20047624? ago

I hear the InfinityChan Crowd rode off into the Sunset on ZeroNet or something. Completely peer to peer with no oversight. True / Not True?

20047105? ago

Jim Watkins, owner of 8ch has just released a video.

Very interesting, says the El Paso shooter first released his manifesto on Instagram.

Sorry for the inconvenience, common sense will prevail

Video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yKPdbEAmWGE

20046234? ago

How to disable Cloudfare

https:// my.hostmonster.com/hosting/help/2290

20042559? ago

welp, ima just put this plastic bag over my head now. it's been hours. i mean. shit.

disclaimer: i'm not really a doubtfag but i just had a moment. i'll be alright. carry on.

20042298? ago

So where's that decentralized internet everyone was talking about a year ago?

20041422? ago

In war, you fight to win. No deals.

20041133? ago

latest from Ron:


4h4 hours ago

We have mitigations going up and strategies are being developed to bring services back online. Doing my best to #StayTheCourse.

522 replies 1,166 retweets 3,954 likes

Reply 522 Retweeted 1.2K Liked 4.0K Direct message



6h6 hours ago

Going to give bitmitigate some time to find a solution for their peering problem. If we are still down in a few hours then maybe 8chan will just go clearnet and we can brave DDOS attacks like Ishmael on the Pequod.

20040522? ago

Not related really, but I got suspended from Twitter today with absolutely NO message/email from them explaining why. I can't tweet, like, follow or even read DM's. No reason...I've been suspended in the past, but always was forced to delete offensive tweet(s). Nothing ~

20040356? ago

Wish 8bit had never left. The apparatus used to be invisible to them. Suddenly they know all the pieces.

20039819? ago

All part of the plan, frens.

20039716? ago

you misspelled CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY with censorship of pizzagate and others


20039629? ago


20039290? ago

Just so long as we win it. I have to say that several years ago, I never saw this coming, that the elitists would take over the few large companies that have wound up via market forces to control a majority of information dissemination and be able to circumvent the Constitution.

20042385? ago

Yet here we are.

20048211? ago

May it always be so.

20039268? ago

Can’t see any twats from CM. He is being blocked somehow

20041467? ago

20041117? ago

he's up, latest tweets:



4h4 hours ago


We have mitigations going up and strategies are being developed to bring services back online. Doing my best to #StayTheCourse.

522 replies 1,166 retweets 3,954 likes

Reply 522 Retweeted 1.2K Liked 4.0K Direct message



6h6 hours ago

Going to give bitmitigate some time to find a solution for their peering problem. If we are still down in a few hours then maybe 8chan will just go clearnet and we can brave DDOS attacks like Ishmael on the Pequod.

20038930? ago

This is why Q said to ARCHIVE OFFLINE. if you havent...youre a fool (no offense).

The day Q is 100% stopped, is the day of DECLAS...MARK MY WORDS PATRIOTS.

We KNEW this day was coming...

20040506? ago

Q also said they would provide instructions related to archiving before they are gone.

20042457? ago

Q also said 8chan was protected.

20038855? ago

Communications is one of the first things addressed when attacking an enemy force. I believe this weekend was an attack on our communications by our enemies, and the deaths and injuries were just collateral damage in their eyes.

20038700? ago

Time to make all social media a public utility.

20042472? ago

Did you hear orange man's speech today?

That's not a winning move.

20038655? ago

SeaLand needs to get some backers to sink money into making it a hosting platform outside of the control of those that wish to censor everything. Needs is own trunk cable to the US and Euro mainlands.

20038524? ago

It went down because someone released a clip of hitlery and huma torturing a child....

20041403? ago

Do you have the link?

20042408? ago

No. You will never get a link.

I saw a still edited all to hell...

20038391? ago

Lets do this!!!

20038390? ago

Can't the DOD host it? lol That would force the question now wouldn't it?

20038351? ago

What are ((( they ))) so scared of, some neckbeards shitposting from mom's basement? It is pretty easy to upload a manifesto to iCloud or Google Drive. Hmmmmm.

20038224? ago

Set up your own server, niggers.

“All right, here’s the nitty-gritty explanation as to how the numbers from this box are generated.

Our technical infrastructure consists of a few hundred servers. There are many types of them, comprising a fairly heterogeneous mixture (databases, app servers, cache servers, etc), all of them costing different rates. If we view the entire infrastructure as one giant computer, we can total up the cost to run it, but we need to normalize by the size of the whole fleet otherwise the amount that a single month of gold would pay for would slowly diminish over time as the infrastructure grows. So what you’re seeing is a cost rate proportional to the total cost of our technical infrastructure normalized by the total number of server-instances.

