20157308? ago

Demonic Jews downvoating this post

20156876? ago

Elite is so worshipful of their overlords they dedicated entire movie about them.

In Wachowsky's movie Jupiter Ascending one of top characters is called Balem Abrasax, what a coincidence with ancient deity called Baal,


20156818? ago

Daemon is the Latin word for the Ancient Greek daimon, which originally referred to a lesser deity or guiding spirit; the daemons of ancient Greek religion and mythology and of later Hellenistic religion and philosophy.

So there must be different word for benevolent or malevolent spirits to avoid confusion.

20156701? ago


While his Semitic predecessor was depicted as a man or a bull,[6] the demon Baal, also according to the Pseudomonarchia daemonum, is said to appear in the forms of a man, cat, toad, or combinations thereof, and has a raspy voice when he speaks.[7] An illustration in Jacques Collin de Plancy's 1818 book Dictionnaire Infernal placed the heads of the three creatures onto a set of spider legs.[8]

What is voice of BALEM in Jupiter Ascending?

20156417? ago

Very interesting. I am not sure why you got downvoated. Is this your research area?

“For she did not know that I gave her corn, and wine, and oil, and multiplied her silver and gold, which they prepared for Baal.” Hosea 2:8.

20156657? ago

Very interesting. I am not sure why you got downvoated. Is this your research area?

because there are fucking shills here

20156769? ago

Wouldn’t it be funny if Demos were here downvoating us?

I ask because I am also researching this area. There is a lot of information out there...

I am thinking that the NWO is about re-establishing the rule of YHWH. This is the Lord God of Genesis 2, not the God of Genesis 1.

Have you read the Hidden Hand interview?

20156808? ago

I am thinking that the NWO is about re-establishing the rule of YHWH. This is the Lord God of Genesis 2, not the Gods (Elohim) of Genesis 1.

those mythical creatures are partially based on https://voat.co/v/QRV/3373229

Have you re

ad the Hidden Hand interview?

please link

20158252? ago

I will look at your link and get back to you.

Here is the Hidden Hand interview. There are links for a 4 pg and 16 pg summary.
