20083602? ago

New York Times has a big story, no more mention of Trump, but I am new to this kind of reporting by the NYT. Might be the clicks they are getting that make em do it.


20059926? ago

EL PASO, and OHIO are distractions.


20060176? ago

Let the bodies hit the floor.

20047940? ago


20043340? ago

How about this Epstein connection?

20049453? ago

Yikes....wrong. All you have to do is pull up a video if Steven M. Greer and Lawrence M. Krauss and watch them side by side...NOT the same person at all. Their mannerisms and vocal patterns are completely different.

20042992? ago

For an interesting dig, go to Corey's Digs and look up Jeffrey Epstein Philanthropy -- https://archive.li/search/?q=jeffrey+epstein+philanthropy He has had his hands in robotoids, AI, mind control, cloning, artificial memory and all those wonderful science things for more than two decades. Somehow, he gives $200million to "science" every year according to some of the articles.

There is far more to this story than child sacrifices or Moloch worship. Indeed, Miles W Mathis, who has thousands of pages of research uncovering a variety of intelligence fakery, puts forth the idea that most of the Satanic stuff is misdirection by the C_A and others because it's the information most likely to distract our attention. http://mileswmathis.com/bestfake.html

The thing is, maybe we need to look beyond the gore and horror of the satanism (which probably still exists) and ask some real questions. What exactly is his role? We've determined he's mossad, I believe. What was he up to? Is he a honeypot? Or is there another honeypot that's worse? The conversations about an A+ Lister in Pedowood about to spill the beans may be part of this. If Epstein was working with intelligence, then surely there were more like him. Who was the trap set for? What was the real reason - was it just blackmail? Control of information? Control of the population?

I'm still leaning towards a theory that we have a Battle of the Titans. We have two large trillionaire camps who are fighting for control of the earth. I'm not in the aliens camp (yet) but there is definitely more going on than we have figured out. One camp is supporting the CF, Epstein, etc. and the other camp supports POTUS. Even Zero Hedge asked that question and it was put forward on another blog - https://www.oftwominds.com/blogaug16/deep-state-hillary8-16.html and https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-09-26/why-deep-state-dumping-hillary

I guess what I'm saying is this -- what's the even larger picture? What are we missing? It def is good v evil in the end. But I keep feeling like there's more to this story.

20041670? ago

Knowledge of The 100 Monkey Effect should be spread wide. It has been seen to work with other animals and it we are just another animal. If everyone in the world woke up tomorrow thinking that grass was pink, it would be. That's how we work. That's the ultimate wake up call.


20041580? ago

Not while our guns are under threat BY TRUMP. If Trump and Q want us focused on Epstein, he need to stop saying things like “I’ve instructed the DoJ to recommend legislation for red flag laws.”

Honestly, fuck Epstein under these conditions, he can fucking wait and we will address his ass later. Trump is asking for fucking red flag laws. You posting here could be the evidence needed under future red flag laws that says people who post on dark sites like goat have a predisposition to violence, you know, goat, 8 Chan, alt right sites, T_D etc are those mass murderers websites and you participated. Yup I the judge will sign this. Take the guns.

Ya fuck epstein are guns are under threat and Trumps leading the fucking charge. Sounds the alarms. Get to tweeting,writing, posting, calling, writing letters etc. trump fucked up.

20043351? ago

How many times has POTUS been about to do something anti-MAGA and shit gets flipped at the last minute. Same thing (not) happening here...

20046235? ago

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

20040279? ago

I think this may be the case. That stuff comes out, then 3 shootings in the next week? Now they shut down 8Chan where this stuff is discussed and investigated better than any investigation investigation reporter does? All this is just too bunched up around Epstein

20039691? ago

What’s the point if we don’t have a platform to share with the world? One narrative is being told. We’ve all known about Epstein for decades, powers that be too. Media knows. What good has it done? Great he’s s locked up and the trail is next year. Nobody else has been arrested.

20039546? ago

This is the truth! Thanks for this post and all who pumped it to the top.

20039120? ago

What's the status of Epstein? Still alive but what condition? When is his next court date and when will he be called to testify? Can he talk or is he hospitalized? What injuries?

20039336? ago

Epstein was "beat up" in prison so he could make bail.

The Judge saw the bullshit and said nope, no bail for you.

Patriot. We've won the war. What you are seeing now is the death throes of the old guard trying one last time to hide the guilty players.

