20177100? ago

It's sad to think how many millions of people died in ww2 because a bunch of kikes wanted an artificial war as means to setting up even more evil shit.

20176903? ago

Stefan is rocking. Can't believe they haven't shut him down yet.

20177971? ago

Stefan tows the line on 9/11, and never promotes violence as the obvious answer, that's why they can't really get traction in shutting him down, he also spends his days helping nearly-mentally retarded people with basic philosophy, so he isn't really a threat....

20176775? ago

This is NOT news. Tens of thousands of Germans, Waffen SS, Ukrainians, Croats, Cossacks, Albanians, and countless others who had fled west to surrender to the Americans and British were systematically turned over to the Soviets by CHURCHILL and ROOSEVELT/TRUMAN. As many or more than 100,000 Red Army prisoners whom had joined the Wehrmacht as an opportunity to get out of Nazi POW camps. Stalin's own son, captured by the Germans, and proposed in an exchanged for Field Marshal Paulas, was refused by Stalin and treated as a traitor.

20175939? ago

Stalin never declared war against Japan. Some ally, eh? The USA was funding both the Nazis, and the communists during WW2. The establishment played both sides of the same global totalitarian coin. Both enemies of freedom, and democracy. Both must be purged from the earth, forever.

20177801? ago

Russian and Japan had a treaty not to attack each other. And a few days after Japan was bombed by nukes Russia invaded Manchuria and Japan surrendered within the day.

20178253? ago

Russian and Japan had a treaty not to attack each other.

So what? They were (should have been) obligated to break their treaty Japan if they wanted help, and funding from their ally, the USA.

Instead, the commies robbed the US tax payers, and didn't lift a finger to help end the war in the Pacific, greatly increasing American casualties.

Let's not forget, the USSR is every bit as guilty as Nazi Germany for the start of world war two. The two totalitarian (world order) regime's collaborated to make that global shit-show happen. And the USA, under socialist suck-ass Roosevelts reign, funded both of those socialist nation's, and never made issue of Russia refusing to fight against Japan. Globalist, socialists. All of them.

20178397? ago

Russia didn’t attack Japan because it didn’t want a two front war. It’s a rather simple explanation. And Japan Before WW2 completely kicked Russia’s ass and so they didn’t want to test them again.

It’s clear you haven’t taken a serious dive into history

20181854? ago

Quit sucking on that commie cock, faggot.

20175591? ago

Must have been all the evil white men they were afraid of there in Russia... NO way it was communism.

20175388? ago

Roosevelt also shut down Japanese oil imports and froze Japanese assets.

Roosevelt also knew that Japan was going to bomb Pearl Harbor, which is why only the old ships were left in port.

20175126? ago

Operation Keelhaul, between this and Eisenhower's death camps killed more innocent 'soldiers ' than anyone.Edit Churchill the treasonous jew puppet killed a shitload too.

20174731? ago

Stalin was a Jesuit and one of the darkest figures of Russian history. He is responsible for deaths of many millions of people in Siberian death camps:



A high-ranking source of the USSR Ministry of Defence has recently admitted that Hitler has survived and escaped after the war, and there is evidence in the archives. If so, why Stalin did not pursue Hitler and let him live?

Stalin and Hilter were both working for the same master, the Jesuit supreme general Ledochowski, organizing the great holocaust.


20174950? ago

hardy har har....

This Molyneaux tweet followed another where he pointed out Lenin was a JEW.

I've seen you posting a few threads today with your "dont look at the Jew - it was the Jesuit" bullshit today. Is this the new strategy from team CAPS LOCK KIKE (aka HASBARA)?


20173703? ago

Roosevelt's top ten advisors were Jewish

  • Henry Morgenthau
  • Louis Brandeis
  • Felix Frankfurter
  • Samuel Rosenman
  • David Lilienthal
  • Barnard Baruch
  • Nathan Straus
  • Herbert Lehman
  • Benjamin Cohen
  • David Dubinsky

20174702? ago

Thank you - keep posting the truth.

20173725? ago

FDR was the first socialist President of the USA. He confiscated gold illegally.

20179182? ago

He was a communist, stop mixing the two up.

20176921? ago

Figures. The left likes to canonize thieves.