21026887? ago

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19908904? ago

You've misrepresented the context. It was common for dogs to be in the house while eating ... they kept the floor clean and were fed as well. They were sometimes even slept next to for warmth. Christ was testing her because she was asking the master for what was rightfully the children's (analogously) because she had no right to a seat at his table - as he himself declares in v. 24. Her reply acknowledges her place - and he know knew she was spiritually awake, and also correct in her reply. It's just speculation to attach any meaning to the exchange beyond that.

19909667? ago

^ This is correct.

19908937? ago

thread on the "ablaq" masonry in relation to Esptein's temple https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3340887/19798556

I think Epstein collected an amalgamation of symbols of human sacrifice religions from the Ancient world and incorporated the symbols he liked into his Island. They are Satanists, Cannibals, Pedavores and Pedophiles. They are Pagans sacrificing to their Deities.

Now I know many people here hate the Jews. Hold your fire for a moment, because The Torah (Old Testament) and New Testament, were written as a diatribe, condemnation and antidote against these very practices. Human Sacrifice, Paganism, Witchcraft and Slavery were all practiced widely in Ancient times and specifically condemned by the Torah. It calls out the worship of Moloch and Baal specifically. That is who they are sacrificing children to.

The worship of one, invisible God that created everything and loves us, was new to the Pagan world. According to the Torah and NT. ; Life is sacred and people should be governed by laws not by men; Might doesn't make right, and we should care for and protect the weak and sick among us; That God judges us by these standards. This is what the Torah and NT teach. I never thought they were addressing issues that could exist in Modern times but here we are. Our Creator has destroyed civilizations for less.

I am starting to believe that these sick people are trying to turn the world against the Torah and the Jews, to paint them as the Satanists, in order to hide the message of the Torah. That, I believe is behind the recent upsurge of hatred for The Jews and Israel. They have waged war on Christianity too. Because if they can turn the world against the teachings of God, the people are easier to enslave. A people who serve an invisible God whose seal is truth, in truth, will never be easy to control. It has always been this way. President Trump knows this and he is right to support the Jewish people and Israel. He is a man of God.

As for Epstein. I found the accounts of his background, odd, so have searched for hours trying to find pictures of him growing up, or pictures of his family and found Nothing. I am guessing he is not who he appears to be but rather is a made up figure, like Obama, with a fake name, past, family and bio. I think he may be connected to the Elite by blood ties, or he is perhaps the son of one of the Nazi war criminals who settled here after ww2. He could be CIA or a Spy for another country. That could explain the lack of info about his family. His face looks like someone, I just can't put my finger on it. He may not be Jewish at all. That is what I think.

19920651? ago

Some good thoughts there brother, thanks for sharing.

19908804? ago

Temple Prostitutes were for babies for sacrifice.

19908916? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3351814/19894997 I looked into the Krewes at Mardi Gras after that party. They are very fond of Atlas, who is also Marduk. If I remember correctly, Marduk is the son of Lucifer or Enki.

19908866? ago

There is always one bad guy culture, one terrorist, one hated who prays to something nasty. The religion seems to have been wicked, I guess they were hated in the same way as the Native American tribes of the America's hated the Human sacrifices of Aztecs, some Natives would even help the Spanish/European invaders destroy the Aztec. When they were not destroyed by Spanish warships or disease and small pox in the Americas, the tribes and people of the Otomis, Mixquic, Iztapalapa, Xochimilc, Texcoco helped defeat them. The other people of Arabia, Iran, North Africa seem to have disliked the Canaanites, its temples blood, dark and cruel. When the villain dies not many will miss them, they just say Thank God the villain is dead!

19908588? ago

'cause she looked like one and fetched real well?

Because Canaanites are the progeny of Ham and they cavorted with the Nephilim, thus perverting God's creation...or something like that.

19909169? ago

Its name is derived from the Greek word Σείριος Seirios "glowing" or "scorching." The Dog star? ? https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=Fqa56x8tNtwHookTube Sirius Star in History of Humankind - Conquest of Paradise

19908890? ago

UHHH... HOLY SHIT, LOL. "In the 1990's, as the hotel was being refurbished, engineers noticed discrepancies in the blueprints. They discovered a majestic Masonic temple hidden behind false walls." https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3185313/18667945

Masons/Jesuits/Shriners and so on are gates of charity to send Isreal money. Masons Infiltrated Churches, Police, and all forms of businesses.

Noachide was the first name of Masons.

Freemasons, all gentiles, call themselves Noachide, sons of Noah.

Freemasonry = Noahide Laws = Judiasm for Gentiles

“If you are not an American you will understand why your country is on its present course, as it too is controlled by the Jesuit General through his select Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Shriner Freemasons, the Knights of Columbus, and the Illuminati’s Masonic, Cabalistic, Labor Zionist, Sabbatian Frankist (named after the Black Pope’s baptized Jacob Frank), Jewish House of Rothschild. For the Order controlled the infamous House of Rothschild since no later than the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars, after which Jesuit-led Crusade the Rothschild family was surnamed the “Guardians of the Vatican Treasury.” Eric Jon Phelps, “Vatican Assassins”, 3rd Ed., p.90

19908718? ago

The Canaanites were indeed not human, but decendants of the giants. The sons of God mated with the daughters of man. I wouldn't call them Nephilim because that word isn't used in the Bible.

