Especially those who are not believers, pray the Lord's prayer, which all Christians say.
No man can outwit Satan, and if you have not seen by now the supernatural evil driving these depraved, murderous minds, no red pill can awaken you.
The thing which will win this battle is people admitting they aren't in control, God is, and has been, and we need His help.
Politics can not win this. The law cannot win this. Intelligence cannot win this. Satan is real and he is at the height of his power after decades of people ignoring him, letting him roam free, unimpeded.
So pray. If you really care about making a difference, give to the battle your will, through prayer, to be God's will, which is perfect justice.
Deuteronomy 32:35
Revenge is mine, and I will repay them in due time, that their foot may slide: the day of destruction is at hand, and the time makes haste to come.
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20039953? ago
The most valuable thing you can do for your family is prepping.
Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.
20050289? ago
totally blow all your money on bullshit instead of organizing effectively.