20089608? ago

We can do more than one thing at the same time. Epstein is important, but so is winning the information war on all fronts.

20092084? ago

Epstain is the domino that starts the exposure of the baby eating satanists.

20092859? ago


20089351? ago

I made a series of memes on Declas, Epstein, the Storm, the Cabal, and others and I drop them into trending discussions on Twitter. Just get some memes and watch what is trending, then "bombs away" with the memes.

20092095? ago

Get them on Imgur. Tons of exposure.

Make sure it's covert...a thinking man's meme

20088001? ago

No Epstein is not the domino that starts the rest falling. Hehehehehe you people and your cooked up conspiracy FAILS.

20094494? ago

So I guess all that Avalanche talk was just nonsense. Good talk. Quiet now, adults are talking.

20092104? ago

Do you realize how bad these people are? If you don't you're a bot.

You don't belong here bot.

20087812? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3372953 for the thread you already started

20092110? ago

Not me bro.

20086075? ago


Who is a member? (Les Wexner)

Who is Kirsten Bay?

What is CyberAdapt?

What is Vision Logic?

Who is John Walsh?

What is the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children?

There's more.

20085647? ago

What happened on island?


20089246? ago

Interesting but you are way of on ch14 here is a cleaned up photo, very disturbing. https://i.redd.it/qdpt8rtxgtq01.jpg

20089686? ago

I've only seen this pic https://imgoat.com/uploads/3fe9d84310/223791.png so if you had another pic that shows ch3 it would be very appreciated if you show me, thanks.

20089517? ago

that channel is really misty

20089653? ago

Ummmm where the fuck did you get ch3 from? All the pictures Ive seen only have the numbers 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14 and 15. There is no "3" visible in the pics I've seen?

20089598? ago

If you look really carefully you can kind of see on the untouched up photo. Idk for sure but I'm 95% sure that what it is.

20086000? ago

Remember he had a dentist chair in his Manhattan mansion too. Implants for control?

20086092? ago


The International Labor Organization estimates that there are 20.9 million human trafficking victims worldwide and 4.5 million people trapped in forced sex trafficking around the globe. At least 100,000 children are prostituted annually in the U.S., adding to the $9.8 billion U.S. sex trafficking industry. This is an extremely lucrative business, as pimps typically make between $150K and $200K per child annually and exploit 4-6 girls, on average.

Human trafficking remains a major problem worldwide, and it’s not just pimps and escaped convicts involved. It’s politicians, the elite, wealthy businessmen, your neighbours, and oftentimes the people that you’d least expect. There was an astonishing 35.7% increase in the amount of human trafficking victims in the U.S. between 2015 and 2016, and that’s just the known number of victims. This begs the question: Are we getting better at finding them, or are an increasing number of people being forced to sell their bodies? Sadly, statistics suggest the latter.

Technology has played an integral role in finding these victims in recent years; however, technology can also enable human trafficking through the dark net and even through the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips. One doctor recently came forward, whose identity will be kept anonymous, to share his story in surgically removing an RFID chip in a female sex trafficking victim. How can the healthcare system help these victims and what can we do to put an end to human trafficking?

Doctor Extracts RFID Chip From Sex Trafficking Victim

In October 2016, a 28-year-old woman walked into a hospital claiming that she had a tracker inside of her body. Although the doctor said the woman looked respectable, the nurses and doctors on site were still skeptical of her story, until they gave her an X-ray.

“Embedded in the right side of her flank is a small metallic object only a little bit larger than a grain of rice. But it’s there. It’s unequivocally there. She has a tracker in her. And no one was speaking for like five seconds — and in a busy ER that’s saying something,” the doctor explained.

As it turned out, that small metal object was an RFID chip. “It’s used to tag cats and dogs. And someone had tagged her like an animal, like she was somebody’s pet that they owned,” he continued.

It’s important to note that RFID chips aren’t like every other tracking device or GPS system. The type of chip that was inside this woman could only have been used to track her if the person tracking her was nearby. This means that she was likely kept in a confined area with her captor, as if she truly were a pet who needed to be kept close to her owner.

