20629607? ago

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19936007? ago

reddit was Gay, But their total faggs, 90% niggers and alahpigfuckers.

Mods can upvote as many times as they please, create new accounts to make it look popular. redit is gay zuck is some kind of a robot google is abc..... Tell Yo kids

19934145? ago

what are 'the powers of B'?

19931919? ago

There are literally thousands of libtard hackers who are trying to take down this board because it's used by conservative Trump supporters. Attacks on this board in no way prove Qanon is not an NWO larp running a cabal psyop you stupid naive retarded fucking Qtard idiots.


19934473? ago




hillary (boot)

mccain (boot)

et fucking al, now gtfo!

19931386? ago

We need to oven our "one true enemy" Catholics on maximum.

19931267? ago

Who's B?

19931248? ago

scope...context - time for a reality check.

At any given time AFAIK there are anywhere from 700 - 1600 users online at the Q OFFICIALLY ENDORSED internet forum QRV.

700 - 1600 users...mostly boomers and women. Owne Benjamin pulls in 5000 on randomly announced 3 hour live streams...


You really think the DS is worried about such a microscopic fringe contained group that they would focus a blitzkrieg attack here? There are many other sites and truth-seekers with much larger audiences than what you suppose is Q-Central here on Voat.

19930561? ago

What are the powers of B? Exactly?

19930547? ago

compare google trends of:


"fake news"

both of them starting same month to get attention..

19930320? ago

Gave the mindless shills some time to 'try' to form a thought/chant/squawk. They failed. Like the DEMONrats, they will play the same broken record of desperation; as they await to be claimed by satan/lucifer. Highway to HELLo satan for the evil-doers. ENJOY the SHOW

19930203? ago

Anyone can set up a solid ddos. It could easily just be someone trolling voat and laughing as all the anons start deep diving that Epstein Vatican post.

I hope its somethinf... but the ddos in itself isnt indicative of anything necessarily.

Question everything

19930127? ago

The (((jew))) wants you seperated. Israel is last.

19929734? ago


Fuck you, you nigger loving sack of yid donkey turds.

19929640? ago

jew and black hate? you must be kidding. hatred has never solved any problems.


19929568? ago

Actually it proves just the opposite. Duh.

19929377? ago

Pizzagate is legit (probably not entirely, but they're on the right track for sure). Q is still a gay LARP and always has been.

19929348? ago

OP you're an anti-Q shill trying to divide the Q movement into race/religion.

Q doesn't "hate" any race or religion.

The Q movement welcomes patriotic blacks and jews and anyone born any way.

They want you DIVIDED.










See the sidebar:

19929658? ago


19929514? ago

OP you're an anti-Q shill

Why are you calling me a shill?

Can you read? Did you read my title?

19930670? ago

If you disagree with any part of his belief system, you are a shill. In his mind you are pretending to endorse Q but denying another aspect to sow doubt.

ps Q is a larp

19929329? ago

I don't want to be "in this together" with the jew and black haters. They can go fuck themselves.

19929744? ago

Fuck you, kike

19929269? ago

Qtards trying to piggy back off pizzagate to validate their larp. Sad.

19957651? ago

Isn't that a BEAUTIFUL BABY, you fucking degenerate? Isn't he BEAUTIFUL! Look

at that beautiful baby... Keep saying larp like anybody who isn't a complete dumbfuck

would believe you. How desperate do you have to be to deny the obvious?


Hey, stupid, why do you think that NOBODY in the MSM has run the Q

question by POTUS yet? =)



19929223? ago

DDOS attacks proof we are winning.

19929118? ago

The downing of Voat goes to show you that Q is not a LARP and PIZZAGATE is very real.

Exactly how does it do that? Why wasn't voat's own users fucking around for the lulz.

19929112? ago

I notice a lot more shills on Voat now vs 1 year ago. We must stay vigilant on all new posts to control what goes to Hot.

Q is real. Pizzagate is real. Spygate is real. God is real. Hell is real. The pain is coming soon. Democrat nominee will be a "woman" of color.

19930878? ago

Shill = people who think for themselves, non boomers who have more to do with life besides wait for social security checks.

19934008? ago

Shill = paid mouthpiece....think for themselves depending on how much they're being paid and by whom. Anybody who would try to paint that in a positive light has serious issues.

19935629? ago

No retard you missed what i was saying. You qcumbers call anyone who doesnt mindlessly praise your cult a shill. Youre right about the definition of shill, but not how its used here.

