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20058335? ago

Ok I want to ask a LEGITIMATE question. I am NOT trying to be a ballbuster. I DO NOT understand even remotely HOW Gematria works. My math skills have always been poor and puzzles piss me off so I cant be bothered so I leave to others. Now that being admitted I dont see the POINT in this. If The President truly IS talking in code whats the point if its this easy for some to figure out, shouldn't it be obvious the fuck face deep state can as well? So WHO then is it being kept secret from? please dont tell me normies. Whoever cooked up The Plan put too much care into Normies feelings and reactions and it seem to be the cause most of the delay on stuff. Its not that Im impatient Im just not a bullshitter. If i have something to say I say it plain and simple. Like alot of people here Id prefer he just drop the fucking hammer with The Military as was Plan B and let it fly. Thats just MY 2 cents obviously they dont GAS what "I" think. But Im trying to get a handle on this whole talking in code when both sides KNOW the code. I'd be interested to hear others opinions yeah even if it includes the normie argument

20058416? ago


I am the gematria Numberfag that does a heap of the gematria on here. I did the Ivanka Trump tweet decode that equaled QAnon in the first result.

Here is my reply to another Anon asking about Gematria:-

It's where a number is assigned to a letter of the alphabet, and different letter and word combinations mean others as well, or have strong concordance with both Hebrew and English gematria which use different methods of calculation. SerialBrain2 uses mainly English Gematria, as that is what seems to be the standard, when analyzing ALL of the Trump's tweets, but he also uses Hebrew.

There is a method he has identified as taking the capitalized letters from the tweet, and using that for gematria analysis. It comes up with a coded message that can then be interpreted, when current events and subject matter are all triangulated together. It gives us cryptic messages. It's hard as fuck to do.

I appreciate the questions BTW. All I see is patterns and numbers in ALL these tweets from Trump, and also QAnon's posts.

Too much synchronicity and concordance to be a coincidence ("Do you believe in co-incidences...?"), and is now getting to the point of being Mathematically impossible, that this isn't the "comms." that Q keeps asking us to learn about.

They must bypass MSM propaganda (The Enemy) and cannot communicate openly due to Nat. Sec. concerns.

Q and Trump's tweets, and gematria, are our communication back channel to the Players, The President, Q team, and the Military. There is a War on my friend. A quiet one requiring silent weapons. Thanks.


20058441? ago

Thanks for the reply. I hadnt considered that angle of Twitter shutting down any actual plainly worded tweets. Definitely a possibility

20058543? ago

You're welcome Anon.

20058584? ago

Hey while I have you, with all this seeming caving he's doing with the Red Flag laws etc. and going back to Q's Guns are safe post, has he mentioned anything about that in these post codes?

20058717? ago

Yes definitely. I am currently doing the decodes, and will post to you and the site ASAP. The OP in this post seems to have made an error in that FACEBOOK does not appear in the first letter combination. I will do a full decode shortly and post with a link to you so you can follow along. I didn't know was actually interested in my work, as I am heavily attacked on here for posting Gematria decodes, but after I nailed that Ivanka Trump tweet coming up with QAnon straight up, I seem to have convinced a lot of people:-

20059844? ago

You are attacked by shills(flak) because you are over the target Patriot!

20059899? ago

Thanks. :)

20058788? ago

This is the one thing Ive never been able to fathom here. people have legit skills, gripes, opinions etc but there is a group fo people here, holier than thou, smarter than thee, wiser than all that do nothing but insult people for disagreeing with them and then bother to write WWG1WGA. Makes no sense to me. But I give you alot of credit for being ABLE to do this and sure, if you want to include me in your next decode Id appreciate the link. TY

20058877? ago

Excellent. Looks the start of building an Anon team on here to tackle this work. There's a lot to do my freind. TBA...