In truth, she was forced into the world of sex trafficking by her boyfriend, who was acting as her pimp. He chipped her to ensure her compliance, forcing her to sell her body for sex and then give him the money. This isn’t an unusual practice, either, as many industries, from prostitution to manufacturing to domestic service, will chip their “employees.” (source) Read more about RFID chips and their potential and current uses in our CE article here.

Already in use, RFID chips stand to become common technology. An American company called Applied Digital Solutions developed one the size of a grain of rice and it’s already been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for distribution and implementation. You can read more about that in our CE article here.

The potential issues regarding microchipping the human race are endless. Would we have any privacy? It’s easy to imagine how the elite and the government could use microchips to further control the general population. Is it even safe to put inside of our bodies or would we experience another drastic increase in cancer rates? Plus, if this becomes common practice in the world of human trafficking, would this help us find victims or would it only help those controlling them?

20092160? ago

We control them now. We control their communications.

We control them.

20085581? ago


The breakthrough on June 21st has brought many positive developments.

The amount of still present plasma toplet bombs is slowly but steadily decreasing, and the following scenario with toplets bombs detonating now seems extremely unlikely:


Other negative scenarios have also been averted:


We are slowly but surely approaching the culmination point, as it is clearly reflected in seismic activity which is a pretty good indicator of how close we are to the breakthrough:


Arrest of Jeffrey Epstein is the first big, real and tangible victory of the Light forces against the dark network on the surface of the planet. It signifies the trigger point through which the extent of child abuse will be revealed to the surface population:



Connections to the Rothschild family who were Epstein's handlers will be exposed:


There is unconfirmed intel that Jeffrey Epstein is a close relative of this guy:


The disgusting truth about the extent of child abuse through dark networks will finally be made known:



When all this is made public, people will be forced to face their own denial:


All main dark bloodlines are involved in child abuse:


Many times, child abuse takes place in the private properties belonging to those bloodlines, especially those that are not accessible to public:


The Light forces are now starting to remove child abuse networks with full force. First they have triggered an earthquake with plasma scalar device near China Lake military base to disable it at least temporarily:


China Lake base testing advanced weapons is just a cover story, in fact this place is one of the main concentration camps where children are ritually abused and mind programmed (warning, very graphic text):


One of the main programmers and abusers of children on a planetary level is Michael Aquino and he was also one of the main programmers at China Lake :



There is an occult war ongoing in California between the Light and the dark forces right now and nothing more can be said about that.

One of the more troubling developments globally is the extent to which 5G networks are enforced:




The dark forces are promoting 5G to create another layer of electromagnetic fence to prevent the quarantine / veil from dissolving. They will not be successful.

They can not prevent massive awakening any more:


There are certain important developments that will be ongoing in sublunar space in the next days, weeks and months, and positive news related to disclosure, space travel and solar system are expected soon.

20085545? ago

The 100th Monkey Effect

As the below article details, the 100th monkey effect is an accidental discovery by a team of researchers in the mid 1960’s. The team was studying the Japanese Macaca monkey that was provided sweet potatoes from the team that they enjoyed eating.

Here is an excerpt from the accounting below:

“In 1952, on the island of Koshima, scientists were providing monkeys with sweet potatoes dropped in the sand. The monkeys liked the taste of the raw sweet potatoes, but they found the dirt unpleasant.

“An 18-month-old female named Imo found she could solve the problem by washing the potatoes in a nearby stream. She taught this trick to her mother. Her playmates also learned this new way and they taught their mothers too.

“This cultural innovation was gradually picked up by various monkeys before the eyes of the scientists.

“Between 1952 and 1958 all the young monkeys learned to wash the sandy sweet potatoes to make them more palatable.

“Only the adults who imitated their children learned this social improvement. Other adults kept eating the dirty sweet potatoes.

“Then something startling took place. In the autumn of 1958, a certain number of Koshima monkeys were washing sweet potatoes — the exact number is not known.

“Let us suppose that when the sun rose one morning there were 99 monkeys on Koshima Island who had learned to wash their sweet potatoes.

“Let’s further suppose that later that morning, the hundredth monkey learned to wash potatoes.

“Then it happened!

“By that evening almost everyone in the tribe was washing sweet potatoes before eating them.

“The added energy of this hundredth monkey somehow created an ideological breakthrough!

“But notice.

