19919573? ago

Back in 2016-2017 those of us deep into Pizzagate set up a thread on VOAT for storing all the pedo symbols we found in entertainment, kids' toys, kid's room furniture, sports equipment, theme parks, non-profit kid-centered charities, clothing, software, books, video games - it is MIND BLOWING. It's still up and active. Check it out and add what you find to it! https://voat.co/v/PizzagateLogos

19916639? ago

They’ve been evil for decades...

19916079? ago

j&j is pure evil, i can't think of any person or company that has had more lawsuits for illness & death due to their products

19916068? ago


19915959? ago

Oh this is just a random coincidence! /s

Just more reasons why everything should be made public. Every dirty, little secret; every dirty little rat exposed. I cannot wait for mass public awakening.

19915663? ago


19914851? ago

Wow i almost threw up

19914704? ago


19916156? ago

This fake too? Scroll through pictures


19915233? ago

Only a depraved pedo would say this is fake.

19914546? ago

Do you think some brands use this kind of pattern without knowing the pedo symbolism?

19916162? ago

I used to but not anymore.

19915239? ago


19914523? ago

Not J/J but its someones brand for sure.I cant do image search here,someone look it up and post what you find.TIA

19914287? ago


19914060? ago

Jews are laughing at you because they know that gentile laws do not apply to them.

19913341? ago

😡 we will know them by their symbols.

19912233? ago

To summarize all responses.... Is it always necessary to cuss. Should we be careful of photo-shopping and disinformation leading us away? Or we are outraged at the culture war. Reason it may be photoshopped, it is clear on their website. Reason to believe the latter, they are dumping pedo themes in all of our movies and television shows, e.g. "Good Boys" to continue to sexualize a generation.

19916740? ago

You are right. Let's give them feedback. https://secure.opinionlab.com/ccc01/comment_card_d.asp

19912227? ago

Hate to break it to you, but there's a 99.9% chance this is fake.

19916171? ago

I thought so too but scroll through this direct link


19916297? ago

19916813? ago


19913492? ago

I'm doubting you but what makes you think so? Can someone run an image lookup on it?

19914152? ago

Can someone run an image lookup on it?

Nope, the screenshot is of a frame in a video and has a circle overlayed; damn near impossible to reverse-image search.

what makes you think so?

Couple the above with nobody being able to identify which video it actually is.

Couple that with the fact that the tweet author didn't reply to any of several inquiries for a direct link or nudge in the right direction.

Couple that with a known Q/QAnon hater, who intermittently pushes disinfo/shilling for Cicada3301 while participating in attacks on QAnons, showing up to self-advertise...

There's very little reason to believe it's real.

19916229? ago

Ah, good find!

See it'd be a lot better if the tweet author had done a bit more than post a screenshot.

19916259? ago

Well it’s probably good that at least some people are skeptical. I’m sure there are people that put fake stuff on there just so that it will look like it’s all crazy conspiracy stuff. Kind of like, ping pong doesn’t even have a basement kind of argument.

19916309? ago


19912146? ago

Guys, I stand shoulder to shoulder with every last one of you. We HAVE to stop these sick vile fucks. Even if all we can do is open the eyes of others.

19912078? ago

I’ll be a grandpa in a few months time. This is as sick as it gets.

19911788? ago

The Johnson family are a bunch of sick fucks. Right up there with the Vanderbilts and the others.

19911702? ago

This now makes sense. During Hannity last night, President Trump was speaking about the individuals he had pardoned, both with the last name Johnson. The way he spoke about it gave me that Q feeling that He was wanting us to look into Johnson &Johnson.

19911458? ago

Did you also see the smart diapers they are going to start sterilising the next generation with beginning next year?

19911390? ago

who would even take a picture of their child like that


19911220? ago

WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW! Sick. These scumbags need to be exterminated. The epitome of godlessness and evil.

19911213? ago

It's like they are fighting to get to the finish line first as their symbolism gets more brazen. The good thing with that thread is that people were asking 'what does this mean?'. People are waking up.

19910658? ago

Fuck Johnson and Johnson. I can't wait till these fuckers hang.

