20218820? ago

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20025104? ago

I've always taken this post to mean that if the truth was ever revealed, bloodlines, pedophilia, kidnapping, 9/11 & JFK cover ups, etc it would cause mass hysteria, all hell would break loose, war in the streets.

20025432? ago

Ya but all of those things are well known. More than they'd have you believe.

The truth putting people in the hospital has to be something much more bizarre and crazy, right?

20022901? ago

Emerald Tablets https://www.crystalinks.com/emerald11bw.html

Now shall I speak to thee knowledge ancient

beyond the thought of thy race.

Know ye that we of the Great Race

had and have knowledge that is more than man's.

Wisdom we gained from the star-born races,

wisdom and knowledge far beyond man.

Down to us had descended the masters of wisdom

as far beyond us as I am from thee.

List ye now while I give ye wisdom.

Use it and free thou shalt be.

AFAIUnderstand it, we were visited frequently by aliens back in the days of Atlantis, before the fall of man.

These angels/aliens mated with human females, corrupting our bloodline and basically the worst violation of the "Prime Directive".

God and some of the Ascended Masters stayed behind. The Ascended Masters I think formed the ancient pantheons of deities. They were like gods, but like Zeus/Odin/Ra were never the creator they always served as an agent of the Source.

These Ascended Masters set the groundwork. Norse radically adopted Christianity, just as the Hindus have in the past 100 years. Christianity is at 1/3 of the worlds population now.

The Old Testament is a history book, basically documenting the purification of the bloodline. It was to allow a vessel for the Source: Jesus.

Good can't override free will. It's a violation of our God given right to self-determination. So God and the Ascended Masters/Angel's instead of wiping out the evil went with the ultimate game plan for redemption.

We've been in containment until this is complete. Until we learn the lesson we were tricked into: Knowledge of Good and Evil / Order and Chaos. It's simple: repent of your wicked ways, and work for the greater good.

Lucifer was jealous of humans when there was maybe millions of humans on this planet.

God will have used Evil/Chaos to establish the greatest Order of Man that there is.

We will take our rightful place in this universe, as God's favourites, in the billions.

We will root this evil from our world, and we will then be released to help root this evil out of our universe.

20024134? ago

We've been in containment until this is complete. Until we learn the lesson we were tricked into: Knowledge of Good and Evil / Order and Chaos. It's simple: repent of your wicked ways, and work for the greater good.

What are we being contained for? I don't think it was to learn good/evil, that was never supposed to happen. God wanted us to be fruitful and multiply, and that's really it. Live life and follow his Ten Commandments in a diverse and rich world. Living very simply basically.

Just reality in itself is bizarre as heck. Existence. Being alive in realm full of matter, having senses, being created by a higher being. It's all just really bizarre if you really think about.

20026376? ago

Alan Watts (check out Wattswave by Akira the Don) does a good job of explaining it. Our souls have inhabited these material forms to experience existence.

Probably the majority of people now use "shuffle" on their media player as their primary method to listen. You can pick literally any song on the planet, unlimited choice, unlimited control, and the only thing you want is a surprise on what's playing next.

What if you could live any dream/life you wanted? You'd want a surprise, because it would be boring to only get what you want.

Agreed, we were never supposed to choose learning good and evil. We were tricked. However all that cannot be undone. Be fruitful and multiply is how we outdo THEM.

There was about as many Jews in 1900 as there are today. It's hard to reproduce when you kill your young.

And it's not 10 commandments, it's 2. Love thy father thy God. And love thy neighbor as thy love thyself.

20026965? ago

And it's not 10 commandments, it's 2. Love thy father thy God. And love thy neighbor as thy love thyself.

Did Moses not have a tablet engraved by God himself stating 10 commandments? I will say though, I find it odd that he'd destroy a tablet etched by God out of anger lol. Then had to go back up but God wouldn't etch it again.

