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20035506? ago

Did you see my post about Ghislaine Maxwell and her Disney connection from 1985?

Epstein's court case likely won't take place until June of 2020, so it will be interesting to see what comes out beforehand. We're still waiting on those 2,000 pages, right?

20043018? ago

He's intelligence. Something else will happen between now and then. This is theater. Something else is going on....

20035856? ago

Heresay is there is over 1mm pieces of paper being introduced into discovery.

2020 is wishful thinking fren. Epstein will never see a trail.

Epstein will have a seriously bad accident very soon in custody.

They cannot keep this covered up any longer. Even my wife is wondering what happened to the Epstein case.

The truth will come out first, there will never be another trial.

20035970? ago

Fine by me. Let's get to gettin' on with the truth then!

20035569? ago

Tbh, I don't think JE will still be alive next year.