19910653? ago

In the pic there is a link jnj.com/allyourlife

The picture isn't there, but there is a video published on Jun 5, 2019

The picture is a little fuzzy in the tweet, so I thought maybe it was a still frame from the video. But the video that is up there now does not have this baby in it. I'm guessing that people complained and they edited and changed it on 5 Jun 2019.

19916193? ago

19910629? ago

This is a really interesting documentary made by Jamie Johnson, a 27-year-old heir to the Johnson & Johnson pharmaceutical fortune on the Wealth Gap in America.

The One Percent - Documentary

19910577? ago

diaper snipers & pamper-tamperers

19910405? ago

IF THIS IS NOT FAKE, this is blatant perverted act of war on society!

Its not this hour on : https://www.jnj.com/allyourlife

That being said :

This Looks Shopped / I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time!


19910386? ago


19910228? ago

So many innocent/ignorant people wearing these symbols without even knowing. I myself used to wear spiral jewelry years ago because it identified with my celtic background. If I'd seen the triangular spiral I'd have probably worn that as well. Just when you think you've accepted the loss of what you once thought was normal and good in life...hits in the gut to realize you're still mourning that loss. We need to remember how it feels to wake up in a world that you recognize but is no longer familiar when the rest of the people face this.

19919400? ago

By QRV reasoning, you just outed yourself as a pedophile. After all, Sheila Jackson Lee was once photographed wearing spiral jewelry, and she has been condemned as a pedophile. We don't know if she knew if the symbol had any significance. Actual evidence is unnecessary. Congratulations - why don't you and SJL go get it on with some kids you sick freak.

19915772? ago


19912626? ago

True. Many of the symbols they use seem innocent until you realize how they use and corrupt them. I refuse to let them take those which we have always considered good and turn it into something perverted and disgusting.

19910205? ago

Their symbols will be their downfall.

Keep up the vigilance, we are winning.

19910173? ago

My goodness, that's bad, really bad.

19910049? ago

Fun fact.....Woody Johnson IV, an heir to this pedophile, globalist, sellout organization was the campaign finance manager for the JEB! Bush presidential campaign.

19910290? ago

That campaign was pathetic. At the end only JEB’s family was appearing at campaign stops.

19910045? ago

Why do you act shocked, and why is this the top post on voat right now. We are all very very aware of this shit, have you been living under a rock? Even people on Reddit know about this shit.

19912433? ago

Newcomers every day, fren.

19910030? ago




Along this line, the following are samples of traumas done to program slaves:

a. being locked in a small confined spot, a pit or cage with spiders and snakes

b. being forced to kill, and cut up and eat innocent victims

c. Immersion into feces, urine and containers of blood.

Then being made to eat these things. These are standard traumas. Often a slave will experience not only all of the above but many others before they reach 4 or 5 years of age.

19913650? ago

Yes. I can tell you-these are facts. You are correct.

19925631? ago

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19913717? ago

what do you mean anon

you worked at china lake?

19917675? ago

No, I spent my childhood living a half hour from Bohemian Grove and had a Satanic Worshipful Master Freemason maternal grandfather who presided over our area's Blue Lodge. It resulted in D.I.D. and the works that comes with all of that fun stuff. The abuse is multigenerational.

My maternal great grandfather was an elite Nazi Illuminati guy who came over from Germany between the World Wars. He owned a cash exchange company. My grandmother is an identical twin. I'm fairly sure they were experimented on in a mind programming capacity. He married her off to my grandfather, the Freemason. Oh yeah, I forgot-my grandfather grew up in Hattiesburg, MI, and his father was pretty far up in the KKK so he regularly watched minorities get murdered in heinous fashions. HIS mother sexually abused him. He was a seriously evil person. The worst I've ever known. He was a raging alcoholic that shot at my uncle when he was sixteen so he left for the Air Force. Then he became my handler and was a recruiter for Freemasons.

I couldn't make this shit up if I tried. When the memories started flooding back when I was around 37 or so. The DID finally manifested in a tangible way that year. Fucked my life up worse than it already had been. I always knew deep down that I thought something bad happened to me because I only have fleeting memories of moments in time of my childhood. I look at photos every now and then-my mom is a fantastic memory recorder, and I don't remember one single Christmas. Except for one Christmas Eve where I got to hold a lit candle for the service at church. It's the only place I ever recall feeling safe.

