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19910030? ago



Along this line, the following are samples of traumas done to program slaves:

a. being locked in a small confined spot, a pit or cage with spiders and snakes

b. being forced to kill, and cut up and eat innocent victims

c. Immersion into feces, urine and containers of blood.

Then being made to eat these things. These are standard traumas. Often a slave will experience not only all of the above but many others before they reach 4 or 5 years of age.

19913650? ago

Yes. I can tell you-these are facts. You are correct.

19913717? ago

what do you mean anon

you worked at china lake?

19917675? ago

No, I spent my childhood living a half hour from Bohemian Grove and had a Satanic Worshipful Master Freemason maternal grandfather who presided over our area's Blue Lodge. It resulted in D.I.D. and the works that comes with all of that fun stuff. The abuse is multigenerational.

My maternal great grandfather was an elite Nazi Illuminati guy who came over from Germany between the World Wars. He owned a cash exchange company. My grandmother is an identical twin. I'm fairly sure they were experimented on in a mind programming capacity. He married her off to my grandfather, the Freemason. Oh yeah, I forgot-my grandfather grew up in Hattiesburg, MI, and his father was pretty far up in the KKK so he regularly watched minorities get murdered in heinous fashions. HIS mother sexually abused him. He was a seriously evil person. The worst I've ever known. He was a raging alcoholic that shot at my uncle when he was sixteen so he left for the Air Force. Then he became my handler and was a recruiter for Freemasons.

I couldn't make this shit up if I tried. When the memories started flooding back when I was around 37 or so. The DID finally manifested in a tangible way that year. Fucked my life up worse than it already had been. I always knew deep down that I thought something bad happened to me because I only have fleeting memories of moments in time of my childhood. I look at photos every now and then-my mom is a fantastic memory recorder, and I don't remember one single Christmas. Except for one Christmas Eve where I got to hold a lit candle for the service at church. It's the only place I ever recall feeling safe.

I'm TERRIFIED of doxxing myself by sharing really specific stuff but you get the uh...gist. Sometimes I swear I'm being watched. I don't know if it's paranoia or if it's really happening.

I spent the recent years trying to make sense of any one but of the whole thing and tried to talk to strangers on the internet about it, just hoping that ONE person would believe me.

I don't remember when I discovered Voat but I started seeing that people here were/are doing research in a capacity that I can't even fathom. It was around the time Comet Pizza started being heavily investigated here. I can't find my old account which is a huge bummer.

All the endless work you all do has brought me a slice of peace, sanity, and comfort in knowing that justice is happening and it's rolling down the "Hill" fast and knocking down everyone who is guilty on its way down.

So thanks guys.

19925622? ago