20035017? ago

He did, but Jesus formed a new covenant. We're not Jewish, so we don't abide by the 10 commandments we abide by the 2.

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Form your own basis of morality: if you murdered your own child, how would you want to be treated?

I'd want someone to take me the fuck out, because they should have done it sooner to save a child.

20022392? ago

I DGAF anymore about the normies going to the hospital. The truth has cost so many lives already, we NEED TO KNOW what has been happening.

20020516? ago

oy vey the truth is, white people are terrorists and jews are gods chosen and israel is ebstest!! African Americans have been oppressed by white terrorists for too long and are breaking the chainz oy vey. Poor illegal mexicans are our friends and cheap labor and did I mention that israel is bestest ally and that jews are awesome??

20020413? ago

you are too fucking stupid for words

20020536? ago

Ohhh the irony....

20020402? ago

The aliens are quite real. Anything one can interact with is real and exists--in some form or another. The interesting question centers around what is their actual ontological nature, i.e., in what form do they actually exist.

The veridical answer to that question is that the aliens (and their precursor edition, the demons) are particular naturally-evolved parts of our own mind, i.e., they are particular subsets of our own consciousness: mostly the aliens/demons/etc. exist in our subconscious, but the highest levels of the elite occult societies have figured out over the ages various mental techniques to bring the aliens to the fore, to the conscious level. These aliens are the gods of old, the ones that required human sacrifice.

For much more on what is going on with the aliens/demons/spirit-guides/etc., see my following article:

  • James Redford, "Societal Sadomasochism", Free State Project Forum, May 31, 2018, web.archive.org/web/20190419171853/forum.freestateproject.org/index.php?topic=28925.0 , archive.is/Flah8 megalodon.jp/2019-0420-0219-34/forum.freestateproject.org/index.php?topic=28925.0 .

On the more literal level of extraterrestrial life, it is likely that very simple forms of life exist throughout the universe. Yet the ancient alien hypothesis along with the idea of current intelligent extraterrestrial visitations has been pushed hard by certain sectors of the corporate media, and it is low-grade B-movie science-fiction schlock. A species powerful enough to cross stars--let alone galaxies--wouldn't come to Earth as humanoid creatures in ponderous starships, but rather would use extreme nanotechnology. If they were malicious and wanted to seize the Earth, they would fall to the ground as microscopic dust, infect our craniums, and we'd all be brain-dead before we hit the ground. It would be lights-out before any human even knew that anything had occurred.

Which is to say, if a species powerful and intelligent enough to cross stars were to land on Earth, where they would land is quite literally inside everyone's skulls.

And the existence of biological evolution, far from demonstrating that God is unnecessary, is in fact a logical proof of God's existence unless one posits the additional postulate that there is a limit to evolution. Yet there is no logical limit to evolution other than infinite complexity; and there exists no empirical evidence that evolution is finitely-bounded. Thus, to believe that evolution has a finite cut-off would be to hold a belief without evidence, and thus it would be an irrational belief. For a great deal more on this, see my following article:

  • James Redford, "The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Sept. 10, 2012 (orig. pub. Dec. 19, 2011), 186 pp., doi:10.2139/ssrn.1974708, archive.org/download/ThePhysicsOfGodAndTheQuantumGravityTheoryOfEverything/Redford-Physics-of-God.pdf , purl.org/redford/physics-of-god , webcitation.org/74HMsJGbP .

My foregoing article concerns physicist and mathematician Prof. Frank J. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology and the Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity/Standard Model Theory of Everything (TOE), which is a proof (i.e., mathematical theorem) of God's existence per the known laws of physics (viz., the Second Law of Thermodynamics, General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics). Tipler's Omega Point cosmology has been extensively peer-reviewed and published in a number of the world's leading physics and science journals. However, it also analyzes the societal implications of said, particularly the implications of the exponential advancement of technology and hence also the coming radical life-extension technologies in light of a world dominated by a callous oligarchy.

