20060613? ago

SerialBrain2 on Reddit uses this technique. Seems like it’s becoming true.

20059775? ago

GOOAGCCHE looks like it's saying Google Cache to me, but I'm not a numberfag.

20060321? ago

Numberfag here.

He's targeting Big Tech and their involvement in election interfering next.

That is the message I am getting from these three tweets, but I am not finished writing my decode yet, as it's massive AF, and I can do them fast enough, before more data and tweets come in. I need a team of Anons to work on this daily with me.

Trump is sending A LOT of coded warnings to The [DS] definitely, put it that way. I will elaborate ASAP.

20059641? ago

1:51 daylight time = 12:51 standard time which is also pretty cool.

20060361? ago

13.51 in Military 24 hour time if you are thinking Mirror as we have been directed to do many times by Q...

Same as all the 23s that are a theme along with the 119s. 23 hundred hours is night time at 11 pm in Military 24 hour time...

so 23.09 would be the NEXT 9/11 on the clock. Got it?

20059066? ago

Time stamp is 10.51 am btw. 1.51 is cool to check out too.

Q Post # 1051 is about a cyber strength test. The tweets were about big tech. 8Chan just went down.

You do the Math.

20058849? ago

He's talking about going after white shit posters on the internet.

20059785? ago

Optics for the MSM, as the FFs all just happened, and he HAS to. This opens the door for MUCH closer scrutiny of BLM and ANTIFA.The Dems won't get shit passed, as they know all the new laws will be turned on them. Trump is playing them. The 2A is safe. There will be no gun control.

20059831? ago

He shouldn't even be talking such nonsense. He is willing to sit with social media owners and give them tools they need to label posters as white supremacist terrorists. Think about that. He sided with the fucking leftist cucks on TV. There's no walking it back. He is a one-term president. His base fell apart. Even Crowder couldn't defend him. Trump came out as a trojan horse. He has been in cahoots with Schumer and Pelosi. He is an orange kike. a fucking tv steak salesman who loves to suck israel jew dick.

20059931? ago

The Enemy is cornered out of options and dumb as dog shit. Trump is playing their dumb asses like Bingo on Tuesday night. Henny Penny Sky is Falling type of concern faggery is NOT the way. Stay calm. Trump has this in the bag.

20059955? ago

No. after watching his speech he turned much of his base against him. I disavow that orange kike

20061031? ago

“Sir??? I think I’m pissing blood again.”

20058446? ago

Bro I cannot see Facebook in that letter combination. I checked many times. The others are fine.

20058335? ago

Ok I want to ask a LEGITIMATE question. I am NOT trying to be a ballbuster. I DO NOT understand even remotely HOW Gematria works. My math skills have always been poor and puzzles piss me off so I cant be bothered so I leave to others. Now that being admitted I dont see the POINT in this. If The President truly IS talking in code whats the point if its this easy for some to figure out, shouldn't it be obvious the fuck face deep state can as well? So WHO then is it being kept secret from? please dont tell me normies. Whoever cooked up The Plan put too much care into Normies feelings and reactions and it seem to be the cause most of the delay on stuff. Its not that Im impatient Im just not a bullshitter. If i have something to say I say it plain and simple. Like alot of people here Id prefer he just drop the fucking hammer with The Military as was Plan B and let it fly. Thats just MY 2 cents obviously they dont GAS what "I" think. But Im trying to get a handle on this whole talking in code when both sides KNOW the code. I'd be interested to hear others opinions yeah even if it includes the normie argument

20058416? ago


I am the gematria Numberfag that does a heap of the gematria on here. I did the Ivanka Trump tweet decode that equaled QAnon in the first result.

Here is my reply to another Anon asking about Gematria:-

It's where a number is assigned to a letter of the alphabet, and different letter and word combinations mean others as well, or have strong concordance with both Hebrew and English gematria which use different methods of calculation. SerialBrain2 uses mainly English Gematria, as that is what seems to be the standard, when analyzing ALL of the Trump's tweets, but he also uses Hebrew.

There is a method he has identified as taking the capitalized letters from the tweet, and using that for gematria analysis. It comes up with a coded message that can then be interpreted, when current events and subject matter are all triangulated together. It gives us cryptic messages. It's hard as fuck to do.

