19947433? ago

Fuck Twatter not a member. Will never be a member.

19946601? ago

Probably there hammering out child trafficking logistics using military cargo planes.

19946544? ago

Pull all of their credentials for reentry into the US.

19945676? ago

in meeting with vatican mafia handlers that brought down voat on weekend?

19945276? ago

They can only be arrested when not in session. They are not in session. They are Hiding!

19945601? ago

Good time to unseal indictments! And release top layer of Jeffery Epstein pedophilia files, Comey Rpt, OIG Rpt,, Fisa data/Rpt. It's like catching them with their pants down! hey?

19945305? ago

"The Senators and Representatives...shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony, and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same...."

Article I, Section 6, Clause 1 (emphasis added)

19944906? ago

"Italy is with POTUS"

19944726? ago

That tweet was in Africa they are on the way to Italy today. They have to meet their dirty intelligence assets.

19944710? ago

Pardon my ignorance, where does it say they’re in Italy?

19944510? ago

its a hail mary, watch for a side trip to put some screws in the pope, his time at little st. james island has matured and our best shakedown artists are on it. no honor among theives, hey italy 5eyes heres your chance to attone for getting caught doin things russia didnt do.

19944398? ago

Wouldn't it be great that if on the return trip they make a pit stop at gitmo?

19944339? ago

This strategy of letting the enemy plot and scheme against us seems silly.

19945784? ago

You say in all your "wisdom". Nothing about the strategy of the white hats is "silly".

19946298? ago

You are an unthinking nigger who doesn't realize the so-called white hats can backstab us at any moment they choose.

Cloak and dagger shit is way less a deffenative action than stopping the enemy permanently.

The Q strategy is also the correct one for globalists playing out a controlled revolution.

19944215? ago

What are they really doing there? If declas is done while they are all in session, they cannot be arrested. While on 'vacation' away from session, they can be arrested. DO IT!

19944909? ago

"The Senators and Representatives...shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony, and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same...."

Article I, Section 6, Clause 1 (emphasis added)

19944204? ago

These people are stupid !

Great time to be hanging arround US Militairy people !!

Give the order Sir!

19944024? ago

Why couldn't they have been at the Garlic festival instead?

19943915? ago

Somewhere in the back if my mind I seem to remember her being at AFRICOM HQ not too long ago. Am I imagining this?


Nope, she's gone there recently. I wonder if there is anything there at AFRICOM for her or if it is just an excuse to get close to the Vatican

19944474? ago

Except: Italy is on our side - Q

19945940? ago

True. I'm curious to see how that ties into either current or future events.

19945048? ago

What about the Vatican, are they on our side???

19946100? ago

Is this a serious question? 🙄

19945761? ago

No, they are not, but we already know that. Their days are numbered.. Sooner rather than later is fine with me.

19945600? ago

Whence the question?

19943858? ago

If they are flying USAF, GREAT!!! It's a simple flight adjustment, southish, to a bay in Cuba. GITMO ... They are a captive audience.... Just thinking .... it would never habben .... #KAG

19943794? ago

Ok, now all the "formalities" are over with, whats the real reason for the trip? ITS OUR DIME, fill out an expense report, we'll let you know if the expense is reimbursable. First Class flight? 5 star hotel? Limo service? Not on our dime bitch.

19943670? ago

Are they flying in - using USAF luxury jet liners? May not want to use that for the return flight, once aboard, like US soil, arrested. BOOM!!!

MAGA bitches

19945312? ago

“If you look out the window on the right side of the aircraft you will notice that your flight crew has exited the plane and are parachuting to safety. You will be entering the ocean in Two Minutes ...”

19943668? ago

Italy is on our side. Arrests overseas?

19944766? ago

Italy has good people but the Italians are corrupt as damn, the root is deep there and has been acorss Italy for hundreds of years https://voat.co/v/QRV/3358580 Hearst Communications?

19943655? ago

look at this total loser posting Red Shoes under pelosi's reply.


These people think WE are stupid and don't see their bullshit...???

Man they are all gonna have a real hard awakening.

It's funny that most fucking "elite" have no damn idea how the internet really works.

They don't know what 4ch and 8ch is, that is CLEAR.

They will have a fucking rude awakening.

19946422? ago

https://voat.co/v/anon/3321415 Baldwin, Courtney Love, Duke of York, Hoffman, Jagger, Kissinger, Kennedy, Rothschild, David Blaine, Mills, Spacey, Soros, Maria Shriver, David Rockefeller, John Kerry... Epstein's Little Black Book:

19943546? ago

Just in time for two of their minions to kill an Italian cop.

19946622? ago

Obama's buddy Renzi is out. Salvini a patriot is in.

19943669? ago

ya this is where my brain immediately went.

the vatican is theirs, sure, but not Italy.

pretty funny.

19943497? ago

Q u i s l i n g s

19943415? ago

Piglosi out of town during FF events.

19943826? ago

Epstein case: judge agrees to keep documents on 2008 plea deal secret https://voat.co/v/QRV/3357384/19936436 Blackmail or bribery or just a corrupt judge..........what do you think?

19949149? ago

ALL of the Above! They are All So Corrupt.

Remember Dennis Hastert R Speaker of zHouse

Pedophile! Drain the Swamp!

19945580? ago

Those are mutually inclusive.

19943658? ago