20020135? ago

holy shit. i never cease to be woke on QRV. Mind blowing... but i don't need to go to the hospital. Go on.

20020133? ago

Trey Smith has a very interesting theory on all of this. I think he's on point personally.


20019984? ago

There is only one creator: GOD.

20019848? ago

We are in the 7 yrs. Tribulation. Started 9/23/2017 The great sign in heaven. 3/23/2021 the antichrist starts his destruction.

20020674? ago

Who's the antichrist?

20019825? ago

Nephilim. Cabal trying to bring them back. Dig anons

20020695? ago

CERN and AI, Goerdie Rose, and quantum computers.

20020893? ago

Yep, yep and yep

20019605? ago

This is why there are all these ancestry websites. I have maintained for a long time that they are not what they seem. They are looking for something. My first thought is that it is maybe, a search for the bloodline of Jesus? Not sure. But there is something they want out there and they got people paying them to find it.

20020782? ago

Interesting take. They're definitely doing something nefarious with that ancestry shit. Close connections with Google IIRC. Could also be to collect peoples DNA for cloning purposes. Imagine you send your DNA and they make a clone of you to be a sex slave or something. Freaky.

20023540? ago

One of Glenn Beck's advertisers is 23+Me. No one can tell me he doesn't know this outfit is evil. What a pos he is.

20020842? ago

OMG! That would be very sick. That could bring masturbation to a whole new level! Not to mention telling someone to go fuck himself! KEK!

20019889? ago

interesting, this resonates! my mother has been doing genealogy for decades, and, like you mentioned, paying for it.

a few weeks ago i bought the domain "freenealogy.com" but haven't done anything with it -- i'm recovering from concussions and software development is much more of a burden than it used to be.

anyway, God bless.

20019956? ago

Hopefully the Hunters become the Hunted on this topic soon. God Bless you too!

20019567? ago

worst excuse ever

20020796? ago

Doesn't explain why... Worst comment ever.

20021022? ago

like Q EVER explain shit

20021171? ago

I've done plenty of my own research, years before Qanon was around. Chill tf out!

20019143? ago

the Bible is a cover to cover warning to humanity about the JEW. Plainly stated in some sections, allegorical in others...but once you get over the deceptive Scofield bible and teachings provided by inept at best, evil at worst Christian pastors and read the bible from the end of your finger it is undeniable that it addresses the JQ and tells us all who they are and what they intend...

20019004? ago

"As we go deeper, the more unrealistic it all becomes."


20018844? ago

How would that send people to the hospital exactly? Knowing any of that wouldn't make people sick.

20018840? ago

Learning about the unspeakable things they’ve done to children almost put me in the hospital. That stuff alone is the worst thing I can imagine and I’d like to think most people would feel the same.

20020434? ago

why, did your erection last more than 4 hours?

20020009? ago

I agree. Knowing WHO committed these atrocities on innocent children would destroy the psyche of many Americans.

20023504? ago

The WHO is necessary for more than one reason. Which devil(s) are you wanting to protect?

20018724? ago

We are descended from the cro-magnons, the neanderthals and two other unknown human species and all life on earth here now came into being at the same time some millions of years ago.

And there is The Book of Enoch.

20020049? ago

Trey Smith has an amazing theory in the Neanderthals...

The Bible has people living for thousands of years, right? What keeps growing on humans as you get older? Your brow, eyebrow area. Trey thinks it's possible that that's what Neanderthals are, very old humans.


20018643? ago

Jesus' bloodline is alive and well.

That part is taken care of.

What you need to concentrate on is you.

We are fighting lvl 10 Evil. The kind you find in the bible.

You will need to be focused on the good inside of you.

They will make you feel worthless, idiotic and unloved.

There is a Love greater than Evil. Q was tasked with hiding it.

They know He is alive and on this Earth. They are scared.

Focus on you, that's the best way to save yourself and your family.

