20028194? ago

The only difference between AOC, Ilhan, et al. is that they are international SOCIALISTS. White nationalists in the United States are national SOCIALISTS. Set aside the racial issue and focus on socialism. You all are getting upset over the race issue, but you are ignoring the socialist aspect.

Why did Hitler and the Nazis oppose Stalinist communism? Politically they sought the same ends: centralized power and the means of production in the state, subordinating individual liberty for the sake of the state, etc. The difference was Hitler wanted to consolidate power to himself and he used nationalism and racism to achieve it. Stalin considered Marxism to be internationalist in nature.

The racism was Hitler's tool to nationalize socialism in Germany. White nationalists in the United States are seeking the same goals. So you have national socialist contending with international socialists--socialism A vs. socialism B. No difference, except for racism.

Conservatives stand for life, liberty, and property as part of natural law. That's what Trump stands for. It's what Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and Franklin stood for. That's what I stand for. The socialists, nationalist and internationalist are our enemies. Don't be deceived. Don't let them exploit your racist tendencies to overthrow America.

20028225? ago

Cute. Jews are the real racists. They consider all non jews cattle and openly talk about exterminating and enslaving everyone.

20027062? ago

Here is the gematria break down of her next tweet (Capitalized letters only as per Serial Brains methodology).


First English gematria search result is QAnon. BOOM!

20026691? ago

Ezekial 8:16 warns of a governing class of elite Jews who secretly participate in a covert sun worshipping cult. Sounds like the sun on Epstein Island. Still worried about her and Jared. Sorry POTUS.

20026489? ago

100 percent agree with that along with anyone who spouts off identarian rhetoric. these philosophies are dangerous and leads to people dehumanizing others to give themselves permission to be evil while believing they are on the side of the angels

20026235? ago

Patriots have no skin color, nice try you white supremacist scum bag shill!

20025567? ago

the doc.. think about it... right on ivanka right on

20025518? ago

Bye, bye nazi boys. You can now stay the fuck off the Q boards, and go vote for democrats.

20028453? ago

My Voat account was created in 2014. How about yours? I'm not going anywhere.

20025294? ago

WS is a fabricated boogie man.

20025152? ago

White supremecy? How about white ACHIEVEMENT? Which happens to BE supreme? You saying TRUTH must be quashed so that NIGGERS and other shitskins can be happy??? HOW is THAT a viable course of action?

20025124? ago

It's called OPTICS. Learn their comms.

White Supremacy = National SOCIALISTS / KKK et al

"[Socialism], like all other forms of terrorism is an evil that must be destroyed."

20028070? ago

The original plan was to free the slaves (which i agree with) and then bring them to their own country. Not let them take over.

I sincerly hope you are right that this is optics. Thats what ive always said since this began.

You also have her saying that the MSM is not the enemy of the people. She said it two days ago, opposite of what her father said, and opposite of what Q has said.

Definitely not a fan of her ideas right now. I dont know wtf is going on with her talking that nonsense.

20025492? ago

I agree with you. Finally somebody with a brain! So many shills in this thread.

Notice the shills are turning the narrative? First Jews are bad. Now Trump is a Jew and Trump is bad. Pathetic shills dont know crap. USA ALL TIME LOWEST UNEMPLOYMENT! Trump is FOR THE PEOPLE!

Shills begone! Love and peace ok!

20025063? ago

White people as a whole are under attack as if we are all hateful of all races and about to attack. This is a very dangerous time in human history.

20024913? ago


20024860? ago

Yeah. I'm done now.

All while pur leader continues to go along with and feed into our enemies illusions. Done.

20024801? ago

"like all other forms of terrorism" is promoting one form of terrorism over another? Sounds like she's anti supremecy and anti terrorism in all forms. Or are you suggesting that White supremecy is great and are offended that she would denounce it?

20024743? ago


They want you DIVIDED.










we are all one

20024631? ago

Realize there's no such thing as white nationalism. It's NATIONALISM, period. Patriot Americans are nationalists regardless there race. Many black, hispanic and asian nationalists that love our country. This is an attempt to equate white supremacy/naziism with nationalism.

20028416? ago

Niggers and spics are racists too. They all hate whitey. Just ask La Raza...

20024613? ago

She's right. All forms of supremacy mindset based on superficial things like skin color must be destroyed.

This board is in for a rude awakening as it believes Q sent everyone here to be 'educated' about how whites and men are superior, lol. In reality, Q sent us here to expose the racial ignorance that is highly present here.

20024589? ago


20024440? ago

No one voted for that skank in 2016.

20024323? ago

Awww... I thought they were my friends? Hahaha

20024292? ago

how is she wrong? do you consider yourself a white supremacist? i think 99.5% of us at QRV are certainly not self-identified as white supremacists

20024427? ago

Same goes for 99+% of white people in general. That's why she's wrong. She's calling out a phenomenon that is so rare as to be irrelevant. What reason could she possibly have for doing that other than to smear white people as a group?

