are so many) and you are not a flat earth professor, that's ok. Make your point. Otherwise it is more like two of us contemplating the sound of one hand clapping.

20228352? ago

Flat earthers are to dissuade people from understanding the hollow earth by lumping them in the same group.

20245192? ago

Are there any actual, real flat earthers?

20205164? ago

Hollow earth? Did everyone get one but me?

20210651? ago


20208509? ago

It's a torroid.

It makes a lot of sense.

Guy with multiple physics and engineering degrees here.

Just look up what water does spinning in space.

20211028? ago

Electrogravitic propulsion

20210884? ago

It’s spelled “toroid.”

There’s zero evidence of any other body -planet, star, planetoid, asteroid, kupler belt object, comet, etc, being torus or toroid shaped.

What phenomena would cause ours to be different than every other observeable object which is roughly-spherical?

There is a certain mass that under which, a small asteroid doesn’t need to be spherical, but over a certain mass a body collapses on itself from gravity. Look up Ceres and Vesta for more info.

20212675? ago

Where'd you get that evidence?


20212894? ago

My backyard nightsky, with my own simple set up and my own eyes.

I highly recommend that you take with a grain of salt anything you hear from the cabal-controlled government agencies, especially “NASA.”

With your own eyes you can see Mercury, Venus, the moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. With a fairly, low-cost telescope you can see even more local objects and with a higher degree of resolution. (It does require some level of patience to ensure your telescope is properly collimated. But there are a ton of resources on this these days.)

I would check this backyard astronomy resource out for more information around this. You can observe so many interesting things with your own eyes and a fairly cheap telescope. Especially if you live out in the country with no light pollution.


20208529? ago

If Earth was hollow, then that would affect the gravity of the planet. Does Earth's gravity support a hollow Earth? Or is our gravitational constant wrong.

20209058? ago

Go read about electrogravitics... Really.

20213919? ago

You've got all these degrees but you can't give a straight answer.

20208571? ago

Gravity would be effectively the same for us on the surface.

It's reasonable to put the center of gravity of a torroid in the center, like a solid ball.

But the inner surface would have centrifugal force pushing them "down" which would feel like gravity.

20213944? ago

But if the inside of the Earth was air, it would be far less dense than rock. The Earth would have less mass, and so we would feel less gravity.

My point is that if the Earth was hollow it could be easily measured and I'm if anyone has bothered to construct that proof.

20217825? ago

Yeah. But who knows how dense the ground actually is. Maybe there's an iron vein that spun into a toroid as well.

20206070? ago

Read up on rear admiral Richard Byrd and hollow Earth. Fascinating stuff regarding ayy lmaos and such.

20205149? ago

^^^ this guy gets it.

20204906? ago

A lot of penquin sex

20206219? ago

Wenk wenk wenk

20204875? ago

Yes, it is where the Nephilim are hidden

20206250? ago

Also known as the Dracos.

20205464? ago

Think so? Why would they go there?

20205601? ago

They are hidden there, away from the prying eyes of man. Perhaps waiting until the End of Days? im not sure

20216825? ago

I think they are frozen dead there, waiting to be reanimated. Or, maybe their DNA is being stored there.

Wouldn’t it be crazy if Hitler was frozen there?

20204858? ago

Dry and cold.

Why do you think anything is going on?

20210292? ago

Nations have been fighting eachother for millennia for every square inch of land on earth, but we all just hold hands and agree to "share" Antarctica even though it is presumably resource rich?

20211599? ago

What do you think we're sharing? The freezing desert plains?

Are we "sharing" Mars, too? Tell me about the secret fluorishing civilization covering the Martian surface.

20205773? ago

It's underneath Antarctica where all the treasures are.

20205958? ago

El Dorado?

20205034? ago

search for Antartica fitbit (or secret base fitbit) -- They didn't think of all those exercise conscious soldiers at the secret bases and the anonymous data aggregation maps.

20205124? ago

Ah, I see you lack experience with satellite data.

Just yesterday I was looking into the "Epstein flight to Antarctica!" stuff. One cookie crumb was off on the flight data.

I looked into my own flight data and found lots of missing crumbs, hours missing.

I've done flights where the military had fuzzed the GPS satellites and screwed up what we were doing.

Commercial things like Fitbit will only be less accurate.

20208637? ago

Does everyone call their flight data cookie crumbs? If you mean data points like hansel and gretel it would be bread crumbs. Cookie crumbs are what goes flying when the cookie monster eats.

20208745? ago

I seriously doubt it. I'm referring to them as crumbs based on a program I use at work, but that software was not made by pilots. We simply have to use it.

20214040? ago

I looked at the epstein flight - you're right about that it's just one data point that is random. Guess I was kind of a dick about it - however I think you're wrong about the antarctic fitbit paths since it's not a few off data points, it is a clear and cohesive pattern.

20214140? ago

Sweet, thanks.

20210282? ago

Correct term is epoch if you are referring to GPS points recorded at set intervals.

20205366? ago

I see. Trillions of dollars in satellites but they work less reliably than a pager.

20205394? ago

Well there are only a few dozen. Computers freeze, especially after a decade or two of continuous operation in space.

20205356? ago

Yep. Nope. There are closed curves where people are exercising in places where nothing is supposed to be and the data are clearly reliable by their convergence and absence of outliers. It's hilarious. Like a child drawing circles around the secret bases to say they're here.

20205415? ago

It messed up multiple times so it's MORE reliable?

Think about that carefully....

20208058? ago

Just look at the images. You don't know what you are talking about. Reliable data is convergent. It isn't necessarily valid data. The circles overlap perfectly. If fitbit data were flying all over the place, there would be circles through volcanos and in water and they would be more randomly distributed. LOOK at the data. Do the search. For pete sake, everyone here is so about being smarter and no one actually tries anything suggested. Here is your certificate. You and the Scarecrow both have big brains.

20208714? ago

Looked.....amazing stuff. I'll have to go back and study further.