This rate will remain more or less even over time, gradually improving as per-server costs drop due to advances in technology (e.g. Moore’s Law) and efficiency improvements by our programming team.

Roughly speaking at the moment, a month of reddit gold pays for about 276 minutes (about 4.6 hours) of server time. By buying a month of gold, you’re helping to pay for one of our many hundreds of servers to run for 4.6 hours. Each server generates thousands of pageviews per hour (massive oversimplification), so by buying reddit gold you are helping to fund not just your own reddit experience, but reddit for many others.”

20037843? ago

Any word from @PuttItOut for when they shoah voat?

20037674? ago

They are completely misrepresenting 8chan and the users.

Did we expect something OTHER than Projection and Gaslighting?

20037595? ago

we all knows jews did this

20037362? ago

Is this because of the image posted on 8 chan that purported to show Hillary and Huma torturing a child?

QRV is great, but 8chan has the most serious anons using their powers of autism to observe minute details, detect hidden patterns, research obsessively, digging deep and compiling mountains of incredible research exposing the deep state and its vile crimes.

20041353? ago

Do you have link ? I've been looking for it.

20043322? ago

https://ibb.co/hF0GFb0 here it is...

20042667? ago

shit no worky now.

20043343? ago

https://ibb.co/hF0GFb0 Looks like IMGoat is down.

20044725? ago

hmm not sure what to think of this yet

20042354? ago

Yeah, that works...

20043358? ago

https://ibb.co/hF0GFb0 HEre is that pic. Looks like IMgoat is down as well.

20036835? ago

If Trump weren't POTUS, he could fix this.

20036791? ago

How can we start ruining jewish hang-outs on the internet?

20036783? ago

Funny wouldn't it. Q posts by emergency alert system!

20036768? ago

I knew this would happen. People were not too concerned but this is what they do. People weren't bothered when alex went down. They learned that no one would be bothered over and over again and now. LOOK! shooters and it's their fault!."

I hope and pray we can find someone with balls to handle at leaset out tiny part of the chan. who knows.

20036762? ago

Maybe we can get Russia to host it. That would be ironic.

20091141? ago

I had that same thought

20048343? ago

or china or nk

20036874? ago


20036682? ago

Obviously the Deep State is really sweating big time for them to go to this length. Q and anons have them running scared. I'm not savvy enough to know how to "fix" this, but I'm sure the techies are working overtime on this. Sadly, this means we won't hear from Q again for awhile.

20037936? ago


20042618? ago

hummm….and YOU know that how???

20036584? ago

Does the term "dirty war" ring a bell? Our CIA waged this type of war in Central America for eons. It would include all types of information sources. Why do you think so many journalists have been gruesomely murdered down there? Now they can simply murder our voices. Friends, the CIA will eventually be hunted down man by man and exterminated on the spot.

20036548? ago

Sounds like a market opportunity for offshore alternative hosting. All we need is a ship, and some hot chicks for the crew (instead of old fat guys), and maybe that UK chef from "Below Deck", and some food, and fuel, and PC's and servers. Maybe a retired Cruise ship, since a cargo ship would be stupid with regard to staff accomadations. I call the penthouse suite! Fuck you, I called it.

Whatever happened to that "idea" about offshore FOREIGN software developers for US contracts?

20038486? ago

Bounce the obfuscated and encrypted data stream (boobs.jpg) off of Google cube sats, right under their (((shnozzes))).

20040502? ago

I wonder if need a 16 inch gun turret and some radar for the turds. We could disquise it as a giant dick maybe! That would be funny. NEVER want to be an actual combat ship. Just defense you understand. Still cruise ships aren't necessarily sea worthy in heavy seas. Maybe a retired research ship?

20036895? ago

I call the Head Chef's job. I am literally a baker here too, both in the kitchen, and in cyberspace - "Blessed are the bread Bakers". WWG1WGA!

20036887? ago

enter john mcafee

20037017? ago

Blech. I don't associate with his sort. He's a nigger lover. He let's them POOP on his face I hear.

20042434? ago


Sound familiar?

20043250? ago

I don't care, but I DO care that he's a NIGGER LOVER.

20036396? ago

Everything that can be corrupted will be corrupted.

Decentralize all the things!!!

20041419? ago

It's moving that way. Look at bitcoin. Before bitcoin, they were destroying all the competition. Now they can't. From this seed, new generation of decentralization will spring up

20038298? ago

This is the only valid answer in the long term.

