20161236? ago

Lol - they made the news. All for a LARP?

NBC is reporting that 4Chan dropped the news before anyone else - Period.

According to the same OP - Epstein is alive and was rolled out to a trip van.....

20161600? ago

Wow, my buddy just called me saying how he got a notification from Apple news, right from his iPhone, reporting this.

20135732? ago

It's pretty sad, that we really have no way of confirming PROOF OF DEATH. There is so much corruption for fake papers, fake bodies, fake death stories and fake DNA. They fake everything. Just like Hitler the jew, going off to live his life, after fake death. There is no way to prove death. We have no idea what the true names are of people in power, also. Hopefully, white hats have JE the pedo in GITMO. Death is too good for him, he needs to rot in prison, not a luxury hotel.

20136275? ago

Am I the only one that would prefer these people live out their days 24 hours in a cell? No entertainment, four walls, a bed, a toilet and a sink. Just fuckin be MISERABLE until they die. They're gonna die either way, and as much as we all here believe in god and satan, what if that's not the case? What if death is just absolutely nothing? That seems like a cop out to me.

20133569? ago

could have agreed to spill beans and had to get into protective custody

20130390? ago

Was just talking with my wife and realized that Trump really is a stable genius. If you look at the times he comes out with conspiracy facts, he is incredibly patient and does so at a time when enough of the population is awake about a certain topic, thus preventing the masses from calling him a loon. After his involvement confirms suspicions, it red pills the general public to dig deeper continuing the cycle.

20130125? ago

I qualified as an Interrogator in the US Navy. I never Served. Dont ask.

I know what this entails. He is almost Certainly alive and under interrogation. Pray for him.... 70+ miles off the coast he is getting F.... up the arse as we speek.

20129849? ago

If anywhere, Gitmo, even Ehud Batak wants him dead.

20129455? ago

Fucking A+

Everyone realize how big we are now?

This is why Q trained us.

See something, say something.


We're not bound by disclosure.

We're a PUBLIC intelligence agency: THEIR BIGGEST THREAT.

20129384? ago

For reasons why the white hats would fake Epstein's death. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9lMyHY-Oao

20128734? ago

Jews keep reposting this every few hours. Beware.

20128698? ago

No one in the military wears dress greens anymore.

20128432? ago

If he was really dead — PANIC would go away.


20128099? ago

Only question I have is how often someone LARPs a prediction like this. This looks convincing, but if someone was posting "omg epstein died" every morning for the last two weeks, then it looks less true and more like gaslighting.

20128216? ago

For him to say he died of hanging and cardiac arrest and then that ended up happening is pretty solid. I mean hanging would be the obvious way out but cardiac arrest on top of that is pretty specific.

20128096? ago

every correctional facility has a shit load of officers supervisors medical staff etc every shift 24/7 the 9 south wing AKA special housing for high profile inmates AKA El Chapo who was in it's sister wing 10 south wing


even if this is true... CAMERAS EVERYWHERE STAFF EVERYWHERE 12-story high-rise building ... and with Jeff being so high profile he wouldn't of been transferred anywhere without a shit load of permission .... UNLESS of a medical emergency.... I do not think this is true...

20127637? ago

I knew something was suspicious as soon as I heard it. I told my spouse "No way did the white hats let the deep state get him". And they weren't going to let him commit suicide either. They still need him to testify in court right? Besides heads would roll at the prison where he is if that (committing suicide) was allowed to happen. I really don't believe they would let him live out his life in witness protection forever either, but maybe they would. I just think that the main thing is they(white hats) have to keep him alive until they get what they need out of him. And if the the black hats think he is dead, he will be easier to keep alive. So switching out makes as much sense to me as anything. There are probably other reasons for faking it too. For example, this puts it back in the news again AND everyone is talking about it being Clinton related (important optics). And what other reasons for which we have no idea as to what is going on?

20127457? ago

20127689? ago

Posted it last night and thought I deleted it. Posted it again for more eyes on this morning, and it worked.

20127175? ago

Don't they sometimes fake deaths when they put someone in witness protection? He may have cut a deal where he gets the same treatment as all the other mobsters who were placed in witness protection.

Whether he deserves that form of treatment is another question.

20127353? ago

I considered this. Let’s say he didn’t physically kill anyone and he himself isn’t a satanist practicing child sacrifice. He only fucked underage girls. Technically he’s a little fish compared to the others who did kill and even eat their victims. What if part of his “deal” was to hand over all the video evidence he has of everything? Would we be alright with that?

