20181983? ago

Typical for a shill cunt to attack POTUS for trying to stop this time ..... as if he is not being met with resistance in every fucking thing he does. You Nazi cunts are exactly the same as Antifa ... you seem to hold most of the same views and equally hate Trump ... maybe you should start working together .... hmmmmm.

20176428? ago

Florida is getting overloaded with liberals too. Between Florida, Texas and Ohio it wouldn’t take much. Trump is not helping things with some of his Twatter rants either. It appears he doesn’t know how to pick his battles. It’s just a daily free for all, all day long. All we need now is gun control. Smh

20175829? ago

mass deportations and military tribunals or we are fucked.

20176460? ago

That is about all that can save us. If there are no major arrest, many will just stay home.

20175758? ago

From what I've witnessed for the past 25 years our country is already lost.

20175197? ago

Lol. Just like in 2016 when Trump had zero chance. Let’s all be scared for no reason.

20175042? ago

Huh...there's not a single other person we could be mad at in all of this...? lol...you people are funny.

20174967? ago

This is one hell of a massive battle to challenge decades of white genocide laws and turn this ship around.

So many things critically need to be fixed... and POTUS has a fix for all of them, but our (((Zionist Owned Government))) are doing everything to obstruct and poison the minds of American patriots.

You are correct OP, we should hope and pray for the best but prepare for the worst... because this is likely the front line and the end of the line in the war to save western civilization from the Jew World Order.

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water in case not everything "goes to plan".

20176470? ago

such an incredible post. the lords work here anon

20176509? ago

Thanks - I put a lot of effort into that prepping guide to try to make it simple, cheap and effective.

20176514? ago

iv saved it offline as muchnas possible. already making some hard tack right now.

20174942? ago

Correct! Q is a giant psyop to prevent activists from taking action. We've already lost 2 years following this false messiah.

We need to forget about Q and hold Trump's feet to the fire to crack down on immigration and deport as many non-whites as possible.

20176492? ago

get them gone yesterday! stop caring about being called a racist. every nonwhite family is ten times more racist than any thought you have ever had. there is no reason to fear being labeled by shit skin savages.

20174928? ago

We won't lose Texas. A majority of hispanics are pro Trump. They are against illegal immigration too. Only the mockingbird MSM will tell you differently.




etc... a bing search will list many articles saying the same thing.

20174898? ago

Texas will be blue in a few years time. Then we will have people laughing and making fun of Texans like they do California. "Why didn't you vote your way out, stupid"

"Why didn't murder all those invaders"

"Why didn't you do something?!"

"We should wall off Texas and make people apply for citizenship when coming to America"

"Texans are stupid and dumb, I'm safe in my Conservative state run by jews over here"

"We will never let What happen in Texas happen here, we will start a war!!"

Florida will be next, rinse, repeat. It won't stop until someone stops them. jews rape kids.

20174959? ago

I used to live in California and the only advice people ever game me was "move" -- so I finally did. Now, that same communist liberal bullshit is creeping into the state I currently live in (North Carolina).

20175756? ago

Damn Californians bring that shit.. That is what happened in Oregon. Everyone moving away from California after selling a trailer in San Fran for a million dollars then they bring in the mexicans to mow their lawn and clean their house. Are you sure you are not the problem?

20183803? ago

Nope I am a white, conservative, Christian refugee escaping a liberal hellhole. I love guns. I love freedom. The smaller the Government and the less taxes the better. There are conservatives in California. But they are outnumbered millions to one. You can't just label everyone who lives there a liberal. I never hire Mexicans I hate those spics. I also hate niggers.

20186000? ago

Fist bump. I also am on the front lines... Just north of ya.

20174977? ago

That's right. Because judeo-communism and judeo-liberalism doesn't stop on its own. It has to be stopped.

20175211? ago

^^^^ this.