20038633? ago

To just about everything.

20036382? ago

Patriots in Control

Can't stop mass shootings

Can't even keep their comms up

BTW - no arrests. Still.

In control of what, exactly?

20036881? ago


20036309? ago

Last night on 8Chan, word came that some CEO elites (I wish i had screen-shotted it) had bought controlling interest in cloudfare for $150 million. (All for a LARP?) Today, 8Chan is gone. 8Chan migrated to another platform and it was cut off there. It's time for Trump to pull the plug and go to the 10 days of darkness, using the Presidential Alert System. Time to DECLAS it all and arrest these criminals.

20046050? ago

8Chan isn't gone, you just need the IP address to browse.

20038505? ago

Lmao, imagine still holding out hope that that kike puppet Trump will save you.

20036618? ago

Nike Foundation

20038105? ago

Allegations need proof.

20040827? ago

Got you covered, Patriot!

Here's some sauce (Sorry about the format! VOAT won't lemme submit url's) -

https www businesswire dot com/news/home/20190312005168/en/Cloudflare-Raises-150M-Adds-Board-Directors

https venturebeat dot com/2019/03/12/web-performance-company-cloudflare-raises-150-million-ahead-of-rumored-ipo/

20046439? ago

Why would you sabotage your links like that?

20035872? ago

They are shutting down the internet one service at a time so the people will not be woke up when the declas comes. No need for a solar storm or anything else, they are doing this through hate crimes and pinning it on the chan platform. These people are sick..

20035867? ago

Same thing happened after Charlottesville when new information circulated James Fields did not strike and kill the woman that died. Gab.ai was threatened to censor or be shutdown by their domain registrar. The free speech platform of Gab.ai did indeed comply by censorship.

20037537? ago

There is footage of her on the sidewalk when it happened. Doesn't matter anyway, it's a fake movie production. There are multiple out takes in the alley and Heather Heyer doesn't come up in public records searches.

20037760? ago

Interesting information, I haven't come across that yet. Sauce?

20035857? ago

You can drop the adjective "Digital". Both US DoD and the IDF have removed the difference between the digital and the kinetic on the battlefield.

20035797? ago

Smoke signals!! The Truth will not be censored!

Fight on Patriots! WRWY

20042403? ago

We found the Elizabeth Warren supporter.

20042420? ago

Me no like Fake Cherokee... sorry Chief...

20036609? ago

Don't remind me!

I download a newdie picture via smoke signals once. Took most of a year just to get her tits over.

High resolution jpeg and smoke signals ... bad mix.

20036697? ago


Repixelating smoke Signals may encounter glitches...might be the problem with Pelosi... her ass was got stuffed between her ears.. kek

20035762? ago

Time for the black hat hackers to rise up again

20035722? ago

We're fixing to have to go back to paper and mailing lists.

20036376? ago

I've got a pigeonweb set up if anyone wants to use it...,

20036847? ago

And if the pigeons don't work, we can always cook 'em up for lunch. I am a Chef, and pigeon is dee-lishous! Pigeon A'lla Venezuela... Lol.

20041583? ago

The biggest issue with PigeonNet is out main competitor, HawkNet which can sometimes cause Packet Loss on the Network...

20035770? ago

I use smoke signals from my tribe in Massachusetts to contact internet sites

20037122? ago

Are you Elisabeth Warren?

20051548? ago

No I'm big bird

Can you help me get to sesame street?

20036030? ago

LOL great response

20035815? ago

I put code in my recipes in PowWow Chow

20035550? ago

We need to take back our communication air waves. It's the only way around the internet gate keepers.

20035536? ago

I laid out what needs to be done months ago: https://voat.co/v/news/3215895/18578992/10#18578992/

20035411? ago



UPDATE: Looks like @voxility just cut off all of Bitmitigate's prefix at their edge routers, shutting down not only their customers but Epik's corporate systems."

That was quick. They just cut them off at the head, collateral damage be damned.

20035509? ago

There has got to be an anti-trust law broken somewhere here. What the fuck do these tech companies think they are?

20045282? ago

Yep, the law isn't being enforced.

20035683? ago

Better question: Who do you think they are?

20035777? ago


20035947? ago

Yes. So why would OP think they don't have the power? They manifestly do. Trump isn't doing fuck all, so here we are.

20036125? ago

Unless by doing nothing, it’s bringing it all to a head. It’s all been heading this way.