100th Monkey Theory is working hugely. The Awakening is progressing much faster each day.

20039543? ago

So, I'm wondering, who left his cell unlocked and let the attackers in. Someone engineered the attack in such a secure location. Was it Epstein's idea or did the attack serve a dual purpose. One being a warning to Epstein that they can get to him anywhere and the other being a ruse to get him out.

20038902? ago

Epstein ran guns out of Colunbus Ohio which is near dayton

20042280? ago

He's into that as well? Can you point me toward some research for this?

20052502? ago

Having some trouble. George webb is the yt channel where you can find this but there is a huge amount of content so you might get lost. If you search "epstein george webb columbus" on yt that will start you.

20059141? ago

Thanks. I used to watch him a lot when I got into pgate research up until the point where I got enough info about these evil fucks.

20059285? ago

G dub Still going strong everyday

20043330? ago

I am farming ccp right now to give u a link

20038778? ago

really long read about this topic https://voat.co/v/QRV/3368369

20038735? ago

puts pinky to lips One Million Documents! Hot Hot August.

20037619? ago

true it does all come down to epstein...trump needs to release the details now on this

20037738? ago

Trump is watching them destroy their organization from within.

20037367? ago

Epstein and robert maxwell and trump are all money launderers. Trump was a privateer, he did dirty work for usa. He was considered fully comped, he made his bones before todays likely more rigorous screening.

They tried to hang the state department "russian" agents on him. But they stopped when Q started posting. They could not stop the collusion narrative, but they also could no longer allow trump to be attacked along lines of working w Simeon mogleiovich. Epstein is keystone, he is the nexus of a platform i think Donald Barr created where there are spy schools and the young spies are taken from a Barr spy school to Zorro ranch. For example there is a "Desert Academy" 25 min from zorro, founded within a year of Epstein purchasing the land, that sends grads to all the best Universities, and also pushes internationalism on the kids. If you know anything about Donald Barr and Simon Pelham Barr, BB's grandpa, they were attached at hip to Columbia U. They were using the school system to raise spy kids. And the reason Epstein is the key is because this IS NOT ABOUT HAVING SEX WITH CHILDREN.

Its about drugs and weapons trafficking. Epstein is the blockchain of this world, he's the factor that lets people believe they can trust and do business.

Epstein>G. maxwell>moglieovich>Bob Maxwell (dead)

20041110? ago

Trump is innocent and if I had the ability, I'd down-vote your stupid ass ~

20042927? ago

Trump is a hero and the greatest potus in history, but hes not innocent. What do you think all the casinos are for?

20037189? ago

Whenever someone posts false flag WE Post Epstein

20038109? ago

Excellent thinking soldier.

20036836? ago

If we look at any jews then we are white supremacist terrorists.

20036743? ago

148 anon monkeys reporting at the moment

20036713? ago

Shill Force Maximus today.

20036099? ago


20036144? ago

Please, don't be that guy.

20036189? ago


20038029? ago

Sarcasm comes across quite well in text.

Do you see what I did there?

20038420? ago

No, because you suck at it.

20036257? ago

In all caps? You have texting Turrets?

20038412? ago

Is this the first time you've seen someone type in all caps?


20039141? ago

I'm the OP.

You're in great company.

20035506? ago

Did you see my post about Ghislaine Maxwell and her Disney connection from 1985?


Epstein's court case likely won't take place until June of 2020, so it will be interesting to see what comes out beforehand. We're still waiting on those 2,000 pages, right?

20043018? ago

He's intelligence. Something else will happen between now and then. This is theater. Something else is going on....

20035856? ago

Heresay is there is over 1mm pieces of paper being introduced into discovery.

2020 is wishful thinking fren. Epstein will never see a trail.

Epstein will have a seriously bad accident very soon in custody.

They cannot keep this covered up any longer. Even my wife is wondering what happened to the Epstein case.

The truth will come out first, there will never be another trial.

20035970? ago

Fine by me. Let's get to gettin' on with the truth then!

20035569? ago

Tbh, I don't think JE will still be alive next year.

20035457? ago

Sorry, what is the 100th monkey theory?

20036105? ago

Have you ever been sitting at home and thought of someone you haven't spoken to for years, just to have that person call the next day or perhaps you ran into them at the gas station?

The Human mind is nothing but a radio transmitter and reciever. God put people among us that are senders, or 'pushers' of information. Meaning when they discover something beneficial they tend to push their knowledge onto others...even sometimes without their knowledge.