Armor of God and Psalm 23, your two best friends.

20020996? ago

So Q flipped?

20018994? ago

Amen -

The Lord is My Shepherd

A Psalm of David.

Psalm 23

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:

he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul:

he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil:

for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:

thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:

and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever

20019711? ago

If there was a world of people just like you.

We wouldn't be having this discussion.

Now, get out there and wake up those you love.

20037480? ago

thanks anon. I'm trying! It gets so hard with all these FF and hoaxes and stupid elites and their sycophants that just drink the koolaid. Some days I just play with my dogs...

20018621? ago

According to Christian cosmology, all beings have the same creator, even Satan comes from God.

20019410? ago

Yes all life comes from God. Then there are negatively and positively oriented people. Free will is a gift from God. Karma (the book of life) will reward you according to your deeds.

20018546? ago

Read John 8:31-47 ...... (paraphrased) The Jews boast of their righteousness because they come from Abraham's bloodline. Jesus tells them you say you are of Abraham, you may be of him, but you are not his true children. Abraham was a good man, you are lying murderous deceitful people, and you wish to KILL me because I have pointed out the truth. You want to keep things in the dark, I bring light. Truth will set you free. You're father is not Abraham, your true father is the devil. They get mad and try to stone him ....

Makes me wonder sometimes. If maybe the Bible was alot closer to our current situation than we would have thought.

20020424? ago

its almost as if schizoid losers can justify whatever they want by citing that stupid pile of nonsense

20020502? ago

Spoken like a true Jew.

20019769? ago

Future proves past. We are up against the synagogue of satan. God Prevails.

20019641? ago

Just had a thought... not saying I believe this... but what if the Q movement is a psyop to usher in the NWO and the Antichrist? He/they are sort of setting themselves up as our saviors from all the evil in this world.

20020586? ago

The Q group I get together with is mostly Christians, one of our group believes that Q fits in with the End Times. The bible indicates that the AntiChrist first conquers without conflict and the world sees him as the ultimate peace maker. Q might fit into this by taking out a lot of bad guys making it easier to rise to power. If the Cabal, DeepState, Illuminati, or whatever you want to call it is taken down there will be a sort of evil power vacuum ripe for the AnitChrist to rise to power in. This is NOT to say Q is complicit in this, but think of it more like a mob boss allowing the police to take down all of his competition before he starts his rise to power.

20022138? ago

Maybe the antichrist was Obama and he already did his thing. Either way, it seems the end times are here...

20018508? ago

I'll take a lot of convincing before I'll believe David Icke was right. I always thought he was naming the Jew allegorically with the reptilian alien story.

20019460? ago

I think he is partially right about the reptilian aliens BUT he hates Trump. Something is missing with him and I haven't been able to identify it so I won't watch him.

20020068? ago

Similar to many other truth seekers, they think Trump is a part of the establishment.

20019503? ago

Somebody can be completely right about one thing and completely wrong about a completely unrelated thing. It's allowed.

20018393? ago

This is a lot of BS. Corrupt politians and bankers LOVE IT when you believe they are unvincible aliens. They are not.

20034511? ago

We do not believe they are invincible. Quite the opposite, in fact. We are the ones created in God's image. They, on the other hand, are reptiles.

20022162? ago

The evidence all around the world would suggest otherwise.

Politicians and bankers love when you don't look into truth.

20022200? ago

Exactly what evidence? Technology? Communications?

Not trying to troll, just trying to have a good healthy debate.

20076566? ago

There's evidence that the nephililm did in fact roam the earth, which puts a pretty different perspective on things. I know people sound crazy when they talk about this, especially if you're ignorant about it all. The Bible and the Book Of Enoch speak of these giants and emphasize bloodlines for a reason. This isn't a fairytale story made up. It's history that's been buried and covered up.

Maybe we'd have more knowledge if we had access to the popes library.

