20122736? ago

Thanks SB2! Great stuff.

20122080? ago

What kinda cipher is he using? Seems nonsensical to me, or maybe I'm just ignorant.

20123286? ago

Fren you are not ignorant. Cereal for Brains IS nonsensical. Maybe if he talked even faster all the hops in logic would seem logical.

20122803? ago

A combination of gematria and using tweet timestamps to cross reference Q post numbers.

The shills here will tell you gematria is satanic. It isn't, it is just a cipher used to communicate covertly. Satanists use English to communicate but we don't consider English satanic.

Similar techniques have been used to communicate covertly throughout history.

20122035? ago

More SB2 crapola...no thanks. Capt. Kirk : "Gematria me out of here Scotty !! "

20121490? ago

Apparently SB2 didn't get enough ass-kissing from GA. https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3376775

20121247? ago

5D chess

Now that the Fake News has reported Epstein is dead in an attempt to scare away those who were thinking of cooperating, trying to kill him again will be a little more problematic…

20121206? ago

did anyone here about a possible early morning transfer of Jeff ...? rumor has it he left then returned to his cell....

20123391? ago

20123399? ago

nice find.....

20122756? ago

Yes, there was a post in QRV earlier on it. It was chaotic on here though, I will try and find it and report back

20121243? ago

Not sure

20121124? ago

https://archive.ph/uwStJ :

None | Epstein dead? Not according to the comms. : SerialBrain2

'They tried many tricks that you can read about in articles like How ‘The New York Times’ Deceived the Public on North Korea or What the New York Times Got Wrong About North Korea. '

'Ok, so we are told by the Fake News and the New York Times in particular that Epstein was found dead this morning at 6:30 AM at the Metropolitan Correctional Center. '

'Read very carefully: Img1Then, at 6:58 AM, the Maestro tweets about Kim Jong Un and North Korea and gives us the second piece of the puzzle: Img2Let’s follow the Maestro’s instruction and go back in time on North Korea. '

'The one who used to borrow my bike and would always return it with some kind of damage?'

'On May, 30 2019, the Fake News reported that North Korean’s negotiator Kim Yong Chol was executed by Kim Jong Un over the collapse of the summit in Hanoi. '

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