God has a failsafe built into our DNA. When Humanity has reached a breaking point, we unconsciously emit signals for help. The more signals, the more repeaters and so on. Until it reaches critical mass.

In otherwords, if there is a situation that is threatening Humanities existence on Earth, we have a defense mechansim built into us to share what is going on, how to deal with the threat etc.

Humanity right now is threatened by those in Power that are pure EVIL. When someone, say a pusher gets the information, processes it he then transmits it to the person he's next to, via radio frequencies (just using a simple term, it's more complex than that). Imagine standing next to someone in line. All of a sudden you get information that Hillary eats babies. Your mind listens to the information and stores it.

A few weeks later that same person is in line again, get's the feeling that Epstein molested children. Again the brain stores the information and so on and so forth.

Until we as a society reach a critical mass of thinking. Meaning more than half of Humans are now understanding the threat and are learning how to deal with it.

The really cool thing however is the DNA compenent to all of this. We have this ability, being decendants from Able....Cains decendants do not have this ability.

Remember when God cursed the seed of Satan in Eve's womb? That's one of the curses. We have the ability to communicate with each other via our DNA.

I've never told this to anyone, so hopefully you'll understand what I'm trying to convey.

If not, ask and I'll expound on my idea. You can feel what I told you is the truth.

It's happened many times with you and your friends and family. Do not discard this as a crazy theory, because it's not.

God has sent his representative back to guide all of us. He is here on QRV.

Right now you are making history.

20049922? ago

Bruce Lipton actually talks about this very thing. If it's not in this video, it's in one that's linked to it - https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=Scu5ILB04tk That was a deep rabbit hole I went down as well. I am an empath and can feel when someone else has a headache or other ailment. It actually sucks sometimes. If I were standing near you and you were to take your shoes off and walk across the rocks barefoot, I would get sensations across my gut. I sat next to one man who was apparently contemplating suicide. We were at a party and he was calmly leaning against the desk. I sat down near him and suddenly lurched toward him and put my arm around him. Didn't know him from Adam. It was involuntary. I looked in his eyes and he teared up. We locked eyes for awhile. I gave him a hug. No words exchanged. Weeks went by and when I saw him again - that was when he told me. Yeah, it's all God stuff. We are connected. How could we not be? Made in the image. Our 'self' extends out from our body. This is just a suitcase I carry me around in. Makes sex fun. Makes communication and contact easier. But it's no different than my car. It's my transport pod.

20068346? ago

This is just a suitcase I carry me around in

Yes yes yes

20039346? ago

thank you. nice to read what i am thinking.

20037803? ago

I would like to hear more. I have this ability. I push my thoughts out, and pull emotions in from others like an empath. I am also a polymath with bad OCD and Synesthesia, and responsible for most of the gematria analysis on here. Yes, history indeed Anon. Peace Friend.

20039429? ago

interesting . . . . can't imagine how it is to have synesthesia. how does someone get "diagnosed" as being a polymath?

20039832? ago

A poly math is a highly intelligent , high IQ person skilled in multiple disciplines, at the highest levels. I guess people would see it at Autism...

My OCD drives me crazy, and I need to do research and decodes to cope with it, or I get very ill with anxiety. :(

My synesthesia also makes me crazy, as I see complex sacred geometry in motion, morphing in my mind, and I see sounds, and hear light. It's really horrible. I draw hundreds of pieces of complex sacred geometry by hand with a compass and a black felt pen, and then color them in according to the coulour wheel, and hang them on the walls in my home.

Otherwise all these conditions make me very sick indeed.

I have been research Q since the first post, and the [DS] for about 4 years.

I have a finance background, so I also see the HUGE financial reset coming, and the restructuring of the Fed too BTW.

I am getting visions all the time, and predicting events I even don't understand.

All the numbers I see are 11s, 17s, 322s, 23s, 3, 6, and 9s, and I see patterns EVERYWHERE! What the hell is happening to me?


20068302? ago

Can tou tell us your visions please. Im an empath i can relate. I am driven.

Do you remember volunteering for this .God asking you .. help with Earth..? My birthday is 29.09.1969

20069712? ago

Yes strangely I volunteered to fight in the Spiritual War. I don't understand how, but I know I am sworn to serve God.

20037931? ago

There is a very damned good reason you're here patriot. It isn't for your looks either.

