20157465? ago

Communists despise freedom because their end goal, as lazy People who believe everything is a zero sum game, is to enslave their political opposition.

20156601? ago

All people who grovel and apologise, and make sacrifices on behalf of the European people deserve the rope.

Day of the rope is for traitors.

20155953? ago

Biden, the gaffe master, inadvisably told us that "truth" (a subjective thing, even to the point of 'LIVE YOUR OWN Truth') is of higher value than "facts' which are objective and discernable.

May we have our effing language back, please!

20155930? ago

Fun fact

Holocaust by burning alive 18 million people was planned and organized by Catholic Church in Vatican


20155775? ago

He was doing great until the "I stand with Israel" part.

He should have said: "Let's nuke those filthy kikes!"

20155383? ago

New era? 15 years ago posting FBI Uniform Crime Report racial stats got you reeeee'd at.

20155042? ago

What is the deal? Is it just me, or are a predominantly large amount of people in general going off the deep end?

20157977? ago

media 'coverage' is quite narrow on this subject. if it bleeds -- or screams, or acts insanely, or... -- it leads results in a skewed presentation process that tends to feed a biased view. confirmation bias plays a role, too. if one thinks (?) (or believes, or feels...gag) that "a predominantly large amount of people" have lost their minds, then each example will support the bias.

that being said, a considerable number of people in the public eye ARE going off the deep end...or went off the deep end long ago.

20154595? ago

Make no mistake about this, I stand with israel

groveling dumbass.

20154532? ago

The World's Hebe Beaks have a credibility problem.

20154280? ago

Sometimes I wonder if this world is beyond repair. Although the internet helped much of us wake up, it also helped brainwash many others further into mental illness territory.

20157992? ago

this world is fine. humanity . . . on the other hand.

20154271? ago

Here are some facts that can not even be discussed. One Zionism is a racists ideology the right of return is based of ones supposed Jewish Race, which really does not even exist but exists. Jews founded the Global Central Banking System, they are less than 2% of the US population and they own all the MSM, Hollywood, Pron and Music industries in this Country. Their lobbying group AIPAC dominates our Politicians and no one can question the actions of Jews or Israel without a response from SPLC and the scum bags at the ADL.

You must talk glowingly about Jews and Israel and spew their talking points, that is your only option, if you dare go against our benevolent kindhearted masters, or question their actions and motives you will suffer their unrelenting venom and wrath.

Some people hate the truth and prefer to walk in the darkness.

20153840? ago

I suppose REM, globalist turds that they turned out to be, sang it best: "Stand in the place where you live, now."

Don't stand for other countries, we don't know their priorities!

20153740? ago

The more we care what people - especially Marxists - think of us, the further we move from saving Western Civilization. The moment we stop apologizing to the mother fuckers who have been genociding whites in recent centuries is the moment we have a chance to save the whole fucking world.

20153675? ago

Israel was a socialist/ communist country. UsSR was the first to recognise for reasons of comparable ideology.....

Kibbutz = sovkhoz

Only since the last decade or so, Israel is more embracing a free market economy.

20153273? ago

When the facts of what blacks have done are perceived as racist, and when the facts of what Jews have done are perceived as anti-Semitic, what does that say about blacks and Jews?

Truth is the only solution to correct the World, not establishing lies as law, nor condoning evil as good.

We have seen many, many Jews who are awaiting an opportunity to act, to correct the way things have become. This bullshit of denouncing anyone who supports civilization as White Supremacist has to end.

As all races are encouraged to be proud of their identity, so it is that whites must be allowed to be proud of their heritage.

White people are not responsible for those others who are, essentially, racially handicapped.

White unity is no threat to others. Wake up!

Say it loud: “I’m white and I’m proud!”


20154844? ago

We need a white straight male pride parade lol

20153900? ago

not establishing lies as law

Exactly! The truth does not need legislation in order to be spread and upheld!

Whereas, a law that says "you cannot discuss this" or "you cannot possess certain types of evidence which are more likely to include the elites" then there's something wrong with the law, and logic can find the answer.

20153225? ago

cry - bullying

20153172? ago

Remember what Joe Biden said recently.

Chose Truth over Facts

Which I assume means the facts don't matter. What is important is the Narrative.

20153153? ago

All the more reason to harden your resolve and to care not a fucking iota what these clowns spew.

20155599? ago


20155102? ago

Oh no, pointing out demonstrably true statements of fact about history is now highly unacceptable and offensive?

Help, what are these weird sensations I keep getting?


20153133? ago

Mark of the beast. Adopt the LIES, believe the LIES, embrace the LIES. In short, become EVIL. It's your CHOICE.

20152977? ago

Interesting, not only were most of the early nominally atheist Communists, like Marx, Lenin, Trotsky all Jews....so were all the early nominally Christians, like Peter, James, and Paul were also all Jews. Huh, I guess it's just a coincidence

20153200? ago

nominally atheist

then you say (in the same sentence)

all Jews


Start with the basics in understanding the words you are using.

You MUST be smarter than this???

Jews believe in the same God as Christians.

20156648? ago

They believe in the same God but they hate him, they can't even write his name out they put g_d.