20018385? ago

Evolution and creation are both needed to explain how we got here. Look into the serpent seed doctrine. Some believe it was Lucifer who fathered Cain, and others believe it was YHWH/Satan. Either way, the Masons tend to worship those on the Cain lineage, like Nimrod, Tubalcain, Ham, Canaan, etc.

I am pretty sure that YHWH fathered Cain because the Masons worship this being they call Jabulan.

Ja- Jehovah or YHWH

Bul - Baal or Moloch or Nimrod.

On - Osiris.


20018378? ago

Right into the mouth of bullshit.

The jew was told it was chosen by something to be it's people. That something is the monster you morons have been mutilating your children's for as a gesture of submission.

Big reveal kids. The jewgod that chose the jew is and has always been an 'alien'. It's under 30 million years of ice in antarctica.

The jew sends its people to it constantly.

20019189? ago

I think the Rabbis that did some of the translations stuck that in there - that they are the chosen ones. This was sleight of hand. Have taken a lot of Hebrew and Aramaic classes over the years and I can see where the rabbis could pull the wool over their followers eyes. I'm not convinced any of the original writings said the Jews Specifically were the Chosen Ones. When you read The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Dead Sea Scrolls Deception (great book, btw) you see a different kind of story forming. "You are my chosen people" can be interpreted as we the humans on planet earth, not necessarily any one tribe. Remember, the 'world' they knew at that time was pretty small.

Actually - I think we start there. It's the arrogance of "Hey dude, we are the chosen ones, so screw you!" that has driven that particular part of the population ever since some rabbi told them that's what it said. The birth of Hubris. Think about it. If you, say, attend a school where one of the kids is the son of the Principal, that kid is often the biggest bully on the block because he's 'the chosen one, the son of the guy in charge.' I think that's what we're dealing with today. If you think you are chosen, you act differently than the rest because you think you get a pass and every little thought that comes into your head is right. That hubris also translates into martyr. Why? Because if you think you are chosen and other people don't treat you as special, that right there is persecution (in your mind.) It's the same line of reasoning the snowflakes use. "Mommy told me I'm special. You don't think I'm special. So now I'm offended and I'm gonna make you PAY!" Sound familiar? It should. That's the history of "jewish persecution" right there in a nutshell. not being antisemitic, just making an observation.

20018373? ago

Or we are all the slaves of aliens and our DNA has been altered. That would shatter a lot if people's minds.

20020089? ago

Maybe our souls belong in another realm, but we were stolen and put here on earth in these bodies to be slaves. There could be endless possibilities.

20018888? ago

No, it really wouldn't.

It would be beyond bizarre, but there are obviously believers of even more strange ideas out there.

20031880? ago

Yeah but that vast majority writes those people off as nutjobs.

20018325? ago

Now you are getting there! Remember, Q said there are aliens.

20018395? ago

Anunnaki. I asked Q this on 8ch about a year ago, but got no response. Lol.

20018418? ago

Yeah there are a lot of different ideas out there. I don't have the answers but I am getting a feeling for it. Have you ever looked into Electrogravitics? How about alternative history from a guy named Michael Cremo? We have been lied to HUGELY.

20018733? ago

No, but I will look. I should mention that the planets were probably in different positions before. Saturn and Jupiter blocked most of the sun and we did not really have day and night. Genesis 1 describes how all this changes, but in terms we have a hard time understanding. If you search for the polar configuration you will find more.

I don’t have all the answers either, but I sense that a lot of people are getting closer. The truth will set us free.

I think we were given dominion over the Earth in Genesis 1 by Our Creator, but then YHWH made us slaves in the Garden. The NWO is about re-establishing the rule of YHWH. Lucifer fold us we were slaves, but should be free. That is the knowledge he gave us. They want us back in the Garden slaving away again.

I am pretty sure that YHWH and Lucifer are Anunnaki.