It's because you can do what others cannot. Push logic into other's minds.

DNA is beyond cool.

20037945? ago

Thank you. :)

20035607? ago

According to some research, when one hundred monkeys in a monkey population learn a skill, it propagates across all other monkeys much more quickly than before. It's just another metaphor for a tipping point or a critical mass.

20050033? ago

And the opposite is true. I read of some research once that I fear Epstein, MKU and their ilk have used on children.

Researchers hung a bunch of bananas from the ceiling, then put a ladder under it. They put about 20 monkeys in the room and waited. The first monkey climbed up and took some bananas. Nothing happened. Then another did the same. After a few of those, they either electrified the ladder or hosed whatever monkey was at the top of it. Each time after that, something bad would happen to the monkey on the ladder. The monkeys ignored the bananas. Then they cleared out the room. Brought in all new monkeys. Same scenario with the ladder and bananas. NONE of the new monkeys climbed the ladder to get the bananas. Tried again with a new batch of monkeys. Again, none of them tried to get the bananas. Somehow - through telepathy, through energy in the room, collective mind, the monkeys knew not to go there.

Sounds like humans, yes? Look at how many people stopped coming to Voat when there was a threat. Hmmmmmmm

20035728? ago

Makes sense thank you

20035338? ago

Bill Chambers. Epstein. Q was given the Chambers information years ago, there was almost no work to be done with it, as every connection in it was already well established and well documented. And yet q did nothing. Does nothing.

Epstein is a much more public, but far less influential figure. And yet here you all are jumping on the diversionary bandwagon again.

You have more than you know.

Why aren't you using it?

20040401? ago

Can you post a link to this Bill Chambers info? First time I've heard of it. Thanks

20036161? ago

We are using it.

20035153? ago

yep and that's exactly what Q has been waiting for. This is a game of energy and we need to reclaim ours!😇

20035118? ago


20041672? ago


20035363? ago

I'm going to need at least two more capitalized sentences from you before this post can be read. As with over 80% of people polled, I automatically discard any verbiage that is in all caps without ever reading it. You could probably reach a higher class of people if you'd start using the language correctly.

Just sayin'.


20068129? ago

I read it.. what you sayin ? ...

20070249? ago

That I love your milkshake, boo.

20040928? ago

higher class here on VOAT....? LMFAO!!!!! ya sure buddy.... I like caps.... so what..? I am not here to make friends..... just to drop my 2 cents.... SHIT!! ..I need more caps in this....

20038025? ago

Holy shit I didn't even realize it.

As my eyes approached 3 lines the exact same height, my brain must have said "That's all caps... it is probably a liberal screaming about Trump, skip it and disregard its presence."... crazy!

20041741? ago

20038025? HOLY SHIT !!! go choke on a SOYCOCK faggot

20035456? ago


20041758? ago

retard these nuts fag....FUCK YOU and FUCK YOU other there .... and FUCK YOU reading this....

20035036? ago

Upvoating ONLY these posts that are exposing the False Flag's agenda, and downvoting all the ones that are playing into the FF game by expanding upon these useless details of the events. We need to break the chain of hypnosis every time these events happen.

20034927? ago

Agreed... Cummings and Baltimore also is quite now... Lets turn this back to loud!

20034636? ago

20043006? ago

ummmmm - so what the hell is the world socialist website doing defending Assange and Wikileaks if it's dissing their darlings? This is a good article, but a little confusing.

20047954? ago

not all socialists are used and paid off by soros and others from deep state

20049668? ago

I know, they are willingly walking the plank. Triumph of Brainwashing and Mind Control. Sad, really. Here, a few memes for your coffee...






20046080? ago

Sometimes things aren't black and white. Sometimes decent people end up working for the mafia without realizing it.

20050133? ago

according to Miles Mathis - there IS no mafia. It's all the intel agencies running the show at the behest of the elites. After reading almost five hundred pages of research, I'm beginning to believe him. You're right. Manipulation exists everywhere. And a lot more people than we realize have been brainwashed. No wonder Elon wants to get off the planet!

20034882? ago

Wow, that's pretty big. Thanks for sharing!

20034390? ago

Agreed. When is the information being released? By all accounts some very major players will be named/implicated, and I'd be shocked if Bill Clinton is not among them. How does the MSM cover a story about Bill Clinton flying around the world sexually abusing children for years?