19930190? ago

She's definitely one of them.

19930694? ago

Who is them?


I'm often hated for saying this, but, contrary to popular belief, the sybolism and cult aspects are a massive misappropriation, larp and scapegoat designed to blackmail puppets, mess with victims and investigators and otherwise lead them down rabbit holes and/or discredit them. Those in power don't actually believe in or pray to "Satan", it's just another weapon of control.

That doesn't mean they aren't "using symbolism" or "running cults" or engaging in "black magic", but all of that is an illusion intended to obfuscate, intimidate, control and confuse on an unprecedented scale.

There very much is a real side to this and it's all about money and control.

I'm probably not doing any justice with this explanation, but oh well. Some will always believe that this is a fight against the "Satanic", but so long as we're all fighting the same enemy regardless of personal beliefs, whatever.

19934271? ago

Those in power don't actually believe in or pray to "Satan", it's just another weapon of control.

I imagine that there are all kinds of groups which do different things and believe different things. The Satan symbols allow them to advertise in general that they are in the Cabal. But I don't necessarily think that every person who does the 'horns' gesture eats babies for example.

19930894? ago

Actual author of linked and copy-pasted comment here.

Is there some particular reason you're disseminating my comment without stating for the record that you aren't me?

19932966? ago

online cyborg robots, shills and more bots, what you do know is voat will some under attack again

19930120? ago

All of this has been the largest investigation in operation because of Q. What is different is that Q team have been showing us support with arrests and so on...

19932951? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3357274 DailyMail mentioned Qanon

19929987? ago

Oh, I'm diggin on her alright, she gives me kindof a chubby, like off the bag chubby

19938127? ago

Epstein is gonna be ded, ded, ded soon enough. He will make sure he drags all those high power liberals down to Hades with him. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3357834/19937770

19930499? ago

Cummings and Pelosi in Italy right now? whole thing stinks, French involved, trafficking from Latin America Eastern Europe, Masonic symbols even the British royalty he got a lot of their phone numbers.... Acosta was told to back off, but nobody asked TOLD BY WHO ... was he told by corrupt cops who belong to the Mob, was he told by dual-citizen israelis by Mossad to leave it alone, was he told by the fucking Vatican?

19929955? ago

Well, well well. Things are heating up in this internet researching revolution of transparency by the people, for the people. Down with the cabal. Enjoy the show.