20024273? ago


20024272? ago


20023918? ago

That's true. Collectivism is communist poison.

__________ supremecy is a disease. It has no place in the US.

20023877? ago

Here, the kike comes out into the open. Someone Tweet her that jewish supremacy (LOXISM) is the problem! I'm just surprised that she didn't start with "my fellow white people". Look at this ugly jewess: https://files.catbox.moe/mvka0i.jpeg

Look at her shit, demonic fuckin' family: https://files.catbox.moe/srk1yz.png

20023843? ago

Shills love to use free speech platforms to spread fake outrage to shutdown free speech platforms. OP is a Nazi.

20023815? ago

Cunt doesn't know what terrorism is.

20023813? ago

She and and her Jew husband can fuck right off.

20023664? ago

Well it is.

20023609? ago

"Attacks from all sides"

Batten down the hatches. It's going to get bumpy. Now would be a good time to take a break from the internet for the weak.

20026733? ago

Yeah, was thinking the same thing. See y'all next week!

20023557? ago

Who cares... like she could say otherwise. yawn.

20023413? ago

Looks like her twitter account was compromised!

Haters get over it.

20023387? ago

Fucking progressive slut.

20023345? ago

Wow...the stupid is thick in here...White supremacy is an evil that must be destroyed...

20024281? ago

Non-white s have to go!

20024602? ago

That would include you skid mark...

20023339? ago

are you finally catching on??? Trump works for the Jews the Jews hate white people! What you are witnessing is a war between 2 Jewish mafia families for ultimate power. Either way white people are the losers. At this point Trump is much more dangerous then any democratic candidate because so many white people trust him.

20023617? ago

HRC, Soros, Rothchilds, Biden, Beto, and on on, all claiming Trump and Conservative/ Republican bigotry, white nationalism, etc. While in the meantime their rhetoric and policies divide and inflame. Ivanka is speaking the truth. But who exactly are the real white nationalists and actual Nazis?

20023681? ago

I thought the shooter in El Paso was Jewish, Ivanka is also Jewish! Why not mention Jewish supremacism in her tweet? Every time they can say the words white supremacy it sinks a little further into everyone's heads, she has done her job and done it well. Her job was to point the finger at white supremacy and cover-up for Jewish atrocities!

20023715? ago

Supremacy is bad no matter who it is. Where in this tweet is Ivanka claiming Jewess supiority?

20023780? ago

That's exactly what I said. She's only blaming the whites! Even though it was clearly the Jews!

20023320? ago


20023931? ago

What? You think everyone else is a White Supremacy Nazifag? You espouse fringe ideas- what do you expect society to do? Embrace you? That isn’t going to happen. Lol

20024076? ago

Fuck off rabbi

20024335? ago

You sound just as bad as leftists calling everyone Nazis. Take your shit elsewhere, QRV isn’t here for you faggots to spread your bullshit- you already have places for that. But you get no traffic or traction there, so you fucktards come to QRV because we actually have traffic. Fuck off.

20024498? ago

fuck off with your faggot strawman arguments.

White Nationalism has ZERO to do with nazi.

Fucking jews are destroying every White nation and turning them into 3rd world shitholes!!

20023160? ago

What about Zionizm, Jewish Supremecy Jewvanka?

20023117? ago

Her Jew husband wrote that for her.

20024502? ago

Quit with all the Jew hate

20028394? ago

Tell the Jews to quit with the white hate in the media. Whites should be thanking CNN. They've done more to bring people to white nationalism then we ever could on our own.

20026176? ago

Soon as they quit with all of the Jewish behaviour

20023102? ago

https://tweetsave.com/ivankatrump/status/1158081349674315776 :

Ivanka Trump on Twitter: "White supremacy, like all other forms of terrorism, is an evil that must be destroyed."

This has been an automated message.

20023085? ago

We all know that Ivanka is the enemy.

A silly bitch who spends her time in Africa, teachings Congoids how to pretend to be civilized.

20023889? ago

And yet she's the apple of Trump's eye.

Is there really much of a difference between Trump and Ivanka/Jared?

They all work for BIG JEW.

I can't yet post URLs but just YouTube or BitChute for a video of Trump saying how "George Soros is a great guy, a terrific guy....people should just cut him some slack" - and this was just a few months before the election. Then, post-election, he starts theatrically calling out Soros.

Trump also has deep masonic connections:


Trump gives Israel everything they want.

And while Ilhan Omar deserves to go back to Somalia, Trump ORIGINALLY called her out when she merely suggested that AIPAC is a Jewish power block in Washington. For that, Trump called her "anti-semetic."

Finally, Trump was bailed out directly by the Rothschild's in the late 1980s for his failed Atlantic City casino business. In return, he placed Rothschild banker, Wilbur Ross, as Secretary of Commerce!

They own Trump.

Don't shoot the messenger. Those are just the facts.

20024216? ago

You should know by now that Trump praises everyone in a vague manner unless he’s picking a bone with them in that moment.

20023884? ago

I bet she is the typical dog-fucking jewess!