20018369? ago

Yeah, far away

20018306? ago

I think this as well, just look at older art and the size difference of the rulers.

I also think we are hunted for sport, our children abused, tortured and murdered....then consumed.

I'm starting to wonder if they then feed them back to us.

20018507? ago

This is pretty much where I ended up in the rabbit hole. The next step is extra-dimensional beings. Are portals opened through blood sacrifice?

I also read that our spirit is in our blood. Could this be why they embalm us?

20020025? ago

The Book Of Enoch goes into great detail about portals. That book is trippy AF.

20020198? ago

Sounds like I need to read it again in view of what I have learned.

20020268? ago

I'm having to reread everything over again.

20020356? ago

Haha! Same. I seem to learn new things even after the tenth time. It is probably my brain making new connections.

20018894? ago

As I mentioned on another post, ^^^ This is what Christ was all about. Take a step back from all your religious training and hocus pocus. Think logically. You have a guy who shows up and says, "Look, I'll die for you so you don't have to die anymore. This (a chunk of bread) is my body, This (a glass of wine) is my blood. Take these and be saved." Obviously paraphrasing. But look at what these Moloch worshippers (read: Egyptian Mystics) do -- they torture and eat flesh and blood and sacrifice the baby/goat/virgin - whatever. Christ was saying, "Yeah, don't do that anymore. Symbols are just fine. No need to harm other people. I came to save you from your sins."

Did that mean the sins of torturing and sacrificing other living creatures? I think so. So along come the rabbis and the teachers. People have stopped torturing and sacrificing people and animals. Oops. What will these rabbis eat now? Where will they get their living? We need to change that back. Kill that MoFo! He's telling people they can just have bread and wine and it means the same thing!! Maybe it was the rabbis who actually said, "Man cannot live on bread alone."

I'm just mulling over these things to see how we may have gotten things wrong all along. I think the Christ message is beautiful. It's been profaned and mangled over the years. But reading it in its original language, you can hear the messages of redemption and the message of bowing to your higher angels. Instead these Moloch worshippers want you to default to your dark side.

No matter who or what Q is, No matter who or what POTUS is, this is the real message for me of this movement. We are constantly reminded Dark to Light. We are admonished not to default to our dark instincts, which have been so cultivated and influenced by the dark arts in Hollywood, the cabal-run Porn sites, the encouragement to "do what feels good" instead of do what makes the best sense in the long run.

[[They]] are so unhealthy, so perverse, so profane, so angry and ugly in their belief systems, that they can't countenance happy people, or productive people, or hopeful people. This is our true fight. Fighting the dark instincts found in every person. Cultivating the love and the hope of better days. (BTW this was the greatest evil that Obama perpetrated - he stole the word HOPE. What a POS that guy is. He profaned the very thing that keeps people going. And he/his handlers knew it.

20028732? ago


20021775? ago

This is my understanding as well. Why we all should wear the full Armor of God. The evil darkness will try and find a weakness and use it to corrupt or enter into our minds/souls and without the protection of the Armor of God, we are helpless. We must all be strong in knowing that God is with us and will be our guiding light through the darkness. And in our strength, we can show others the way.

20020282? ago


20020086? ago

With the revelations of evil comes a new understanding of good. The revelations of evil in this world have provided a new perspective on the message of Christ.

20018263? ago

Guys, most really aren't ready for the full truth. Please don't encourage them to find out before we think they're ready.

See, the problem is people not knowing what they don't know.

20018486? ago

Yes, they have the Free Will right to not know. I made the mistake of telling people some basics, but their eyes glazed over.

20019698? ago

doesn't that hurt? a couple people who i admired, i tried to share some truths i had learned with; now i rarely see them...

20020220? ago

Some are definitely sheep. I wonder about the others. They may be involved in the evil stuff, but I did not realize it. Sometimes I got the feeling that they were playing dumb.

20020277? ago

yeah i get that feeling about my jewish friend...

