20163102? ago

Well, only a history challenged idiot would deny the truth, so.. .

20157996? ago

Muh Joo shill!!! God damn is it obvious.

20157047? ago

Banned from the Gay Paree shithole, they've done her a favour.

20156913? ago

Who wants to go to France at this point anyway? It’s gone.

20156843? ago

This is what she got in trouble for, exposing obvious lies. Love this lady.


20156547? ago

Kikes have to much power

They should be banned from the West forever.

Jail time for those who propagate holohoax lies like 6 million or the gas chambers. These Jews made that shit up to emotionally manipulate us and distract from their child rape and sacrifice of the epstines of the past

20156529? ago


20156477? ago

You know you are winning the argument when you have to put people in jail for what they think.

Assholes. (Zionist/talmudist)

20156384? ago

Whoa, not being allowed into France is the least of it

Chabloz was given a suspended prison sentence of 20 weeks last June for her “grossly offensive” antisemitic songs, including material mocking Holocaust victims and claims about Jews controlling the world. She was also banned from posting on social media for 12 months.


20161003? ago

saying "Jews control the world" is so obviously untrue that the only reasonable response is to demonstrate that Jews do control the world and will banish you should you speak that truth.

20156609? ago

The absolute state of the UK.

20156590? ago

It's a very catchy tune

20156234? ago

Fuck jews, fuck their fake holohoax, fuck their agendas and...did I say fuck jews?

20155943? ago


World war 2 holocaust by burning alive 18 million people was planned and organized by Catholic Church in Vatican


20156246? ago

oy vey it was the Jesuits!! Jews are our friend and israel is bestest ally

20156385? ago

there are many Jesuit shill here I see

20156412? ago

Jews are the problem. https://archive.is/ztCRF

20156461? ago

They want you DIVIDED.










The 16th Century term “Jew” is variously claimed said to come from Old French giu, which is supposed to come from an earlier version juieu and then from latin iudeus and Greek Ioudaios. However this is cleverly and deliberately misleading. Ioudaios is the Greek equivalent of the term Yahudah not Jew.

It is impossible to get the word “Jew” from Ioudaios as it is from Yahudah. So where did the word come actually from and what does it really mean?

Simply, the word "Jew" is directly derived from goy and gyu, two ancient Hebrew words used for derision to variously mean "cattle" and a "dead lifeless, souless corpse".

So how is it possible that a Hebrew word for derision is used and accepted as the label by so many non-Sephardic people of the original faith of the Yahudi and those descendents of the Sarmatians, the Sephardi?


20158251? ago

That's sounds real good, really clever, you almost had me...until you made the worst mistake a jew can make.

You panicked.

Never panic.

20158244? ago

Capslock kike!

20156555? ago

CAPSLOCKKIKE strikes again!! You jews are panicking!

20156025? ago

So fake Gab is probably another jew site owned by a Jewish and Kurd

20156448? ago

The title is misleading. Her ban has nothing to do with her presence on Gab. But reading is hard, I know.

20156056? ago

How do you know if owners aren't in Luxembourg, Monaco, Italy, Germany or France? or maybe in Vatican?

20155853? ago

The search for truth is a uniquely human process, a quest guided by our perception of an event. But what happens to the truth when what we see and what we think we see… are two very different things?

20157312? ago

Then we appear mad, as you can see in the world around you and in the people driven into a frenzy by the divisive media/internet based narratives.

20155783? ago

They're doing her a favor. Who wants to visit shithole France anyway?

20161027? ago

"Syrians" do

20155651? ago

Thought France was muzzie land. When will political correctness breath it's last breath? Seems to be imploding.

20155635? ago

Fuck those kikes! The Holohoax never happened.