I mean it was a blackmail honey pot. His Florida property was said to be decked out with hidden cameras. I think that’s how he made all his money, first time they come in, get caught on camera, he presents them with it, demands basically whatever amount of money he wants, but says they can have all they want for a membership fee. Plata o plomo.

20128622? ago

I have wondered about this also. Re-read Qs past posts searching for ‘Epstein’ with this theory in mind.

The LAST Q post with Epstein’s name included was the Daily Mail article with headline ‘Jeffrey Epstein Is in Danger of Being Murdered Before His Trial Says Victims' Lawyer



20128346? ago

i want to believe

20127048? ago

The only concrete thing we know is that we are being lied too, the general public has excepted the rule of law is dead.

20129514? ago

First rational comment I've seen on this post.

20130410? ago

the general public has excepted the rule of law is dead.

That looks rational to you?

20130712? ago

Was more referring to the first section, without the wrong word usage, but in comparison to the other comments? Yes. Wild and ludicrous claims that have no basis in reality.

20128846? ago

oh and also, the company Cemex is big in concrete. learned that from Q.

20127812? ago


20130541? ago

Are you currently participating in violent protest?

Yeah. You accepted it.

20131299? ago

I was just checking your word usage, calm down Stack

20126952? ago

If he was switched out i sure hope it was the good guys not a DS escape! If it was bad guys than they still control everything.

20126821? ago

Advice please GoatHeads ! If a guy wanted to check the latest on 4chan, every day, what would be a good link to use?

20127283? ago

There's a ton of different 4chan boards for various topics like anime, fitness, etc. For info on Epstein, etc you're going to want to go to Politically Incorrect (https://boards.4chan.org/pol/).

There is also a subverse here on Voat for 4chan that posts best of and it's some if the funniest shit I've ever seen in my life

20131695? ago

Thank you for these.

20133300? ago

You're welcome. Be aware that 4chan is pretty dumb though. You'll find lots of "Trump is a pedo! He killed Epstein!" conspiracy threads there.

RIP 8ch

20135555? ago

Yep. I got started on 8chan, now I'm backing up to "halfchan". Hopefully, there are informative threads, you just have to look. Thanks again.......

20127031? ago

Make a right over at the yahoo.com, go straight about 20-21 clicks. You're gonna see a big overstock.com sign, that means you're half way there, 20 more clicks and you're gonna see a wwe.com banner, turn left there and head straight to duckduckgo, your gonna want to mention (this is case sensitivee) "big ole tranny dicks on tiny asian chicks" click that and a man with a long nose will appear. Ignore him, go about 3 miles straight and ur at 4chan.

20127473? ago

If you get to 2girls1cup you've gone too far

20128828? ago

kek, was at a microsoft even in boston around 2008, there was a screen with rolling quotes that you could change by texting to a 5-digit number.

so of course i texted "2 girls 1 cup" and it showed up!

20127534? ago

Double back at Epic beard Man, he'll show you the way.

20126910? ago

Are you asking how to get to 4chan?

20127067? ago

Is there a daily update 4chan link you can recommend?

20127294? ago

Not that I know of. See my other reply to your first comment

20127270? ago

You realize 4chan is like voat or reddit right? It’s a huge website with many subforums. Depends on what you want to read about. If you want politics you can try /pol

20131713? ago

I'm catching up. Thanks.

20127495? ago

I didn’t ask the original question but, Legit... I thought 4chan and 8chan were basically the same. So with 8chan down I figured 4 Chan was down as well. What’s the diff between them??

20196502? ago

They’re different websites entirely

20128051? ago

ShareBlue shills run 4chan

20126790? ago

The Epstein in prison was a hologram created by Disney.

20126847? ago

Shalome rabbi. Remember to sacrifice goyim to moloch.

20126537? ago

Could it have been his clone? Remember the picures of the three shooters and how similar they are?

20126947? ago


20128049? ago

Transhumanism has probably been a thing for a while now.

20126876? ago

Who? Link?

20128062? ago

Gilroy, El Paso Walmart, and Dayton. Look it up. There was a huge discussion about it last week.

20126530? ago

They faked his suicide. He's probably in Israel right now. Was he cremated?