I'm TERRIFIED of doxxing myself by sharing really specific stuff but you get the uh...gist. Sometimes I swear I'm being watched. I don't know if it's paranoia or if it's really happening.

I spent the recent years trying to make sense of any one but of the whole thing and tried to talk to strangers on the internet about it, just hoping that ONE person would believe me.

I don't remember when I discovered Voat but I started seeing that people here were/are doing research in a capacity that I can't even fathom. It was around the time Comet Pizza started being heavily investigated here. I can't find my old account which is a huge bummer.

All the endless work you all do has brought me a slice of peace, sanity, and comfort in knowing that justice is happening and it's rolling down the "Hill" fast and knocking down everyone who is guilty on its way down.

So thanks guys.

19925630? ago

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19925622? ago

19909980? ago

19910078? ago

I wish this bitch would die.

19909950? ago

Ahh yes. Also, buzz light years chin and the belly button of the hippo from Madagascar both have these symbols embedded. If the luceferian cult tells u what they r doing and u don’t do anything about it then to them, u consent.

19910163? ago

And the blatant pedo symbols on the “small world” ride at euro Disney..

19910373? ago

I just went to Disney (unfortunately) and the creepiest thing by far was the story/animatrons on Splash Mountain. That shit is crazy.

Also, the whole experience is cult like.

19910603? ago

It truly is cult like . I had season passes when my kids were little and went a few times a week as I homeschooled them. I really thought it was the happiest place on earth. I was completely oblivious. A friend of mine still holds her season pass and went last week, she said she has never seen Disneyland so empty in all her life . Of course that was my chance to say “that’s because people are waking up to the evil that Disney has been a part of”

19909848? ago

I do not believe this! Where is the original pic...I have been searching. No can find!

19910559? ago

Whenever you see a grainy screenshot that looks low-res even if it was 5 years old always assume it's been doctored. Which this on is btw.

Even so.. Let's for a moment imagine there's a diaper out there with roughly that sort of symbol on it. Which of these are the two most likely scenarios. A diaper making company steals a "child lover" symbol to associate themselves with pedophiles!!! ..Or pedophiles steals a symbol from a diaper making company to low key signal their "love of children"?

19915747? ago

But here is a totally separate link that has a similar diaper on a different baby and it’s definitely from the Johnson & Johnson group


19911119? ago

It Is not a diaper it is a onesie-clothing over a diaper. Maybe we could find out who made the onesie.

19910933? ago

definitely the former since this symbol has been outed as pedo by the FBI since the 90's. However, the most likely is some ignorant artist added them not knowing the symbolism.

19910198? ago

I looked too, can't find - but, sorry for me, searched J & J baby diaper ad - under images there's lots of pics of women in diapers fetish stuff - ugh, could have done without that - what a mess (I'm a lady anon)

19910607? ago

copy the pic & try an image search on... (((gasp))) google...

19909702? ago

Normally i just come here to troll you q fags, but this one is downright blatant.

19910381? ago

Now you see that there's something to what we've been saying all along. Time to board the anon express. Start digging!

19912931? ago

You act like this is the first discovery of such things. Those symbols have been known for YEARS. People in the UK went through huge amounts of research for their decades old systemic child abuse in care homes and the likes of Savile. Overall, nothing happened then either. The media scapegoated one or two old fogies and convinced the world that the rest was fake news and false accusations. Personally I'm burned out from expecting anything to happen after years and years of shocking discoveries.

19910059? ago


19909983? ago

So maybe you should rethink WHY you come here to spew crap... especially now that you see this shit is real.... instead of spamming, how about you read the threads here from now on. It will really open your eyes.

19913715? ago

Pedophilia and SRA is real, q is not

19915755? ago

we will all see soon... or soon enough...

19915580? ago

I'll bet you still think trump colluded with russia, too...

19915892? ago

i'll bet you think Israel is our greatest ally

19918338? ago

Don't be retarded, Trump and Q are saving israel for last.

19910727? ago

maybe you should rethink WHY you come here to spew crap

Mostly because your buttons are so easy to push and you fly into incoherent rage at the drop of a hat.

19913456? ago

Lol at this liberal projecting again. Only you america-hating lefties get triggered. Only you lefties are snowflakes who fly into incoherent rage. only you lefties screech at the sky. only you lefties tear down, burn, riot, attack innocent people.... I can go on and on. But you're projecting (like liberals do 99% of the time)

19924383? ago

And then he gets triggered. See how easy that was?

