20102319? ago

I'm betting this guy is either an ANTIFA, Liberal, Socialist out to make gun owners look bad, or he's trying to give open carry a bad name, or he was on a dry run. I would not be surprised at any trick the Left tries to pull. All they know is deception.

20099919? ago

Open carry is "good" and should be lawful in all areas.

Also - Open carry is not a smart thing to do especially right now.

20097457? ago

Just because you CAN walk around with an AR in Walmart, doesn't mean you SHOULD.

Regardless, idk enough of the story to make a decision on how I feel about it. If he was walking in carrying it like Billy Bad Ass just to prove a point, then he's a full blown retard, and probably lucky some vigilant guy didn't turn his head into a canoe. If he had it packed or in his cart, maybe to see what kind of ammo to buy? I guess that makes sense.

20097097? ago

What exactly did the guy do that was illegal?

Was it illegal to open carry in his state?

Was it illegal for him to open carry in that Walmart?

If not, then there was no crime. So why was he arrested?

And, why did someone else, who was obviously also carrying a gun stop him? If he was carrying a gun too, concealed or open carry, he would have known the laws too. Why wasn't he also arrested for having a firearm? Just because he stopped a guy that was opening carrying with a rifle?

20096842? ago

Please spam this to this twat


20096838? ago

100 rounds. wow. He should be limited to only 3. Who needs more than 3 rounds to shoot a deer?

20096602? ago

100 rounds. I go through that in one session at the range. More than that. It's only a couple of boxes. I remember once my buddy and I were getting ready to go hunting, realized we needed more ammo. We were both in camo and open carrying. We walked into a Walmart and went back to the gun counter. Bought about 1000 rounds and walked out. No one gave a shit. That was 20 years ago. NOW? SWAT would show up, women would scream and hide their babies. The Propaganda is very effective.

20096379? ago

I think that open carrying an AR15 is irresponsible - this type of behaviour (although legal) will get someone hurt and it is totally unnecessary. I would also freak out if some guy was walking around with an AR or AK. The bad guys can hide behind this law and wonder around un-checked and start firing. If you are insisting on owning this type of weapon, be responsible.

20096887? ago

I think that open carrying an AR15 is irresponsible -

Can I or Should I is a great litmus test. "Mass shootings" are at the forefront right now, what did this idiot think would happen?

20096222? ago

Normally carry laws apply to hand guns, not rifles. Rifles are normally handled differently. For instance here, rifles and shotguns can be carried in a car or truck, if put in plain sight with no permit at all. You can also carry them into a sporting good store if need be. Taking them to a mall though is certainly questionable.

20096026? ago

What is it with Walmarts? Are they in on it for the exposure or are they astroturfing with their employees to stop selling guns?

20095982? ago

Headline is misleading. There wasn't a bad guy with a gun to stop.

20096242? ago

Armed Patriot - bad, evil , disgusting becuase evil can't have it's way unchecked.

20095995? ago

I agree (now). I did think something was off with the story at first but it makes sense now and the headline is misleading.

20095882? ago

This was not a potential mass shooting. This was a guy testing the system and exercising his rights. Missouri is an open carrier state. This guy broke no laws. We need everyone to be armed ala the wild west days. I read something the other day. The predator is prepared, the prey is usually not. We need to change that. If these retards thought everyone was carrying, perhaps they'd be less rambo-like.

20095916? ago

I admit I did not consider the "open carry" possibility when I first saw this story and posted it here as a "good guy with a gun" story.

20095829? ago

how deep state mind controlled shooters are made?

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3367006 Big Pharma Mind Control is waging war against humanity, ALL MASS SHOOTERS WERE on DRUGS

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3368369 Secrets of the CIA's Global Sex Slave Industry

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3341196 Q#923 "They made many current/former enslaved children famous.", China Lake / Area 51 earth quake attack related to satanic ritual abuse of babies on a massive scale. Save the little ones!

20095581? ago

MSM won't cover this, though.

20095513? ago

1st thing I think: Is it inherently illegal in that jurisdiction to openly carry a long gun, 100 rounds of ammo, and wear body armor?

2nd thing: Was the purported 'good guy with a gun' not also carrying a firearm and ammo?

3rd thing: What would happen to the level of civility -- and the frequency of lunatic 'mass shootings' -- if a mere 10% of the general population lawfully and openly carried an assault type weapon? [No need to limit this to 10%.]