They worship Satan they are his coat people and his children.

20153793? ago

Jews believe in the same God as Christians.

NO they don't! That's the biggest hoax of all! The historical figure of Christ was an Essene, they were hunted by Jews and lived in hiding. The God they worship did NOT require any blood sacrifice, they were quite clear that no divine being requires a blood sacrifice of any kind, let alone on a cyclical basis. Jesus Christ himself more than once referred to the Jews as the Synagogue of Satan.

20153863? ago

Are you making my argument for me now?

You are referencing Revelation:

“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”

Basic reading: Jesus did not attack Jews.

He Attacked FAKE jews (deceivers).

20153980? ago

He Attacked FAKE jews (deceivers).

Then, by your own argument, the "real" Jews of today are Christians. Not these fake Jews who are trafficking children, raping and eating babies, calling for blood sacrifice (not an argument, eh Satan worshiper?), and behind this ongoing failed coup attempt to take down the West and install one world socialist tyranny.

20154074? ago

To become Christian does not require a person to stop being Jewish.


Chapter 2

9 Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile;

10 But glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile:

11 For there is no respect of persons with God.


20154086? ago

Romans? Written by Saul the ultimate hoaxer who never converted and continues to lead the lemmings off the cliff to this very day? You really should try doing some actual Bible study someday.

20154141? ago

I was named after Saul, who became the Apostle Paul.

You will realise that I am right when your Bible study class reaches Adult level understanding.

I wish you the best.

Are you Atheist or 'Muslim'? It's getting trickier these days for me to distinguish between the two.

20154226? ago

I was named after Saul, who became the Apostle Paul.

LOL, so you're offended and taking the truth personally? How very Jewish of you!!

20154214? ago

You do realize that Saul never walked with Christ and was later proven to be a disinformation agent? Or did your "adult level Bible study" leave that part out?

20154193? ago

No I'm an actual Christian who follows the teachings of Christ — not one programmed with all manner of hypocritical ridiculousness in order to protect baby raping mother fuckers who cyclically [sacrifice humans to](when your Bible study class reaches Adult level understanding.) their "god" by the AG church with all manner of ridiculousness as you exhibit.

20153582? ago

That's clearly not true...if they believed in the same god as Christians they would be Christians

20153640? ago

not what the bible says.

Read it.

20166818? ago

I have....Jews (religion not ethnicity) don't have the same god as Christians because they don't accept Jesus as the son of God....if they do they are Christian and not Jewish

20167274? ago


Chapter 2

9 Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile;

10 But glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile:

11 For there is no respect of persons with God.

The entire chapter (21 verses) can be found here:


There are more if you care to read further?

20156237? ago

Except the bible says the ashkenazi Jews worship satan.

20153841? ago

The OT is nothing more than a bunch of recycled Sumerian myths, the biggest hoax of all was associating Jesus Christ with the predictive programming of the Abrahamic Deception - it was always all about creating a host for the Jewish parasite.

20153898? ago

You have to work harder on your ability to argue.

You have zero credentials and are wasting my time.


20154001? ago

You have to work harder on your ability to argue.

You have zero credentials and are wasting my time.


You lose. Big time. Now go babble on as you channel demons and call yourself a Christian.

20153970? ago

who has credentials on an anon sub? what are your credentials Satan worshiper?

20153996? ago

Your use of words are your credentials.

I repeat; you have none of any merit.

Cheerio (again) my friend.

20154507? ago

You were talking to me. Cheerio, God Bless You, man. He will forgive you for being duped, I'll be praying for you to come to the real truth and great news of Christ!

20154016? ago

Then it's you, not OP, who lacks credentials. You continue to expose yourself as aligned with Lucifer the fake light, not the Divine God of Christians.

20153951? ago

You must go to an Assembly of God church - there's no one more hypocritical and getting the Bible wrong than all you nutters who believe your name can be erased from the book of life and "proof" you're saved = babbling in some language no one understands or can translate (e.g. being possessed by, and channeling, demons).

20153269? ago

Jews believe Jesus is in he'll boiling in a pot of his own excrement. They do not believe in the same God.

20156223? ago

Talmudic Jews.

20153872? ago

This has taken me a great deal of reading Scripture and thinking about it, but, I agree! Their god is not our God. (Capitalization intended.)

20153662? ago

The Bible has both the old (Judea) and New Testament (Christian) - same God (The Father Almighty) .

Riddle me that!

20154150? ago

The jews turned away and denied their God. You would know that of you actually read the New Testament. A large portion of Christians believe in a Trinity, which involves Jesus. How could that be the same God the one the jews nowadays pray to if the jews believe Jesus is not the only begotten son of God, and believe he is boiling in a pot of feces in hell?

20153726? ago

Grabblers gunna grabble

20153746? ago

I detect no English in your Riddle.

- I award you a generous 2/10.

20154095? ago

Basic meme test, and you failed.

20153252? ago

Ya, thats why i said nominally, since Communists say that they are atheists, but it appears that these fellas were atheist in name only, or nominally

20153690? ago

nominally is Fake.

When referencing Fake; why further categorise?

They are just fake actors with no category other than Fake.