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20040814? ago

It does not say Russia did not hack the DNC server.

The court said it was obvious that Russia hacked it, but the Russian Federation couldn't be sued in that court.

20040858? ago

Judge Koeltl said the DNC’s argument that Assange and WikiLeaks “conspired with the Russian Federation to steal and disseminate the DNC’s materials” is “entirely divorced from the facts.” The judge further ruled that the court “is not required to accept conclusory allegations asserted as facts.”

You must have read a different article.

20042179? ago

It's directly from the court's ruling.

U.S. District Judge John G. Koeltl said Russia was “undoubtably” the primary wrongdoer in the alleged criminal enterprise, but the country can’t be sued in U.S. courts except in special circumstances not present in this case.

20042186? ago

No that's from Time's reporting.

20042446? ago

Time magazine does not just make things up lol.

Here's the actual ruling from the court document.

See the last paragraph in the second page.

20042731? ago

OMG, that's what the plaintiff alleges. That is funny.

Yes, yes, Time actually does make things up. Thanks for confirming that for me. Maybe if they bothered reading the rest of the document they could have reported more accurately on it.

20042931? ago

No, you if you read the next few paragraphs you will see that it's the summary of the ruling in the first few pages.