I appreciate the questions BTW. All I see is patterns and numbers in ALL these tweets from Trump, and also QAnon's posts.

Too much synchronicity and concordance to be a coincidence ("Do you believe in co-incidences...?"), and is now getting to the point of being Mathematically impossible, that this isn't the "comms." that Q keeps asking us to learn about.

They must bypass MSM propaganda (The Enemy) and cannot communicate openly due to Nat. Sec. concerns.

Q and Trump's tweets, and gematria, are our communication back channel to the Players, The President, Q team, and the Military. There is a War on my friend. A quiet one requiring silent weapons. Thanks.


20059565? ago

Serious questions- do you think that some of SB2s stuff is really out there, or mostly legit? Some of the decodes are amazing but with some I trust feel like he’s using it to tell his version of the story (which is really exciting). Second, is it true that often times the gemantria solution can offer diametric meanings and the decoder can pick and choose the solutions that best fit the desired narrative?


20060050? ago

Some times there is strong concordance (synchronicity) between the Hebrew values, and the English values. Often words with the same numerical values also correspond to another form of gematria, and thus, you can track the differences.

Also the amount of times they come up in search results. The players are encoding the messages in the Gematria database deliberately, to appear higher up in search results, in a sort of order.

I am entering them into a spreadsheet ATM, so I can move them all around in order and sort into groups of corresponding numbers, and then move on to the next stage of decryption. It's a MEGA job and very diffcult. I am an Autist, and I am still finding this overwhelming. TOO much data to process, and I don't have the key yet :(.

My friends liken this type of cryptology to working on the Enigma code in WW2, or like the Navajo Code Talkers were doing at the same time, in order to defeat the Japanese. Heavy shit we are involved in to be sure.

20059723? ago

Look, I am not sure about SB2 yet...

I am giving him the benefit of the doubt. I think SOME of his numerology calculations are a bit of a stretch (like the subtractions etc), but then he nailed the part where we use the capitalized letters and time stamps, and that appears to work very well indeed. His Gematria is sound AF.

He seems retarded at times, and at others he is literally BRILLIANT! So I suspect he is an insider, here to teach us the comms.

I like to go much more in detail, and draw a bigger picture than him, and use less speculation and stretching to gain an outcome. I am a technician when it comes down to it. I need a SOLID methodology I can show to others, so they don't think I am a nut case.

20062952? ago

I think the premise that coded language through number is sound. Especially decomposition (eg 72 = 66+(Add a) 6= 666


20058923? ago

Such as sending a tweet at 2.23 pm to send a message to Skull and Bones (see 322 reversed) - so “they” also know how to decode?!?

20059029? ago

They sure do. This is how the bad guys talk to each other in code and activate sleeper cells etc.

Q and Trump know this, so they troll them by doing it too.

Do a decode on Comey's tweets et al, on the capitalized letters only.

You see a different communication pattern than the whites hats are using.

20059133? ago

I think they do that but you have to know the “key” to decode it if it is true secret

20059220? ago

I use a lot of my sixth sense when looking at the Gematria and number pattern recognition. It's a very difficult learned skill. I am only getting good at it now. The Patriots writing these messages (tweets, Q posts, etc) are seriously Military level players using A-Diabatic Quantum AI, with supercomputers interfacing with them to encode and write these tweets, Q posts, gematria and numerology messages. An doing it ALL at the same time, perfectly corresponding. Freaky. This is some serious next level shit we are seeing go down. I have NEVER seen or experienced anything close in my whole life. I am proud to have been involved from the start, doing analysis, decodes, and baking bread. I hope Q can see my contribution as I wish to remain Anon, but need validation a little I guess.

20060031? ago

I doubt Q and Trump would communicate between each other through Twitter. Also the Q’s drops. It is more like a disinformation to the enemy . The enemy was stripped of communication channels and are desperately looking for clues. And our people are gladly providing a disinformation. If our people are using hi tech advanced computing it is for scenarios. We say 3D chess and it looks like they are doing modeling with advanced computing.

20060123? ago

At the Quantum AI level too. Using resources from other dimensions they are, to model every possible combination and scenario for each message in advance. No wonder they know what's going to happen so far in advance with such clarity. It's freaky.