19936855? ago

you got two words right...."you're right." Should have stopped there.

19937441? ago

Faced with reality the cultist digs his heels and screeches his mantra even louder.

19951020? ago

Faced with absolute contradiction and proof, the shill resorts to calling names that are clearly inaccurate, like cultist.

Reality sets in when POTUS pointed out that baby.

19957915? ago

What proof? Youre insane and babbling. Ofcourse you dont think you are, thats part of being crazy.

19959869? ago

change of tactic, from calling us stupid to gaslighting...

Isn't that a beautiful baby!


19951443? ago

Yeah the slogans and worshiping trump are totally not like a cult. The total hard headedness and willing to believe anything youre told as long as it comes from q is TOTALLY not cultlike. You blind follower.

19957467? ago

That's the thing, stupid. We DON'T believe anything we're told. WE check EVERYTHING, which is

why degenerates like you can't shake this movement. There are a lot of people on 4ch.

Q got popular because he was RIGHT--A LOT. And he's STILL right a lot. And POTUS

recognizes him.

But you won't believe anything because even though you KNOW that Q is legit,

and has been WRECKING your useless attempts to attack Trump and

discredit Q, your little house of degenerate cards is falling apart all around


And guess what, weakness....we aren't laughing WITH you... =)

Thanks again for stopping by to confirm the reality of the Q movement,

but seriously, your services are no longer required.

Isn't that a BEAUTIFUL BABY? Don't you just LOVE that baby with the Q

on his back? =D lol, bye shill

19957870? ago

Still calling me shill. Futher proving my digging in heels point. So delusional its pathetic. Youre the people with pictures and string on your walls. Keep trusting the plan you invalid.

19951062? ago

Desperate is when you try to contradict reality and get laughed at by

the people who saw POTUS point out that baby. YOU are stupid.

It can't be a larp if POTUS confirms it...you get that right? Actually, it doesn't

matter whether or not you get it. We know. You lie. And there is nothing

that will stop what's coming. Epstein was the first domino.

Thank God for Donald Trump. Thank God for the Q team.

And thank God for weak-ass fake Jew liars who confirm the

power of the movement with their impotent spam, gore porn,

lying, larp-shouting, and overall panic.

Not a threat but a warning, when the real American

Pogroms start--it was your own fault.

19945343? ago

That's the nature of desperation dude. These guys sold the future of the entire human race to the jew for the cost of a coke binge and a harley. They will go to their deathbeds insisting the last forty year long nightmare they put in motion was 'someone else's fault' and they 'aren't responsible for anything'.

The Q larp was designed by the jew to target exactly that programming, and it works masterfully. They respond exactly like their blue counterparts do when fed a narrative crumb. They are the same op.



19930383? ago

You're in hell right now. Jesus describes his Kingdom of Heaven as being right here, so you're in heaven too its just that people haven't figured out how to play nice yet

19938945? ago

so do you think we'll just 'stay' here but things will change so we have happiness and prosperity? Basically a freeing of the 'slaves' and the realization of our true potential?

19939243? ago

I think so. It might be bigger than that, but that's the gist of it.

19943197? ago

Tell that to the supervolcano under yellowstone before it kills a bunch of people in this heaven on earth

19928900? ago

Not sure it means q is real...weren't they doing it over pizzgate? Anyway I'm not on either side I just don't know what to make of this q stuff. On the one hand I find it hard to trust a non person, and the "proof" is always weird numerology shit and I hate that stuff. I admit some of them are compelling and some of the q things have come to pass but they're usually cryptic and need people to do a lot of imagining and then wow look he magically did it again because you can interpret it as anything

19934414? ago

"tip top tippy top shape" is not numerological AT FUCKING ALL

it is what sealed the deal for me!

19929209? ago

Have you actually looked at the 200+ q proofs?

19938974? ago

exactly! at this point it is IMPOSSIBLE for Q to be a LARP.

19945373? ago

Actually, an argument that is just as ironclad and valid could be made that they do the exact opposite. In fact, that argument has far, far more plausible veracity than the 'proofs' have coughed up over the years.

Really what the proofs indicate to me thus far is an amateur team given a greenlight for a psyop that was handed off to more senior personnel after the proof of concept tests on twitter.



19928885? ago

Not too many places for free speech on the web anymore. The shills just help sharpen your senses to discriminate against MSM Bull Shit - so thank them. The constant elaborate and targeted attacks against voat.co just reinforces the how dangerous the information can be for the dying Establisment. Even though there may only be a thousand people on this board at anytime! Let that sink in. So shills keep doing what you do and DOS attacks - have at it. You cannot kill the truth - especially at a time when there such a huge demand for it. And you cannot kill the Great Awakening of the brainwashed sleeping giant!

