20168216? ago

...May want to look into the works of Immanuel Velikovsky (theorized that the planets were the gods and our solar system had a different, much closer alignment involving Saturn, Mars and Venus) and the Electric Universe theory (https://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/). Myth, legend and holy texts visualized as astronomical events represented in many symbolic forms. It explains how ancient cultures, whom had no contact with each other, witnessed the heavenly bodies. The 'elite' flaunt these symbolism as a mocking gesture to those ignorant to the meanings and as a means of invoking a 'doomsday anxiety' that dwells in human genetic memory. That is why every generation has an 'end of the world' scare. [they] are well aware of genetic memory and exploit it for control.

20168389? ago

Ive looked into the electric universe stuff at thunderbolt. Interesting for sure!

20168169? ago

Fits in with the Statue of Liberty. I believe it's a sign to all who they worship.

20168392? ago

EXACTLY what she is...

20168109? ago

They put the Statue of Liberty right in our faces. Ishtar the goddess of all degenerate sexuality.


Ishtar was a multi-faceted deity. She was first and foremost endeared to the hearts and minds of Babylonians because of her primary dedication to Freedom and Liberty. She was also considered the Mother of Prostitution or Harlotry…and it was considered “holy.”

Why? Ishtar introduced the concept of removal of sins by the practice of the sinner engaging in a “holy” rite of sexual relations with a priestess or priest.

This action would involve the payment of money to the priestess or priest as part of the cleansing process. It was an offering of thanksgiving for the purification. This is the very first instance of Prostitution in human history.

Ishtar was also known as the goddess of war because she fights for freedom and liberty. She was also known as the goddess of victory because there is no freedom without victory. She was also known as the goddess of love because of her sexuality and her promotion of all types of sexual perversion in the name of freedom. Her motto was “if it feels good, do it.”

20167583? ago

Refreshing to see someone doing actual research and realizing it's not all about (((them))).

20167847? ago

Hey thanks...

It was 3am when I typed this, had to rush to the airport, so its a bit scatter brained, but theres nuggets there for further digging for those curious.

Appreciate the compliment!

20167355? ago

Unfortunately she is being tried in a US Court, you cant use her name as being evil in a court of law... unless its some muslim court they make up shit as they go.