20162030? ago

check medium @TheHimmmm for the full story just posted, sorry I am not able to submit links yet as I am newfag poster on here


20156796? ago

Chavez makes a lot of sense. If he stole that safe no western nation is safe from blackmail. That would explain the serious hard on to take down that country.

20157538? ago

It will make the takedown of dotcom’s enclave look like a tea party. Maybe Maduro is being bold because of what he knows. How many pallets of gold is his silence worth?

20155999? ago

You people are totally DELUSIONAL and that is a fact Jack.

20155974? ago

This is HUGE. If Godfather 3 signature in Q posts is the current uproar over Chris Cuomo and Fredo bs, the Vatican has to be connected here.

Funny you are talking Vatican

World war 2 holocaust by burning alive 18 million people was planned and organized by Catholic Church in Vatican


20156378? ago

Shrieking heard from Jeffrey Epstein's jail cell the night / morning he died

20156405? ago

or went to GITMO / ISRAEL

20155813? ago

Wow! Thanks for sharing. CDAN and related bling items are my guilt pleasure. Hollywood and politics are so much more connected than people believe

20156531? ago

This isn't from CDaN. Be careful who you follow.

20156618? ago

CDAN and related blind items

I know. I actually read the link.

20155425? ago

Network Map:

  • Chris Cuomo's brother is Andrew Cuomo
  • Andrew Cuomo's ex-wife is Kerry Kennedy
  • Kerry Kennedy's brother is Joseph Patrick Kennedy II
  • Joseph Patrick Kennedy II's charity Citizen Energy.
  • Citizen Energy works with CITGO, the Venezuelan oil giant.
  • Hugo Chavez and JPK were BFF.
  • Kerry Kennedy's DUI defended by lawyer Gerald Lefcourt
  • Gerald Lefcourt defending Epstein.
  • Epstein's other lawyer was Dershowitz
  • In his own words: LFdR introduced Dersh to Epstein.

Godfather 3. Be prepared for what you'll find.

20155141? ago

The biggest thing is the end of Part 2. The family in England watching closely? We know Dershowitz and Lynn Forester de Rothschild are connected...

20156387? ago

Windsors, real name House Saxe Gotha

20156574? ago

Very well may be. But considering the LFdR connection to Dersh I think that's a reasonable first step onto that island.

20154879? ago

This isn't CDaN

20155297? ago

Definitely not CDaN, but it's the same writer(s). Did you not do a search for himmmmm on CDaN? Don't give it the Q treatment with 'No outside Comms'...

20155397? ago

You don't wonder why it isn't on CDaN if it's the real Himmm? Anyone can copy a name to discredit someone.

20155759? ago

You must've missed the Himmmmm doxing drama on CDAN...

20156061? ago

Sounds like a concocted story when you supply no sauce.

20156308? ago

You must not read CDAN or be familiar with it if you won't know what I'm talking about. It happened in April 2018 after this blind: https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2018/04/blind-item-17-stranger-things-have.html?m=1

You can still see the comments on that thread from people talking about it.

20156393? ago

It's really irrelevant. Himmm can be doxed anywhere they go. No way do they move to medium from CDaN. There's comments on medium too.

20156454? ago

Correct. But most people believe this is the main reason he moved away from CDAN.

Don't get me wrong, I agree with you that he/they could be doxxed anywhere. The question was asked why he would write anywhere else but CDAN, and I was offering a hypothesis.

20156503? ago

You claimed it was the same writer, which is impossible to know. Something really stinks here.

20156665? ago

Lofl I never claimed it was the same writer. Must be a different OP you're talking to

20156822? ago

Funny, you aren't the OP according to your tag.

20157358? ago

Nope I'm not the OP of this thread either

20154944? ago

related. himmmmm.

message over messenger.

20155097? ago

Track record is key, anyone can make some shit up for clicks.

20155121? ago

I don't think I've seen the record be corrected like this since 2016. Thank you, stalwart.

20155137? ago

LOL upset you got called out? Why would you claim CDaN? Who's the real stalwart? Trying to muddy the CDaN waters?

20155211? ago

We are coming for you.

Enjoy your freedom.

It won't be long before it's gone.

20155179? ago

The Tel Aviv attempt at English is strong with this one.

20155229? ago

Yep, you're definitely Media Matters. That's why you're misrepresenting CDaN. You're even using #5 in the shill handbook.

Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule. This is also known as the primary attack the messenger ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach. Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as “kooks”, “right-wing”, “liberal”, “left-wing”, “terrorists”, “conspiracy buffs”, “radicals”, “militia”, “racists”, “religious fanatics”, “sexual deviates”, and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.

All I did was point out the facts.

20155479? ago

If saying "This isn't CDAN" is pointing out the facts and isn't a shill tactic, you might be from Tel Aviv.

20156078? ago

Rule 5 again. Have a nice day ShareBlue

20154861? ago


Sean Penn, Kerry Kennedy et. al.

Someone should ask Sean Penn about it on Twat lol.