19939047? ago

exactly and sure would be interesting to have some kind of QRV reunion someday for us 'regulars', would be fun to meet most of you in person.

19928878? ago

No one denies that the ruling class is a group of pedo elites. Q is a larp though. Sorry to burst your hope porn bubble

19928792? ago

Niggers are actually retarded and jews love to steal your money and make you pay for shit you don't need. Why is that so hard to understand?

19930415? ago

Years and years of brainwashing.

IQ realism and IQ by race is an incredibly interesting topic to me. The world should be organized according to ability. Black and Hispanic people are capable of genius too, it's just more of an outside case for them. For the ones who are, let them do what they're able to do, but for the rest they should be treated realistically. Filling universities and high level jobs with 85 IQs just because it feels good and is inclusive... Yeah, that's not gonna fix the world. If they have the IQ points, then go right ahead. Changing everything simply to be merit based will solve most problems, but jobs for 85 and lower IQs... That's a much bigger problem. That's too low to really do much of anything useful. We need to consider what they can do to be useful, or if their intelligence can possibly be improved.

19932579? ago

^^^^ Example of Low IQ "logic".

19934480? ago

A bunch of over punctuated nonsense. He's a perfect example of the end of my statement "what's so hard to understand?". He's trying to understand it himself so at least I'll give him credit for that.

19939273? ago

Think he was agreeing with you there, chief.

19939317? ago

Yeah but I just don't have the patience for it. Yeah he is

19928640? ago

We don't hate niggers and kikes we simply point out their shenanigans you stupid kikeshill

19931825? ago

There was Watergate, he talked of Jews, the British, the Irish, the Hispanic, the Russians, the American, the Italians, he talked open and free and frankly Nixon tape will talk of how a culture with Niggers, the base level instinct of the Negroid, Tricky Dick was open with his thought and within the Black culture are a series of problems, a blunt horde, a crude instrument, but the Negro itself typically too dumb or too Low IQ to be a spy? too stupid to be subversive and maybe controlled by a bigger name.... the NYC, Florida and ranch scandal you have Hollywood, maybe Mossad and a Royal family, there is a cult in Canada, Deutsch bank, Barclays, that strange woman, the noble Italian family, an ex President of Colombia, the masonic Temple on the island with Jews and Arab symbols and Someone at this Morgan Stanley Kept Giving Epstein's Foundation Allocations To The Hottest IPOs...Definition of treason 1 : the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family 2 : the betrayal of a trust : TREACHERY https://voat.co/v/QRV/3354944/19920878 ? Payment for “services”

19928501? ago

Pizzagate is real? Hell yeah. Q? Hmm.

19932924? ago

Eric Klein and Lifeboat, scifi horror tunnels?

19937919? ago

wow he fucked so many investors, amazing to see him mentioned in q stuff!

19932938? ago

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19930933? ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/AnonThoughts comment.

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19928477? ago

They even want to ban the Donald. Cant figure out what Trump will do if they do. Haha

19928471? ago

Q sent us here to be red-pilled about what our seditious (((mainstream media)))JPG refuses to report.JPG

Reality is not politically correct and there's no reason to pretend that it is.

If you want politically correct censorship then go back to Reddit.

19930906? ago

Please explain why Trump supports isreal? Is it a keep your enemies close type of thing?

19945400? ago

Buddy, any excuse you read from these apologists is exactly that; an excuse. It is not realistic to believe that a man that not only publicly but privately supports the causes of Israel, the Khomen, the Payseur, the Rothchild is a member of a supersekri plan to save america from the evil death cult


He is their servant all the way through. These guys truly, truly do not believe you are a living thinking being, and instead believe you are a mindless drone. Every time you buy into the 'good guy vs bad guy' narrative the jew has been using on you for over a thousand years, you prove they are absolutely right.

19931060? ago

Because political suicide is not an option.

The normies must be red-pilled first.

Thankfully, President Trump's relentless efforts to disarm the Jew's most powerful weaponJPG has been successful...

...distrust of the seditious Jew mainstream news is at an all-time high and reruns of Yogi Bear from the 1970s enjoy more viewers than CNN.

I'm not sure what comes next, but I hope it's exposing (((Mossad's))) bribery of U.S. politicians during the (((Epstein))) trial.