20035670? ago

These companies are switching from being a platform to being an editor of content.

That changes the game for them.

Will Trump/DOJ act?

20035388? ago

https://archive.ph/Rmm8J :

None | Ron (@CodeMonkeyZ) on Twitter

'Let me know how we can improve speeds to the onion site. '

' Feel free to DM me with more info if you have some time. '

This has been an automated message.

20035324? ago

It's good to get this shit sorted out now, rather than dealing with it during the run up to the 2020 election.

20041388? ago

This IS the run up to 2020 dude

20041498? ago

No, it's still too soon.

T_D won't be banned until September 2020.

20039808? ago

Smart point.

20039249? ago

That is a good thought. I assume that the creative people online will develop solutions to get around this fascism by then.

20040863? ago

Adversity promotes innovation. A fix will happen. This is a challenge that someone out there can't resist.

20036815? ago

You think it will be easy? I highly doubt it.

20036965? ago

I never said it would be easy, but every attack does make these platforms stronger.

Voat has been remorselessly attacked for years by DDOS and bots, which is why it's able to withstand so much... and these recent attacks are so massive that Voat admin are now seeking to hire extra staff to deal with the changes. That's the sort of adaption that these attacks create.

20039332? ago

I would have thought 8Chan with all its wildness would have been more durable against such attacks as well, given that just anyone can post just anything on there. Doesn't Voat use similar services that these guys can cajole into kicking them off their service?

20035365? ago


20035320? ago

This is why when people say "If you don't like censorship, go start your own service." it is total bullshit. Unless you control the infrastructure from the ground up, you are at the mercy of a 3rd party and their stakeholders to keep your service running.

20047652? ago

We are pawns. Everytime I look in the mirror, I get smaller in this fight.

20045914? ago

Including the payment processing. People try to start new companies in tech and their funding gets cut off by PayPal, Stripe, Square, MasterCard, etc.

20091085? ago

That is like Nazi Germany: libs are the brown shirts and patriots are the Jews. Sheesh

20042449? ago

can't Q use military servers or would that be illegal?

20043835? ago

That would be a hoot: http://1A.darpa.mil

20038264? ago

This is why the future, like the past, is distributed. Give everyone the possibility to run their own node. Like we used to do for e-mail, like we do for torrents, like we're starting to do for Gab, and which we can apply to many other services just the same.

20038357? ago

Even peer-to-peer relies on internet service. I learned that a few years ago when I got a cease-and-desist from Warner Bros kindly forwarded to me from my internet provider telling me I needed to either stop sharing their shows or secure my network to keep others from doing it.

Point is, once I became a target I was easy to track down and shut down.

20035634? ago

nationalize the internet.

20039229? ago

Then we'd end up with something like China has. Do you really want an Obama type leader being in charge of a nationalized internet? Always remember, the "good guys" will not always be in charge.

20039344? ago

Americans arent Chinese.

20041365? ago

Obama was Kenyan

20037365? ago

I would not be opposed to that. The government already regulates it. If not nationalize existing services, create their own from open source and allow anything that is not illegal to be discussed on them.

20039074? ago

Then they change the laws to prohibit “hate speech”.

20041378? ago

Hate speech is code for hate all white peoples

20037339? ago

Socialize the internet

20035861? ago

We need to nationalize our people

20038697? ago

U.S. Military should bomb the shit of some Tech H.Q. and say our greatest ally, Israel, did it to protect our free speech.

20035975? ago

Here here, we aren't a nation, we are a global business hub.

20035427? ago

"Just spin up and apache server, bro."

20039528? ago

Dude, don't forget your billion dollar credit company so you can process your own payments.

20038362? ago

i'm having a hard time deciding which of these is my most fave comment.

20038016? ago

Let’s get back into ham radio again. Kek

20045634? ago

10 years ago mysel and nother Anon who worked with me discussed all of whats going on now. Ham came up. I suggested short wave or ground wave comms. We even worked on messaging code.

20041247? ago

The Old Nelly relay

20035590? ago

Is that really all it takes, $500,000? That shit could be crowd funded in a few nano-seconds.

20091033? ago

Let’s do it for Mr. Watkins guys!!!

But put it on there so the bad guys don’t know exactly what it’s for.

20043806? ago

I’d be happy to head up constructing the site. Also, transitioning it to technology that does not require de-platformable servers.

20039638? ago

The worst part about it, actually these days would be that even if you had the 500k (call it a million?) and built the datacenter -- where are you going to build it?