20138155? ago

Or conveniently buried at sea like Bin Laden.

20130303? ago


My First thoughts are How Would I interrogate him. I will probably Play with him. Nail him to a Cross Break him in ways that Normal people would never think posible.

20130684? ago

That works for me

20131664? ago

Nail Him

20128427? ago

I don't know. You might get away with something like that in a remote area in a big country like with Bin Laden... but Israel is a little tiny shithole... there is no place to hide there.

20128571? ago

They don’t need to hide.

20128531? ago

Jews have so many places to run to. He could be in the Caribbean for all you know

20126979? ago

Actually - you have a really good point.

If you look at the last 10-20 years in Lakewood, NJ (a highly Orthodox Jewish community) members of their community usually avoid prosecution for major crimes and end up being exiled to Israel, to either be tried there or live there. The explanation we often get is that they'll be punished by their own. Regardless, just another example of society within a society, and they don't recognize our laws. This includes people who leave children in cars that die in the heat (manslaughter), welfare fraud, insurance fraud, rape, CHILD RAPE, conspiracy to commit murder, racketeering, money laundering, kidnapping, and more ..... look this shit up, it has all happened in that town. Then look up what happened to the actors. None of them serve time here. They all vanish to israel. 2011 a guy killed 2 of his own kids by locking them in a car in July while he was with his Mexican hooker ... no jail time. He's in Israel and apparently still free there.

Now that you mention it, yeah Epstein is in Israel.

20129462? ago

This is proof babies that die in hot cars are pussies https://youtu.be/nORv34CSYv0

20128509? ago

There are places like that all over Rockland County New York Orange County Sullivan County are being completely taken over by Jews and the Immigrant population. The Jewish doctors killed off the white race and they deliberately hire the Immigrant labor to supplant the white race. Most whites are too dysfunctional. The ones who do work are barely hanging on. While the immigrants get the perks. It's unbelievable how Jewish doctors have gotten away with this without retribution. Perhaps it's too big that nobody wants to deal with it

20128446? ago

They kill their own children. Jews are the most psychotic group of people on the planet. They have no shame. They are high liability. I believe they also are cannibals and consume human flesh and blood. That's why they are doctors. That's why they are at the Forefront of organ donation. Their food supply

20128773? ago

ouch, truth

20130258? ago

Sure, and Catholics eat babies. Wake the fuck up.

20131096? ago

okay, with slightly more words:

the truth often hurts, but i want to know it.

20128040? ago

I believe the Talmud forbids Jews from being sent to a gentile prison, whether they are guilty or not. I think this, in part, explains what you are seeing.

20127632? ago

And all that worked out so well that they figured they'd invite their half brother over. Father Abraham indeed.

These diabolic schemes have existed since olden times.

[Rev 2:8-10 NKJV; emphasis added] 8 "And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write, 'These things says the First and the Last, who was dead, and came to life: 9 "I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and [I know] the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but [are] a synagogue of Satan. 10 "Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw [some] of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.

[Rev 3:9 KJV; emphasis added] Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

20127060? ago

1 877 Kars4Kids donations all go to a jewish "summer camp" in lakewood.

20128646? ago

weird, that phone number starts with "187"...

20127441? ago

That always seemed like a scam. If you want to give a car to a poor kid, there is no middle man required.

20128656? ago


20127433? ago

Those fuckin' summer camps ... they're mostly some rabbi's brainwashed 16 year old wife, slaving over 14 kids in a basement apartment with a blow up pool in the back yard. There's a total scam, look up Daycares and Summer camps in Lakewood. They're scumbags.

And anyone who disagrees, I offer you a one week stay, expenses paid (cover your own travel) to my house, near the beach, feel free to enjoy the area, have fun, and observe the Jews. Better yet, TRY, TRY your hardest to avoid them ... you can't. And all I ask of you, is to tell me if your feelings about Jews have changed after you've seen them in action up close.

20127204? ago


Never in my life did I think I would be at this point, seeing that all of the

world's evils lead back to the Marxist jew

20126759? ago

they got hit im Gitmo... watch!

20127638? ago

they got hit im Gitmo... watch!

lol fuck off jew shill

20398151? ago

how am I a jew shill if its been confirmed that we have Epstein alive and well... we all knew he would sing loud for us.

20127194? ago

By gitmo clearly you mean Tel Aviv

20126819? ago

He never entered US territory on the plane.