19910258? ago

Q fags are not racist enough. You cant work with niggers but you cant really use them either. It also too far too long for you to see that Jews are the true enemy. Some still want to befriend the jews. Qtards would say stuff like "not all jews".

Most have not yet raised that things would be the same if Hillary was elected. https://files.catbox.moe/lqdzu6.png

19913493? ago

Lol, the racist liberal in here using highly racist terms, while simultaneously trying to claim that its us Q patriots who are racist. Do you not see how absolutely hypocritical and moronic you are?

19911209? ago

Serious question, what do you think about guys like Mark Levin and Mark Steyn?

19911195? ago

https:// twitter.com /40_head/status/ 1154352780611444737

19910486? ago

Most have not yet raised that things would be the same if Hillary was elected.

I wouldn't go that far. Things would be very different if Hillary was elected. Mainly on the war front. She's have the jews' approval too so she wouldn't need to consistently pander to them in a very pathetic manner.

19910945? ago

Trump is also in with the long nose tribe. I used to think that it was because if you want that much power you need to befriend a few jews. I used to think that he simply gave them false promises.

At first glace Hollywood has made it seem like they truly hate trump.

Until Trump proves that he is here to ensure the existence of our people he is the enemy. The link in my last comment shows that Trump has not yest proven this.

We would love for him to cut welfare and close the boarder. Most are losing hope.

19910090? ago

Take a joke boss, damn.

19910756? ago

yes… baby rape jokes are good, too.

ask any Satanic Pedo.

19911183? ago

Nobody in this comment thread mad any jokes about baby raping u u hinged, triggered fuck wad.

19911309? ago

lol talk about triggered

19913478? ago

I know, its funny how the left projects 99% of the time. he is literally triggered here, getting all angry, yet tries to pretend like somehow WE are the ones flying off the handle. Lol. These cuckold libs are losing it.

19909697? ago

AlL sWIRlS aRe PeDo SyMbOlS

19909993? ago

Not all, but but in the context of children, the cabal definitely is suing it as a symbol...

19909796? ago

No, but the ones in this ad are.

19909663? ago

They're not the same logos. The disturbing stuff is the pizza pi shit, but the stamp on the diaper isn't the pedo symbol.

19909846? ago

Careful nigger, your starting to glow

19910510? ago

Careful ignorant cunt, you're already glowing.

19921607? ago

I Glow so bright I can see your kike from here

19922968? ago


19909804? ago

It’s the same symbol from the FBI documents on pedophile symbols.

19910520? ago

No, it isn't. The diaper has more swirls.

19909761? ago

you seem familiar - did you star in guardians of pedophiles?

19910535? ago

Yes. I'm playing one of the prosecutors, and can compare symbols. They're different. I'm charging, and indicting you for being an ignorant cuck.

19909659? ago

Can you not express yourself without fucking? What's wrong with leaving it out (keeping it private)?

19910843? ago

Can you not handle a swear word like an adult?

19917275? ago

R U really that dense or do you think the ability to swear makes you special? I graduated from a military college with honors and was in the U.S. Army for 3 years. I've heard every swear word there is in several different languages and I've offered my share. I've addressed hundreds of people in and out of the military and I've led dozens of people in technical pursuits. Now I realize I have a fairly decent vocabulary and I can express myself without looking like an asshole in front of my peers. So I can 'handle swear word'[s] quite well thanks, but I choose not to. If it makes you feel like a man to show off your own limited vocabulary, go for it with my blessings!

19910149? ago

I agree

19909622? ago

Wtf is wrong with the sick fuckers?

19909621? ago

Wow. That is just blatant. Almost like they are mocking us with shoving their symbolism in our faces...and on a fucking diaper to boot. Sick.

19919307? ago

Oh, jesus. This retarded triangle shit again.

Alright folks, lets work through this LOGICALLY:


Does the spiral triangle = promotion of pedophilia?

Why do you believe this? (or why not?)

Have you tracked the source of this claim?

Is the source credible?

Would the source have any reason to mislead the public?

Does the 'Okay' gesture = promotion of white power?

Why do you believe this? (or why not?)