“A most surprising thing observed by these scientists was that the habit of washing sweet potatoes then jumped over the sea –

“Colonies of monkeys on other islands and the mainland troop of monkeys at Takasakiyama began washing their sweet potatoes.

And here is the most revealing passage:

“The new behavior pattern spread to most, but not all, of the monkeys. Older monkeys, in particular, remained steadfast in their established behavior patterns and resisted change. When the new behavior pattern suddenly appeared among monkey troupes on other islands, only a few monkeys on those islands picked up on the new idea. The ones most receptive to new ideas started imitating the new behavior and demonstrating it to the impressionable younger ones. Thus, they too began their own path towards their eventual hundredth monkey effect.”

First the effect was not a complete and total paradigm shift within the monkey population. At best, all that occurred was a transition of awareness; the newer monkeys learned about the washing method, but did not automatically begin washing the potatoes.

Second, the transmission occurred after a sufficient number of monkeys in the host population expressed the washing behavior. It was then that “only a few monkeys on those [new] islands” began washing the potatoes. In other words, it wasn’t enough to simply be aware of this new way, it had to be accepted and expressed in order to ‘build up’ in the host population, which eventually experienced a pandemic awareness of the better way.


20085276? ago

He's not a target until his trial comes up in June 2020. You have 10 months. Do something else.

20085167? ago

Continue to remind ourselves that we are using the law and the Constitution to expose and prosecute this evil. There will be no deals.

20084826? ago

Roger that.

20084314? ago

What's the 100th monkey theory?

20085409? ago

Duck duck go is your friend....

20086748? ago

So, monkeys are too stupid to know what the 100th monkey theory is.

20087251? ago

Monkeys are too stupid to use the internet to find their answers.....

20087848? ago

Fucking hilarious. If you didnt know, STFU

20089137? ago

Nah, I'll tell 99 what a faggot you are, you can be the 100th monkey, ok pumpkin tits?

20090192? ago

Good job monkey. Glad to see usefulness has expired.

20085807? ago

lmddgtfy kek

20084203? ago

While I get your sentiment, I am not your bitch and my task might not be yours. I'll continue on with what I am about, how about you do the same and not sound like a Lib whine 😫 ass.

20084201? ago

Hes in jail wtf are we supposed to do?

20084144? ago

Epstain is the Domino that starts the rest falling.

Seems like a massive distraction from the whole point of electing Trump - Put her in jail, and send them ALL back. Things are the way they are in the world because people are easily manipulated and/or distracted.

20084048? ago

Our Target? Are you kidding? This domino already fell. Nothing can stop what is coming. Id down vote this if I could. We don't have "Targets" you fucking DS faggot.

20083726? ago

I don't narrow my focus, I broaden it.

Nothing has fallen except good people.

Man your station, and we'll man ours.

We are small group and by approximating of our focus we become a larger target.

If you solve something, share it.

20083564? ago

MSM is beginning to retreat from mass shooting coverage, and returning to its task of linking Epstein to the President. Somehow they are trying to make a connection to Epstein's plea deal nearly two decades ago, assigning the responsibility for his light sentencing to Trump.

20092214? ago

Right now Q controls the media cycle. Q is their 4am talking points dude, they just don't realize it yet.

All of their communications have been stripped away. They are trying to organize without modern comms and it isn't working out so well for them.

We've won the war, they don't realize it yet.

20082832? ago

I'm glad you've been reading my posts.

But, don't forget about Jack Dorsey and the Standard Hotel or Nicole Junkerman being Mossad.

20085719? ago

Nicole Junkermann is a lynch-pin IMHO...

Proving the Mossad has been doing this (honeypot-blackmail-influencing policy) for decades will be far more damaging in the long run and to the sleeping-sheep than exposing even a horrible pedo like Epstein ever could...

20086029? ago

Proving it to the normies is the important part.

20082125? ago

There are several fronts to be pushing, not just Epstein. Trump is pushing the war against the Fed and we need to push out the narrative that the Ohio shooter was Antifa.

The world is waking up. I have red pilled several people this past week thanks to the false flags.

20092059? ago

Also another random knife attacks killing in garden grove by a Hispanic criminal killing 4 other Hispanic and injuring 2 more... counter their narrative ?