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20174731? ago

Stalin was a Jesuit and one of the darkest figures of Russian history. He is responsible for deaths of many millions of people in Siberian death camps:

A high-ranking source of the USSR Ministry of Defence has recently admitted that Hitler has survived and escaped after the war, and there is evidence in the archives. If so, why Stalin did not pursue Hitler and let him live?

Stalin and Hilter were both working for the same master, the Jesuit supreme general Ledochowski, organizing the great holocaust.

20174950? ago

hardy har har....

This Molyneaux tweet followed another where he pointed out Lenin was a JEW.

I've seen you posting a few threads today with your "dont look at the Jew - it was the Jesuit" bullshit today. Is this the new strategy from team CAPS LOCK KIKE (aka HASBARA)?