19957947? ago

Outstanding work!

19951060? ago

Funny AF

19950923? ago

That is absolutely amazing...is this open source freeware? It should be.

19950368? ago

You are funny, thanks for the laugh

19950244? ago

He always looks kinda like he just shit his pants. Clapper always looks like he's trying to.

19950188? ago

Remarkably accurate OP! Good Job!

19950093? ago

Top kek op!

Love it🇺🇸❣🇺🇸❣🇺🇸❣🤣🥰

19950091? ago

I think I see the algorithm at work in your beta: essentially whatever DS says, its the opposite. Kinda, what Satan does with God.

19949900? ago

So are we just ripping off content from t_d and repackaging it here, now?

19950001? ago

Please show me proof that I ripped this from T_D? I am OP and haven't posted on T_D in MONTHS.

19949650? ago

Nice work anon as soon as possible can you apply this code to Clapper, Comey, Clinton and Obama’s tweets I have a feeling what they will say but want confirmation through your translator.

19949250? ago

The phrase on the right was stolen from https://voat.co/v/QRV/3358744

19949235? ago

I hate you Boomer fags

19949163? ago

Got temporarily banned from Twatter. Apparently they disagree with my use of the word "Cunt".

19950929? ago

Good to know because I've applied that word accurately to many fake Jew shills.

19950234? ago

Yeah, I've been temporarily banned for cunt and whore. And I just said "It looks like soandso called you a whore (in a news article)".

19950228? ago

I just got permanently banned with a horde of active, rabid anti DS, tyranny, CPS, pedo followers because of this tweet https://archive.is/uFbEY but they claim it was because I said "They seem to love fags" proof


Either one is no good reason for life long ban, but does anyone buy their official excuse?

19949042? ago

👍 Let me know when your company “goes public”.

19949039? ago

bahahaah Awesome

19948941? ago

Well Done! and spot on.

19948922? ago

Hahaha love it

19948804? ago

Very nice! Thanks for the laugh.

19948593? ago

Bullshit detector is on overdrive listening to all of them now.

19948500? ago

Nice, we are the News now!

19948323? ago

DEEP FAKE TWEET on the left side.

19948210? ago

Amazing technology!

19948090? ago

It's working good, but let's see a few more to verify it's consistency.

19948263? ago

Did you do Jessica Alba and Steve o?

19947947? ago

Haha good work Op.

19949239? ago

I hate you Boomer fags

19949298? ago

Looks like someone needs a hug lol

19950821? ago

Boomer fags !! Love it ... I will submit Boomers are less than 40% of Q movement