The prevalence of snowflaky, knee-jerk reaction to the sight of a firearm ... and body armor ... is quite an unnerving thing. A few weeks ago, I was at a local Walmart. Carrying concealed. Observed a fellow openly carrying a holstered Glock (a sheathed tac knife also on his belt) and wearing a Gadsden (don't tread on me) 'abstract' t-shirt. He and his wife were ... wait for it ... shopping.

I respectfully approached, and said, "Um, sir, I couldn't help but notice . . . your t-shirt. Nice!"

He smiled, shook my hand, and said, "Thank you."

"I wonder..." I went on to say, "Not that it matters, but how many of the sheeple in this place know that they are safer because of people like us. Be well, patriot."

"God bless ya, brother." Replies the pistol packing gentleman.

Just two privileged white supremacists having a chance encounter, I'm sure.

20096213? ago

Sounds like me in Safeway the other day. The only difference? His wife had a really nice set of tits on display, and the words were slightly different ( but the same sentiment).

20096385? ago

Tits on display. Adds another dimension. Don't tread on them.

20096989? ago

They are protection. Perp stares at titans while dude preps firearm for accurate discharge.

20096975? ago

Hmmmmm motorboatin

20095757? ago

The leftists are extremely intimidated by the two of you men in the store....shopping. Scary to think two well arned men could wield that much power and merely...shop and shake hands with a normal conversation carrying on.

You are my heroes, but you are Leftists' nightmares.

20096331? ago

I hear you.

I'd say that the 'leftists' are intimidated by their own self-loathing -- developed over years of conditioning to be totally controllable. An oligarchic, elitist 'system' that promotes Death, Dependency, and the Pursuit of Misery for its followers while profiting in power and money to fund their diabolic lifestyles.

Yes. People like us are currently Leftists' nightmares. Some of them will wake up. But I think that number is scant.


20098035? ago

I only pray that more of you will populate our public places armed for bear. I am a female and feel so safe when I see Patriots carrying.

20095270? ago

A guy open carries in a Wallmart, and goes to the sporting goods section to buy ammo. Has 100 rounds in his cart, and probably a decent amount on him because this was America. The manager freaks out and pills the fire alarm, and he calmly leaves with the other people. A fireman sees him and assumes the worst and points a gun at his head. He doesn't resists and the police talk to him and don't take him in because he broke no laws.

Then the media claims there was an attempted shooting all because some manager was a liberal pussy and started a dangerous situation by pulling the fire alarm. Why are people pushing against open carrying by spreading fake news that portrays anyone open carrying as a possible shooter.

20096931? ago

I don't think any of us know the story, so there is no reason to fight with each over it. Possibilities:

  1. Guy was going in Walmart to buy something, was surprised that people thought it was something sinister
  2. Guy wanted to cause a fuss and record it to be famous and to show how he a legal right to carry ammo and weapons in public
  3. Guy is a Deep Stater who was sent in to scare people even more about gun nuts
  4. Guy was going to shoot people but got stopped by people who saw something and said something

They all are possible. I think 3 is the most likely, with 2 a close second. IHMO 1 and 4 are much less likely. If you don't agree with me, it doesn't make you a shill or a moron.


20096851? ago

Then the media claims

Drudge still has this up top of page since late yesterday afternoon, that's the MSM now too.

20096848? ago

This sounds about right actually.

20095367? ago

Could be. I don't know what the open carry laws are in Missouri. If that is what happened then he is lucky he didn't get shot. Strolling around Wal Mart wearing body armor and carrying a rifle might be perfectly legal but is about as smart as wearing a sandwich board that says "I hate niggers" in Harlem.


20095399? ago

Fuck you shill this is America. I will open carry when and where I want that is legal and you faggots pushing fake news to try and get anons to support an end to open carry and more gun control should be deported out of this great country. Shall not be infringed niggerfaggot.

20096211? ago

You can open carry, however u need to be contestant of how others might react. Open carrying a handgun is not the same thing as open carrying an assault rifle. Just because its legal you need to have enough common sense to know where and when not to exercise your right.

People doing dumb shit will cast a dark light on those who don't.

20096858? ago

... and this is why the second is long gone.

20098604? ago

No the second is long gone because we have raised generations of pussies who wet them selves at the sight of a squirt gun. We never took the time to educate them to the proper use of guns and to have respect for them. We also raised them to not know the history of this country and the reason why we need a second amendment.

Blame it on the previous generations who took our freedom for granted.

