20032077? ago

The software you are looking for is updated about once a month. Search for "archive offline" and you will find it. I would post a link but am on my phone.

20034070? ago

That's exactly what I was looking for, thank you! I am in the process of creating a PirateBox for offline, wireless sharing in case of emergency and didn't want to bother with creating a script from scratch.

Here's the link for others interested: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3315268

20034708? ago

Creator of the program here. I uploaded notables and q drops and put my most up to date json file up. Hit the download link and look in the JSON folder.

Going to work on updating once the chans are back to stable after this migration.

20028785? ago

inthematrixxx has a backup option (click on the 3 lines menu sign in the upper right corner). All drops newer than 3467 are fucked up there but you can add these by a pdf save from qmap.pub.


20028618? ago

You can always (on MacOS or Linux) run: wget -mkEp https://qmap.pub This will create an offline copy of all of the Q posts and (some) of the non-JS functionality of the site.

20028727? ago

I'm bookmarking this page so that when I get a chance I can do just that. Thank you very much

20028782? ago

Yep, no problem! It will download all of the files in the directory that you're in, so navigate where you want (using 'cd') before running it!

20028469? ago

I am a senior admin on a private preparedness board (not going to dox myself by saying what it is) and have been meticulously copying every Q drop to that site so there was another repository of the information. Plus my group likes to discuss Q from our unique perspective.

20032744? ago

I have also been archiving the links posted by Q. These references are valuable an understanding what q is taking about. With some time I have found printing to PDF is the best way to archive these links. (Easiest to load and read later as well as no formatting change surprised- you can catch those upfront and correct if/when possible by using different browser or print settings. When all else fails the screenshot programs proceed a decent archive option). For videos you can download with invidio.us, hooktube, or my favorite is the 4k video downloader program. Sometimes the only way to download videos is with a browser plugin

20028266? ago

stand down. 8ch isn't likely going anywhere. It appears cloudflare is just posturing. 8ch's contract is up tomorrow. They've likely already set up shop elsewhere