20025641? ago

Kick 'em in the nuts!

20023959? ago

The jew Trump's are probably working feverishly to get him off. They will say that he is an agent deep undercover. wait & see

20025079? ago

rule no 1. don't reply to shills

20025105? ago

Will Trump enact (((gun control))) in the coming weeks? Will Trump grant amnesty to all illegals during his second term? Will Ivanka get caught fucking the family dog?

20024870? ago

That's pretty damn retarded there, shill

20023939? ago

Any of the candidates dual citizens? Sex traffickers....of themselves? Pedovillains?

20023005? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3366807 Q1000 - Why is Epstein spending $29m to bury tunnels? 'H'. Horror island revisited.

20022518? ago

You can bet that most of our 89 Congressional Jews are Mossad spies.

When Q says that FISA brings down the HOUSE, I wonder if he's referring to the House of Israel?

20023451? ago

Thats a bad thing, psycho nazifag

20022882? ago

oy vey! there are certainly more than 6 gorrilion jews in israel! it would usher the 2nd comming of the messiah!