20101979? ago

Not wrong... My father told me that I don't need a large magazine to hunt deer. I am middle aged now. Imagine that shit! The second is for hunting lol. My sons learn what I call, "The way of the gun". I make them earn that shit too. They to fight for it. I make them learn all sorts of shit. I test them on it. I made a wooden gun and made my son carry it and care for it as if it were real with no mistakes for a year. If I saw it pointed at me or something else or was just lying around or whatever then the year started over. He started the year over 3 times all in the same month. Then never made a mistake again. Funny how that works. We can let those faggots get old and die and simply raise the next generation behind us to be hard core again. I'm doing my part. This fall my kids slaughter their first hog and chop it up... Oldest is going to shoot it with a gun. Then the rest are going to work on it. They raised it from a little piglet. This is the lessons of life that have been lost and need to be reinstated. I wish there were parents accosting me and begging me to give their sons and daughters the same experience but I know that if I ever even told anyone that my kids slaughtered and packaged an animal some liberal faggot would call CPS and I would never see the end of that nightmare.

I hope Q is right. We are going to create a new government controlled by you, the people.

20095418? ago

Go ahead and have fun exercising your right to be stupid. I don't care if you get shot.

20095453? ago

It isn't stupid to open carry in places where you are legally allowed to do so, and fuck you for threatening to shoot any law abiding gun owners exercising their rights in this country.

20095661? ago

You are being a fool. Nobody threatened you. You just made that up. Go away, you fuckin obtuse moron. And, no, that wasn't a threat. It was just an observation.

20095567? ago

Aww you took away one of my fake internet points because you can't back up your claim that I made a threat?

20095470? ago

Please show me where I threatened to do anything.

20095320? ago

yes, it was legal and yes he (the open carry guy) set himself up for all this commotion because he wanted to be famous.

20095360? ago

If I stop off at a Walmart to buy ammo before heading innawoods with some friends later it isn't to be famous. Fuck off shill. It was the liberal manager pulling the fire alarm that caused the commotion. There was no scene nor panic before he did that.

20095387? ago

fuck you idiot. the guy was obvious an attention whore. doing this right after 2 nationalized shootings and all.

20095416? ago

People carry to defend themselves, not for attention. Your anti open carry narrative is extremely obvious

20096200? ago

lol. bruh, brohem, bram. did i say i was anti anything?

20096552? ago

This was at a walmart neighborhood market, they don't sell ammo there, only groceries and toiletries....I don't know where you got your info from. The off duty fireman who confronted the guy didn't point his gun at dudes head, he stopped the guy and told him to put his hands up, they guy complied and asked the fireman to take his gun from him, the fireman told the guy to stay where he was with his hands up until the cops came 2 minutes later. Stop spreading disinformation.

20096508? ago

You are describing many of our trips to Walmart and sporting goods stores. You are, willingly or not, perpetuating some red flag bullshit.

20095145? ago

Possible FF that didn't go according to plan? Potential shooter's programming all fucked up? Who knows. We'll never know.

20095333? ago

In that state what he did was not illegal; what the fireman did was though.

Besides.. what "mass shooter" shops before he works ????

20095280? ago

Literally just a guy open carrying and shopping at wallmart and a manager freaked out and pulled a fire alarm.

20095325? ago

Interesting. I thought it was someone with fucked up therapy. Forget that you can open carry in some states.

20095372? ago

For now you can, the media will now push to end open carry because some people like that manager can panic, and some QRV people are actually pushing for more gun control because of feelings.

20100021? ago

some QRV people are actually pushing for more gun control

Because they're working for a jewish psyop.

20095026? ago

Not "former" firefighter, and off-duty fireman.

20095879? ago

CBSNEWS also States the firefighter was "formal" but quote the firefighter account of the incident. I find the article interesting but leave me with more questions than answers. One question I have did this firefighter was fired after this incident?

My take away is bizarre behavior for a terrorist, he walking around with a weapon loaded up with Hundred round magazine, recording all this on has phone and "compliant" with the first person who confront him.

https:// www.cbsnews.com/news/springfield-missouri-walmart-panic-man-tactical-rifle-body-armor/

P.S. can't post links I had split up the link at "// www" to make it non link

20095132? ago


They changed the headline after that copy was archived. I just went with the 10-hour old version because it doesn't really make a difference.

20095123? ago

The changed the headline after that copy was archived. I just went with the 10-hour old version because it doesn't really make a difference.