Have you tracked the source of this claim?

Is the source credible?

Would the source have any reason to mislead the public?

Will anyone have the guts to answer these questions honestly? Or will you continue believing unfounded, erroneous, fantastical internet BS?

19920228? ago


Dude, it’s in FBI official documentation.

19932366? ago

'Dude'... I clicked on your link, and went through ten pages of results and I didn't find an "official" government website with those symbols. Where is the .gov site that warns us about these scary pedophile symbols?

Did you even attempt to answer my original questions, or do you just know that the FBI has officially designated these to be pedo symbols?

19932771? ago

19939163? ago

What does that comment mean? Did you find a government site with that info? Wikileaks is not a government site. An FBI logo slapped on a pdf does not equate to an official document. You need to try harder please.

19922020? ago

kek good job -- I really get tired of that voice of reason when it's all guesses. Someone thinks something improbable and starts virtue signalling.

19914000? ago

I believe this is a FAKE IMAGE. Here's why:

  1. Johnson & Johnson is no longer using 'J & J' and is going by 'JOHNSON'S'.

  2. They stopped making diapers in 1981.

  3. They DO NOT MAKE children's or infant's clothing at all.

  4. They sell only things like baby wipes, shampoos, baby powder, diaper rash cream, bubble bath and lotions.

19918768? ago

Funny. I work in a hospital and we still purchase surgical supplies from J&J. Maybe they spun off their domestic commodities to Johnson, but J&J still exists where I am.

19915666? ago

19915726? ago

You have to scroll through the pictures but there’s another one exactly like it with a different baby

19916957? ago

Oh geez. Now, on the other hand - just being real here - I am a mother of two (now grown) children. I caressed their backs and massaged their arms and legs because it is therapeutic and healthy for them. I'd pet their faces which would immediately make them fall asleep.

I do the same kind of caress/massage thing to my dogs. They love it. There was never anything untoward or sexual about it. And, I would have never even considered the other potential connotation had I not learned the evilness that has been revealed in recent years.

19921988? ago

It isn't about the massage. There is a baby wearing the pedo symbol on the page. There is text and graphic in front of it. This is a question about whether or not they put the symbol on the diaper.

19918790? ago

They have destroyed any semblance of innocence. To have you frightened of taking care of your own children with soothing touch is just a byproduct of their evil.

19922003? ago

It has nothing to do with the massage. I get it. That's what I thought at first, too. It's about the picture (with graphic and text in front) that shows that they really do make that diaper with that symbol on it. Massage is good. Parents are trusted. This company? not so much

19916625? ago

Yup there's your proof

19914171? ago

And I can’t find that ad anywhere

19912668? ago

Y'all need to get over to the pizzagate subverse and check out our posts on J&J

19909718? ago

Yeah, placing it there and then filming the babies taint area was a (((nice))) touch.

19909832? ago

I am not going to ask what a taint is, cuz I already know. lol

19911737? ago

Fine, have an upvoat........ ughhhh. you and your damned humor.

19918924? ago

Dropping some humor once in a while, even on disgusting reality, helps with what little sanity I have left.

19911101? ago

Well, the fact that you know, taint here nor there, to anyone who doesn't know..

19909643? ago

Yeah, they don't even hide it any more. Maybe this is by design. Handlers making them expose themselves so we all know, all hate them.

19909787? ago

Not beyond the realm of possibility. The abusing/murder of kids, not dirty politics, is what is going to enrage the general public. They certainly have exposed themselves. Way to go J&J...we know you now.

19909614? ago

This has been going on for thousands of years.

19911529? ago

words of somebody normalizing the behavior of what?

fucking infants?

are you serious with that shit?

19911546? ago

Satanism is a thousands year old baby raping canibal cult.

19911583? ago

Now it's a mainstream social movement that is destroying civilization, especially in this country.

I laugh when 'historians' can't figure out what happened to the Mayans.

19912841? ago

This is news to me and I want to learn more about this and the Mayans. Would you please give a link to start off my journey because I can't find any references to baby-raping ending the Mayans...yet

19909587? ago

https://tweetsave.com/eyesonq/status/1154621594133827585 :

Eyes On Q 🇺🇸 on Twitter: "Anon spots the Pedo Symbol in a J&J ad 👀… "

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