20023072? ago

believing that Trump isn't a kike even though all of his descendants are kikes


20023057? ago

White nationalists are not conservatives. Look up Richard Spencer, or better yet, watch Dinesh D'Souza's "Death of a Nation." White nationalists are racist progressives. They are statists who believe that rights are granted by the government, not God, not natural rights. They are for big government, for national health care, etc. like the Dems, but they want to segregate the races. Essentially, they are modern Nazis.

20028032? ago

Modern nazis for wanting to segregate?? Then what the fuck do you call Israel which has a giant wall around it and is unwelcoming, and hateful towards anyone but jews??? Ooooh it doesnt apply to kikes. Gotcha.

20028052? ago

Again with the racist crap. Get it through your head that the Nazis, first and foremost were SOCIALISTS. Are you a socialist?

20028107? ago

You jews are predicably having fun with this tweet. As if it somehow excuses you for being the most genocidal, subversive, evil, child sacrificing group to ever walk Gods green earth. It doesnt. At the end of the day, i side with God and if I die speaking the truth, its still better than being an evil child of satan like you mossad cucks.

20028234? ago

You can't love God and hate your brothers. The truth is not in you.

20029858? ago

That day of the rope starting to make you rats squirm? God even made you Jews look like rats as a fucking joke. You don’t know shit.

20028254? ago

Fuck off you vampiric mossad rat. Jews are the most genocidal group in the world. Most of these shooters are jewish. Keep trying.

20026720? ago

Excellent point, anon. Now we need to get THAT out into the twatter stream!

20024948? ago

They are for the preservation and safety of their people, coward

Life liberty victory

20026755? ago

Life, liberty, victory for all races and faiths. That's God's way. That's what Q and POTUS are seeking. Americans support that agenda.

20028593? ago

You will see that other races are not so kindly as whites. Dumbass it's your life that's gonna be fucked up

20028345? ago

The problem is that whites build nice things , then non-whites come along and fuck everything up.

20024667? ago

Bingo. I'm White, and I love my heritage, but I cannot stand the retarded, hateful slugs that slither across this board. They are Nazis: Nationalist Socialists. As far as I'm concerned, they can inbreed themselves out of existence. They are a stain on the virtues that formed this GREAT nation.

20026889? ago

Thank God someone understands. These unthinking morons think that white nationalism is simply white pride joined with pride in America. It's not. It is a specific political ideology that was espoused by the Nazis in Germany. In America, this socialism has simply been adapted to appeal to supposedly patriotic people on the basis of racial pride. Nothing wrong with healthy racial pride. Nothing wrong with loving your country. Wanting to turn America into an authoritarian socialist country built upon racism is wrong.

20026166? ago

They embody the virtues that formed this great nation, but instead of Hitler opposing a crown, he opposed a tribe. The very tribe that has the world under it's thumb right now.

National socialist don't desire destruction: they desire freedom from evil

20024247? ago

American was founded as a white, Christian, European nation. America was majority white up until 1965.

20023729? ago

IQ differences between races are real and have large effects on society. If you want to have a politically stable society you either need a dominant ethnicity (as nearly every country on Earth does) or a dominant state (example: Singapore). Multiculturalism leads to totalitarianism for this reason.

20023789? ago

IQ differences arent due to genetics moron, If i took you and your family and then their ancestors and locked them up in cages from birth, i bet i'd be smarter then them too

20029830? ago

Your IQ is less than 120.

20024943? ago

Yes it is. Being short sighted increases IQ ~5 points. White/Asian/Jewish its common. Blacks it isn't.

20023846? ago

And races are clusters of genetic commonality you mush brained boomer faggot.

20023290? ago

Yep. Just look at the DNC 2016 convention where everyone was segregated by race (Native American caucas, Eskimo Caucas, Latino Caucas, etc). Add to it the UN and Georgia guidestone depopulation agendas(Agenda 21, 2030, etc) and known CIA operations (paperclip,etc). The "ends" of the liberal progeressive movement "means" results in massive race and civil wars that result in their white satanic Nazi asses genociding all other races and religions leaving them in power of course. It's all smoke and mirrors. We are being programed to kill each other.

20024268? ago

Removing non-whites is a good idea.

20025501? ago

I’ll give u my address and u can start with me.

20029848? ago

Nah, don’t feel like going back into the ghetto. Your race is violent, not all, but most. You can be deported and be a kang of your violent horde of brothas.

20032406? ago


20024495? ago

Fuck off shill

20022985? ago

well, it is part of the tribe now, so theyre no longer white.. see how that works?

20022977? ago

Open borders for Israel! What about Jewish supremacy?

20022968? ago

This is 100% Jewish propaganda. The Jews are attacking whites in their own country. Soon, they'll turn America into Sweden.

20024435? ago

LOXISM aka JEWISH SUPREMACY and JEWISH SUBVERSION are, and have always been, the problem. Not peace loving, creative white people, who for some reason are the only race that is not allowed to have their own place on earth.

fucking insanity.

20023824? ago

This exactly.