19929399? ago

Hijacking for media red pill dump. This anon gets it. Trump does too, that's why he's completely destroyed the credibility of the MSM.

The myriad of corporate media outlets are one of the Jews greatest weapons of mass indoctrination. It is incredibly vast, well coordinated, and serves one purpose. To completely control the goyim.

They run all corporate 'news' outlets that feed daily indoctrination to the goyim.





The social media space is theirs


They run Hollywood and are responsible for all the culture destroying depravity and degeneracy that comes out of there.



Pornography is perhaps their greatest weapon against men and the nuclear family unit.








They know that the obsession with sex and the associated degeneracy destroys civilizations. This is why they push it constantly.




They use their outlets to demoralize and brainwash white people so their #WhiteGenocide agenda can continue.













And the lies they tell...







They truly are the enemy



Fortunately, their ability to control the goyim through mass indoctrination is waning.


19929417? ago

Fantastic submission with so much research and info!

I suspect the Jews will start attacking your comment in 3... 2... 1...

19933465? ago

Thx fren. They always do

19930613? ago

How'd that countdown work out for you? Your comment was a lot funnier by calling it "research" lol

19937606? ago

Retarded piece of shit nigger. Neck yourself

19957360? ago

ooo did I hit a nerve....immediately the Jew starts using racial slurs. You wanna go you degenerate, feel free to dox yourself.

19933609? ago

He was counting in hours...you were right on schedule...

19929324? ago

exactly, who do you think OWNS the botnets, and has infinite money, HELLO!?

OP is a dumbdumb

19931323? ago

And who has been arrested as the king pin pedo, a jew of course.

19932513? ago

Most Junior Colleges have courses in LOGIC. Take a class. It may or not help you, but you sure as hell need some help.

19933550? ago

jew-argument of not adressing the actual context of a message and jsut attacking the person

19934548? ago

Yep, ad hominem attacks mean you hit a nerve. Only truth hits nerves.

19928802? ago

It's not sedition if it's not actually government. Remember that. Media is not government.

19935141? ago

REALLY?** Well you're full of crap! Sedition is the attempt to undermine or overthrow a sovereign government. NOWHERE in the definition does it state you have to be "in" government to be guilty of sedition - OR treason for that matter. Go back to school, newb...

19935261? ago

I'm glad to be wrong then. Thank you. Really.

19935432? ago


19928932? ago

They are foreign operatives. Enemy combatants.

19929367? ago

I call them occupation forces media.

19929062? ago

You dont know that. Plus you are probably a Jew, pretending not to be foreign. Fuck you

19929099? ago

Just how fucking retarded are you? Can the media be any more overt in their disdain for the United States, more specifically the PEOPLE of the United States? They, (((They))) ARE THE ENEMY.

19928790? ago

T_D it says no antisemitism in the sidebar.

Didn’t Q also say MIGA?

19929883? ago

He said we're saving Israel for last.

19928754? ago

It’s that Simple folks.

19932532? ago

Yes, simple minded, it IS that, indeed.

19928446? ago

reddit (chinese owned) is truly a terrible place now.

blatant censorship of free speech is not for me.

fuck that place and the thousands of shill faggots who love their beloved echo chamber.

they refuse to observe facts (reddit has become garbage compared to what it once was long ago).

so fuck them.

19928435? ago

Conflating Q with PG, idiotic.

19928457? ago

Not connecting the dots. Fucking inexcusable.

Muh larp.

19945420? ago

lol nah. Opposite. More than two layers of complexity just goes right by ya. PG is part of the same psyop now. It's too useful a control lever not to be, by now.

19928405? ago

Oh man, send this one back, hasn't hatched yet. Still worshiping words like 'hate' and jew and black.

Back into the lake. Maybe you'll mature by next season.

19930844? ago

The criminal network or web is possibly vast and global, I don't know who that woman is, she's maybe a German woman or Jewish is she British or Israeli and connections to a FIFA Qatar cup. The Saudis, the French, the British Royal family also connect and people are moved from Latin America and Eastern Europe, House of Lusignan, Crusader kings in the Latin East and again on that island Templar, Arab and Masonic Symbols. Did Podesta Molesta meet the Pope, this weird criminal shit happening a long time? https://files.catbox.moe/g1sfem.jpgJPG

19928743? ago


Don't do THAT!

Their fucking HEADS will explode!

Fucking Lemmings. "Uh-Oh" "Poof"...

19928381? ago

Hahahahahaha we’ll go back to Reddit, you’re still asleep.

19928341? ago