20020330? ago

Yep. Same. I was good friends with someone who lived in DC for several years as a teen. She knew, but played dumb.

20028752? ago

The ones that play dumb and say I'll worry when it affects me are beyond repair.

20018377? ago

I don't even know what the hell it is they're referring to.

20018455? ago

You'll learn soon enough.

20018220? ago


Caine the killer,

lizzard brain

20018159? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=oMeoMoFqWeU :

Fingerprints Of The FALLEN ANGELS Are EVERYWHERE (2019) - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

20018099? ago

Nephilim DNA continuing down through the generations.

20018056? ago

Jesus, why isn't people being corrupt as fuck enough for you people? Why does it have to be mystical bullshit? You need a new hobby.

20019971? ago

There's evidence to the contrary though. That's the point. You just choose not to look.

20018530? ago

Keep going down the rabbit hole to see. You should be asking why do THEY need mystical bullshit.

20018382? ago

The only sane comment un this post

20018357? ago

No kidding. Attacking evolution? Angels? Lawdy Lawdy these people are dumb.

20022203? ago

Evolving from monkey like creatures?

LOL that's a cute "theory".

20018768? ago

Evolution is a highly contested topic in science. Don't buy the bullshit that 99% of scientists agree. It's not true for climate science either. Ask yourself why they would tell the truth about one but not the other.

20018843? ago

Icons of Evolution by Jonathan Wells Ph.D. Shoots holes in evolution theory big enough to drive a mack truck through.

20018876? ago

Haven't seen that, but even Stephen Meyer does a great job.

People are so religious they believe everything the priests in the media tell them to. It's sickening.

20018985? ago

There’s also The Religion of Science by N. Lee Swanson. Does same thing with physics that Wells does with biology. Basically points out that science is the religion of the day and (((they))) use it to beat us up. We are ignorant or stupid or uneducated if we don’t believe that genetically modified food and vaccines and fluoride and... are good for us.

20019985? ago

Yes it's called Scientism. People just hear the word science and automatically believe things to be true.

20019063? ago

Yup. Been following this guy on the plasma universe. The cosmology matches with the catestrophic events of the Bible. Really makes you think. https://www.youtube.com/user/Suspicious0bservers

20019681? ago

followed for a bit, but water finds a level so i no longer believe in "space"

20018828? ago

It's that "guilty in part, guilty in all" mentality that gets people to think a satellite can blow up a submerged submarine.

20018863? ago

Good argument. Seriously great. Completely avoids my point and has nothing to do with what we're talking about.

You hide behind cryptic remarks because you're too stupid to explain what you think, and if you did, people would humiliate you.

So go away you useless hack. Come back when you have a constructive point that directly addresses what I say and not tangentially.

Stupid kike arguments are boring.

20018937? ago

I don't feel like explaining why "evolution is contested" is really ignorant to a (hopefully) grown adult. Honestly, if you think discussion about finer details means it doesn't exist, your opinion of me or anything is nearly worthless. Lying about climate science has nothing to do with evolution. Trying to draw connections between the two is laughable.

Did I make my point easy enough for your Lil brain to understand? Do I need to draw a picture?

20018955? ago

Yeah you did. Thanks for admitting the only thing you know about evolution is that it's true because the media told you so. You have literally no argument, and yet you hilariously think I give a flying fuck what you think.

Do a bit of research, sheep. Let me know when you have something intelligent to say.

20019659? ago

otheranon here, i agree -- evolution is bunk

it took returning to Scripture, which coincided with falling down the flat Earth rabbit hole, for me to get it

i think there's a lot similar with the lies they tell, and i am looking forward to learning about more of them that are still deluding me

to rhyme with a founding father: truth or death!

20018538? ago

Read the Sumerian creation story. Both evolution and creation explain how we got here.

20018756? ago

another interesting book is "History begins at Sumeria." Fascinating history going back to 7000BC

20018868? ago

I will look! Thanks!