Q and Trump are not communicating to each other, they are communicating to us and The [DS], depending on their needs. It's like a nod or a tip of the hat to certain people to let them know they are on the right track, or to warn enemies, without jeopardizing Nat. Sec.

20060259? ago

I think that is true. The problem with decoders like SB2 is they don’t use common sense to assess the results of their “decoding”. Some sound ridiculous. The problem is Gematria can give many possible outcomes. Man has still to use common sense. I read several SB2 decodes and at some point decided that doesn’t make sense anymore. So from point of view of Q and Trump - having access to all these resources and communicating to us with code - this is not very reliable . I suppose the authors cannot see how it looks from our side. But for me making me curious I begin digging and I find the facts my odd way. I consider all these drops as a hints.

20060407? ago

There is a method. I'm SURE of it, and have been since the Q posts began.

I just have not worked it out yet, but I will...

It's a puzzle to keep us all engaged and interested at a very close level.

GENIUS, if you goal is a Great Awakening. Just sayin'.

20061096? ago

Check or gematrix.org (i think that's the site). If you type in anything, it gives you the gematria values as well as Prentiss matching

20061703? ago

That's the one we ALL use. Iv'e been getting subtle confirmations in the results embedded in Trump's latest tweets, as if he is letting us know we are on the track using gematrix.org.

Those results MUST be encoded in to the data base by some one, or they wont come up. That's how it works. These messages are being put here by the patriots and other players using this system. A key to interpretation would of course be required to 100% decode the messages.

20058441? ago

Thanks for the reply. I hadnt considered that angle of Twitter shutting down any actual plainly worded tweets. Definitely a possibility

20058543? ago

You're welcome Anon.

20058584? ago

Hey while I have you, with all this seeming caving he's doing with the Red Flag laws etc. and going back to Q's Guns are safe post, has he mentioned anything about that in these post codes?

20058717? ago

Yes definitely. I am currently doing the decodes, and will post to you and the site ASAP. The OP in this post seems to have made an error in that FACEBOOK does not appear in the first letter combination. I will do a full decode shortly and post with a link to you so you can follow along. I didn't know was actually interested in my work, as I am heavily attacked on here for posting Gematria decodes, but after I nailed that Ivanka Trump tweet coming up with QAnon straight up, I seem to have convinced a lot of people:-


20059844? ago

You are attacked by shills(flak) because you are over the target Patriot!

20059899? ago

Thanks. :)

20058788? ago

This is the one thing Ive never been able to fathom here. people have legit skills, gripes, opinions etc but there is a group fo people here, holier than thou, smarter than thee, wiser than all that do nothing but insult people for disagreeing with them and then bother to write WWG1WGA. Makes no sense to me. But I give you alot of credit for being ABLE to do this and sure, if you want to include me in your next decode Id appreciate the link. TY

20058877? ago

Excellent. Looks the start of building an Anon team on here to tackle this work. There's a lot to do my freind. TBA...

20058259? ago

3-6-9 by Tesla makes so much sense now that I know what to look for

20058599? ago

oookay then, I'm just going to leave this here.



Evolving slowly but steadily over the years, Three 6 Mafia (whose name is a reference to the biblical number 666), began as an exploitative, horror-themed underground hardcore rap sensation yet went on to enjoy some mainstream success years later, eventually winning an Oscar and scoring some major hits.


20063387? ago

I read from a brilliant guy called Quinn Michael's that 666 is still an inside joke. It's actually the 93 society. 666 is what everyone uses but it's actually 3 9's flipped. 9/11/01 9 3 society. You can search a bunch of his videos on utube. He was kidnapped at a young age and has a crazy childhood upbringing. He linked Epstein and a bunch of others to advanced AI years ago. Crazy stuff if true.

20057943? ago

I am the Numberfag who does a lot of the Gematria on here. This is good work Anon. I will expand on it today, if I can find time. Stay tuned and Thanks again!


20057567? ago

God damn it. If this Gematria turns out to be true..... fuck.

20058308? ago

The bad guys use it. So Q+ uses it to screw with them.

20058081? ago

hahahaha, I feel ya