Doesn't matter. Unless you get a backbone internet connection (hint hint: you're not getting one, there's no IPv4 space left and the bit that's 'reserved' isn't available) ... you'll always be subject to DE-platforming because you're dependent on someone else to get & keep your servers online.

We need to break up these tech monopolies ... yesterday.

20048015? ago

Well I can lend a land for building the hydro plant, buy solar and wind do protective walls to produce electrcity and setup a datacenter on a hidden place underground, but that all needs money, 1mil is just the start but would be totally offgrid but they can simply deny IP range you know , Google covers A LOT of WW DNS servers...

20055395? ago

Yeah, that's the point. These days, Level3 I think it is owns most of the internet backbone -- And almost all of what's left.

If you want a good connection, they're your DMARK.

Most of the smaller guys are just subcontracting for them.

20039515? ago

Or someone like Notch could easily start a business like that. That guy has so much wasted potential.

20039743? ago

It's not that simple. Lets say you start up your own data center. You host 8chan.

Then your payment processors cut you off. You start accepting payments through bitcoin.

Then your upstream ISP cuts you off. Now what do you do?

20038083? ago

None of this is the part that matters, ISP. You can run your own ASN but it doesn't matter because major providers don't offer RACL which lets you mitigate a DDOS from congesting your uplinks.

20046357? ago

What ISP bans people from having a Receive Access Control List on their router?

20052023? ago

Tier1's. Verizon, Comcast, TWC, L3, Centurylink, NTT, and GTT to start. None support anything but RTBH. Because of this all you can do is drop an IP which means the DDOS is successful. If they supported RACL they could filter the port of attack and keep 443/80 up for web services. None support it for the same reason none add source filters to prevent DDOS. Most even route RFC1918 to their core. Zero standard practice because it weakens another service for DDOS protection.

20036967? ago

Sure, you could rent out some space and put some servers in there, but you still have to peer. Once they get to those that control the colocation / peering exchanges, you're completely fucked. There's only a few major players in that field.

20036785? ago


20035724? ago

Shut up and take my money!!!

20048035? ago

self contained patriot hosting, ip range and something new,, we need to find something that is compatible to IPV4 and IPV6 but it is not controlable by THEM

I can do backbones and servers , any idea on newIP

It will be called PIP - Patriot IP

20035610? ago

Random number, but yeah maybe crowdfunding is the key... until the crowfund site gets deplatformed lol.

20039800? ago

why don't we just be real vague and say its for making an internet business. Leave it at that. We'll know what it's about.

20037672? ago

So we need 3rd party crowdfunding to set up our own crowdfunding site, to fund our own chan style site from the crowd.

20047978? ago

thi is the recipe for internet 3.0

a segregated internet from them but that will suit them the most as well !!!!!

20039851? ago

Wonder, can Voat or stg close run on a fast blockchain tps platform like EOS? We would see real quick how centralized it is, or isn‘t. Steemit? D centralization is gonna need to mature real quick.

20040383? ago

Steemit is hard to get an account on, and you have to use real info

20039802? ago

Bitcoin, Monero, etc.

20037131? ago

Already is a lot of times.

20036022? ago

Set it up!!!

20038093? ago

Payment cost way more.

20035688? ago

Exactly what I was going to respond.

The crowdfunding site, or the merchant processor would deny and deplatform.

20036075? ago

This has got to be the biggest push for cryptocurrencies that is even possible. The Hegemony simply forces everyone to abandon their internet/social/monetary infrastructure. Soon the only people on twitter are the blue checkmarks.

20047997? ago

you read your Herbert and Simmons I see fren patriot :D

20035305? ago

No it isn't dumbass. It's the definition of 'Diversionary Public Spectacle'.

But, you know, you q worshipers have it all. You 'know' what's going on.


20035262? ago



Replying to


We've added updated comments on most posts! The 3rd reseller is now fully banned from Voxility. Thank you for your support.

10:03 AM · Aug 5, 2019


20035395? ago

The entire thread is a cesspool of virtue signaling

20035584? ago

So very very troubling... What's next? Doesn't look like we'll get anti-trust laws preventing this shit.

20035255? ago

Looks like they're going to have to go with a block-chain or otherwise de-centralized approach. Something that can't be taken down or de-platformed. Not sure if such an option exists for that kind of site, though.

20035239? ago



14m14 minutes ago

Actually, its not an attack. It seems @bitmitigate might have just been deplatformed for hosting 8chan.

20035222? ago

And it is an attack on their DNS. Wasn't there a thread about this a few months ago?