Have you listened to interviews of Mauro Biglino? There is on on Leak Project and another by Sarah Westall.

20018386? ago

18% of Americans believe in Angela.

42% of Americans believe in UFOs

22% of Americans believe Elvis is still alive.

20018748? ago

Elvis had a twin. Aaron died because he was so out of shape. Elvis died, but not when we thought he did. Compelling evidence about the way [[they]] operate to mess with our heads - http://mileswmathis.com/bestfake.html Colonel Parker wasn't who we thought he was. Hell, most of the "famous people" aren't who we think they are. You can scoff at the headlines on the above page, or spend a hour today and read a couple of different entries. You'll start to see a pattern. Not only that, it fits perfectly with the FF we are seeing now in the effort to get gun control accepted. All smoke and mirrors. He also ties it in to the sons of Esau, BTW.

20018902? ago

LOL, you proved my point.

20018165? ago

Found the shill, means we're over target! Way to go OP😉

20018411? ago

No you are just wrong. Corrup and evil humans are the enemy. Not fucking millions of light years away aliens.

20021101? ago

They aren’t light years away, they are here, always have been. There are less of them and they live longer (think Old Testament long) and they are smarter than us with bigger brains. We outnumber them but they control us none the less. I think they also survived the flood, let humans rebuild earth and now they want to step out of shadows a d into power positions again.

Not extra-terrestrials but inter-terrestrials, do some research on elongated heads being found in Peru. Earth history is not what we were lead to believe, and the sooner humans wake up the better. The evil the Bible and mama warns about are not spirit and fairytale, but flesh and blood beings who pretended to be gods pre-flood. Bloodthirsty bastards...slippery and smart.

20022407? ago

wow that's interesting to think about, thanks for sharing. and I agree that something isn't right with the age of these 'people'. I mean why are a bunch of 80 year olds galavanting all of the world, going to orgies and worried about transgender issues, etc. Just doesn't make sense.

20021872? ago

I'm all for research and open mindness, and have researched the alien subject for years as well.

I have never found sound evidence of alien presence on Earth. All of those elongated skulls are no proof of alien life, sorry. Its not evidence because all of those skulls come from human settelments, and most importantly have human DNA. Alien DNS have NEVER been found on earth, simple as that. There is no hard evidence for that theory.

On the other hand, you have piles, piles, and piles of evidence of a small self proclaimed "elite", corrupt, satanist politicians and bankers running all governments, all wars and all of the drugs and human traffic in the planet.

Keep an open mind, do your research, and follow the evidence my friend!

20030144? ago

But the DNA tested in the Paracus Peru skulls is not homo sapien, skulls elongated, no sagital suture on skull- you can bet they were here. And I think they still are! Not aliens, earthlings, but not human. Everyone keeps saying look up at the flying saucers, no one thinks to look down, in the tunnels. All Over Our Planet!!! Tunnels

20028835? ago

There is zero directly link between human DNA and chimp DNA on any record even fossilized record. That goes to show of intervention on some level. Add to that hyroglyph of blizzard and bird headed beings ceturians also half man half horse. These were not written to record from a train spray painter or graffiti artist. This was record. Proof of intervention exists. Who and why is the q.

20022191? ago

Have you personally tested the DNA of those elongated skulls? Have you tested the DNA of the giant skeletons they've unearthed all over the world?

Didn't think so...

20030149? ago

They were tested by 3 labs- results spearheaded by Brien Forester. Not homo sapien

20032542? ago

Turns out Brian Forester is a cabal lacky.

20018041? ago

Fallen angels.............

20018023? ago

The bloodlines of (((Caine)))

20018667? ago

That's not the only bloodline that matters.

Jesus had blood too!

20019824? ago

Jesus was bloodline of Able.

20021063? ago

Still alive and kicking.

It hasn't been easy.

You don't know how many times I've tried to die.