19973785? ago

I heard him and what he said was "that's my understanding..." when Hannity asked him if it were Wednesday. Other drops have pointed to it being as early as Wednesday. fwiw.

19976864? ago

OK, thanks. I never did think DiGenova spoke for Q, but DG did speak with some sense of authority.... so... I guess stop believing everything I hear on Hannity.

19972378? ago

Distraction and disinformation.

19972164? ago

Comey bombshell

19972037? ago

Joe's date fagging has been 100% wrong.

Haven't learned by now.......

19971941? ago

Yes he did. Trust Joe? I fucking hope so.

19971773? ago

You dumb niglets

Brainwashed catholic dagos can't be trusted

19971700? ago

It was another feign. Pulled out several deepstate false flags this week.

19971694? ago

He lies just like they all do.

19971681? ago

Maybe on hannity tonight. Still a few hours left in the day. StaffAnon just posted as well saying something weird's going down. Staff asked to stay till midnight. Maybe printing out the declass

19973240? ago

By staff Anon, do you mean Whitehouse staff?

19971893? ago

Link to StaffAnon post pls?

19971722? ago

If you retards would stop believing random (((Anons))) you wouldn't look so fucking GREEN.

19971873? ago

Wasn’t this post about joe digenova? He’s not an anon. And yes he said that it would start this week, most likely Wednesday was how he put it. He also said it would be some of the things Nunes was requesting. So most likely, it’s going to be transcripts from Papa conversation where he stated that he knew it would be illegal to conspire with Russia and he would never do it. It’s call exculpatory evidence and it’s required to show it when applying for a FISA. Regardless of date flagging in the Q community, it’s inevitably going to be released.

19974884? ago

So some anon posts on QRV without sauce and you’re holding QRV itself responsible? Wow. Can you explain to me the requirements for posting on QRV.

19974931? ago

half a brain, 10 fingers and the internet.

19975025? ago

Were you able to count all your fingers? Your mom must be proud. Lol.

19971834? ago

What are the correct anons to listen to? I agree we can't just believe all of them...

What is your opinion on Megaanon?


19972306? ago

Try SuperMaxMegaManAnon...He is the most accurate shill...

19972612? ago

go fuck your sister