19966540? ago

But what about Declass?

19965784? ago

With all due respect, the Bible already tells us this .

2 Tim 3:1 But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here.

Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, and in one place after another food shortages and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and from heaven great signs.

19965947? ago

Oh without a doubt it's going to be biblical.

It already is. The forces of Evil are in a corner now.

We hold the high ground.

19965656? ago

Just a reminder: This Is Not A Game!

Very wealthy and very powerful people are losing control of trillions invested into Controlling Us! Pure Evil!

This Is Not A Game!

Do your best to be prepared, just like you would for a natural disaster, a layoff, power outage, drought, etc.

Stay calm and go about your business.

19965405? ago

Roger that. Chatter I've been picking up is the possibility that Executive Orders to invoke Marshall Law and activation of mandatory curfews may be within hours or days. The newly installed POTUS alert system that piggybacks off Amber Alert will be a key line of trusted communication. Charge your phones, tablets, batteries etc. Have a standby generator prepared. Will update this comment as needed.

19965783? ago

Be prepared spiritually as well patriot.

Thanks for being here.

19965557? ago

Good info! Thanks patriot!

Any updates will be appreciated.

19965343? ago

I've been doing this for years, prepping for such an eventuality, and I consider my neighbors to be on their own. I will ally with any other neighbor who is also stocked up and prepared, but I cannot make up for the ignorance and poor preparation for others.

19965816? ago

I'm very lucky to have neighbors that have been with me for almost 20 years.

We are well prepared for any eventuality. Earthquakes, fires, the Return of Christ.

Did i mention he has already returned? He's in Calfornia at the moment...

This is going to be beyond cool for those invested in God.

19967512? ago

Please explain further...California you say?

19967873? ago

The one in Uganda.

California, Uganda.

Geographical places weren't my strong suit

19964947? ago

so when you say 'It's coming', are you talking about the internet going down? Or something supernatural?

19965248? ago

I'm talking about them pulling out all stops to make sure their organization isn't discovered by the public.

19964923? ago

I stocked up on lube and fleshlight inserts.

19965182? ago

My man!

19967758? ago

Never know when it's gonna be a Riley Reid or Jenna Jameson night.

19967849? ago


You need to upgrade your porn, fren.

19964887? ago

God does not exist

19965257? ago

Tell my mirror that.

19965165? ago

Are humans the highest power in the universe?

What separates God from the concept of a higher power?

Also, as science has now shown to be reality our universe is in so many words a simulation, and all existence is interconnected on a vibratory level, which consciousness then sits atop. If we are existing in a simulation for whose benefit is it being run? Does this possibly explain why evil exists in its present form?

Look, its unfortunate you have no connection to the greater all, but it is there and waiting for you.

19965312? ago

sounds like a video game to me. and a 'simulation' based in good/evil is what little boys have been playing since rocks and sticks became pretend weapons... thinking it's just a part of who we are and how we keep our fractal selves entertained/learning until we decide to give it all up and reunite with our Creator.

19965235? ago

No we are not. Below is the hierarchy and we are all just physical manifestions or a fragment of God. We are part of God and on a path upward back to it to be made whole again.

Source/God/All That Is/I Am

Pure Energy

Non Physical Entities

Non Human Physical Entities




19964931? ago

wow...it's idiots like you that got us in to this mess! of course there is a CREATOR! how else did we get here?🙄

19965262? ago

it's idiots like you that got us in to this mess!

If you believe in God, then he created this mess.

19965453? ago

he created free will. Evil and greed caused this

19965492? ago

Did he know that free will would lead to this? And yet still created free will?

If I create a monster, and I know that monster is going to get unleashed and cause terrible harm, isn't the moral thing to do not to unleash the monster? Or maybe not even create it? If someone creates something they know will be evil, the creator must have evil intentions.

19966884? ago

Interesting comments. I do not have the answers.

Do you think the "inventors" of the internet knew where it would go? I remember it being introduced as the "information super highway" so we gladly dumped our encyclopedias and were so naive as to think the internet would contain FREE factual information. Maybe the creators did not anticipate the risk of evil doers or do you think they had evil intent from the get go?

19966998? ago

If God created evil and allows it to spread, how is he not responsible?

19964943? ago

Science. Maybe if you weren't so retarded you'd understand it.

19965623? ago

Don’t let evolution make a monkey out of you .

19964975? ago

yeah ok, so you're saying this thing called 'science' can tell us what's going on? who told you that? satan??😆

19965050? ago

Are you retarded?

19964913? ago


19964858? ago

What specifically is coming and why now? Explain yourself.

19965275? ago

Go back through the drops.

Be prepared for the worst.