19908566? ago

Do you really want an answer to that question or are you just trying to get people to read your "Orgies-R-Us: Sex, Lies, and Prostitutes in Canaanite Religion" blog post?

19908810? ago

Religiously. here are differences between Christian texts and differences in Jewish text, ou can read the Bible as religion a message from God, as possible scintific history or as some fable, mythology, tales or whatever you wish. During 1930s and 1940s, some Revisionist Zionist intellectuals in Palestine founded the ideology of Canaanism, which sought to create a unique Hebrew identity, rooted in ancient Canaanite culture, rather than a Jewish one. The Bible does not always teach love, tolerance, some times it has messages of dislike and even to take Canaanite Bible says Canaanites were wiped out by Israelites, it seems many dislike them Pagan Arabs may have disliked them, Christians dislike them, how could one cult / culture have become so hated, Other practices of the Canaanites to be detested by Israel were: spiritism with its seances, casting of spells, fortune-telling offering children up in fire to their gods, incest, sodomy, and bestiality. Lev 18:6. Wearing of apparel of the opposite sex to be detestable. (De 22:5) The Canaanites also practiced prostitution by male and female temple prostitutes. The worship of Baal, Ashtoreth, and other Canaanite gods consisted in the most extravagant orgies; their temples were centers of vice. Canaanites worshiped, by immoral indulgence, and then, by murdering their first-born children, as a sacrifice to these same gods. The Christian and Jewish old the Scripture tells us that God was very patient with the Canaanites, called Amorites in the text (Genesis 15:13-16). Four centuries passed before God submitted to judge Canaan. The Canaanites had their ritualistic child killing, after all, and the the West the growing tranny movement in the media, in the West we have our abortion. Historically they have dug stuf up, looked at old temples and writing on stones, who are the Amorites who are the Esau, Edomites, Phoenicians, Canaanites & Jews? Who was Baal, Jewish leaders took exception to a cult of his worshipers sneakily offering sacred prostitution in Palestine. The Christian Bible also has anti-Baal messages and people took to calling him Beelzebub? A demon, he became universally hated. His consort is Anath (later Astarte), the Goddess of Fertility and Sexuality. She’s also his sister, gross....so why God was so "murderous" in the old Testament. Ancient Egyptians, Roman, Greeks, Persians and ancient Hindu peoples of India may have had contact? References to Canaanites are also found throughout the Amarna letters of Pharaoh Akhenaten c. 1350 BC. In these letters, some of which were sent by governors and princes of Canaan to their Egyptian overlord Akhenaten of Egypt in the 14th century BC, are found, beside Amar and Amurru (Amorites), the two forms Kinahhi and Kinahni, corresponding to Kena and Kena'an respectively, and including Syria in its widest extent, as Eduard Meyer has shown. The letters are written in the official and diplomatic East Semitic Akkadian language of Assyria and Babylonia, though "Canaanitish" words and idioms are also in evidence. The god Moloch might connect, centuries later, as the endonym of the people later known to the Ancient Greeks from c. 500 BC as Phoenicians and following the emigration of Canaanite-speakers to Carthage (founded in the 9th century BC), was also used as a self-designation by the Punics (chanani) of North Africa during Late Antiquity. The word Canaanites serves as catch-all term covering various indigenous cultures populations—throughout the regions of the southern Levant or Canaan.

19908550? ago

Many people have different theories about Matthew 15:21-28, but I think it's most important to recognize the Christian bible is not the perfect, verbatim word of God and no mainstream Christian denomination claims otherwise. Even Catholicism recognizes the bible to be INSPIRED by the word of God.

The bible is the product of flawed people trying to record their subjective experiences when interacting with Jesus Christ.

Perhaps those events never happened?

Perhaps Jesus was a racist?

There's nothing wrong with being racist because reality is not politically correct.

Also because niggers.

19908950? ago

Why Eyeballs / prosthetic eyes? The Eye symbol is it Greek gods or Arabic, Canaanite Ba'al symbols, Jewish Occultic or the Masonic illuminati 'Eye' or Saville is imitating the Satanic Crowley? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3337124/19762830 Q wasn't lying when he said these people are sick.... Sheeeesh.

19908764? ago

This ^

19908546? ago

The conspiracy says occult is real and active, the Biard Phoenix symbol and this Owl it is in many old cultures, .... maybe mimicking the Amorites, aka the Canaanites https://twitter.com/40_head/status/1154352780611444737 Former Senate President of Haiti, Bernard Sansaricq, shocked a large crowd at a Trump campaign event in Little Haiti, FL. Sansaricq exposes all of the dirty dealings of the Clinton’s in Haiti while he was still in office. https://twitter.com/R_Daneel_0livaw/status/1153880099898347520 The fact that a “temple” was built on an island known for extreme depravity is disturbing. However, when one fully understands the mindset of the occult elite, it makes perfect sense. It is all about symbolism and ritual.

For instance, the “temple” has a striking resemblance with Hammam Yalbugha – a Mamluk-era public bath located in Syria…. https://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/jeffrey-epstein-the-true-ugly-face-of-the-occult-elite/ Why did Epstein model his “temple” on this specific building? Because of the symbolism attached to it. Indeed, the hammam is a classic example of architecture from the Mamluk era. In Arabic, the word “mamluk” literally means “property” and is used to designate slaves. @mralexson @not_drunk ? @Conspirologist @daskapitalist Occult conspiracy seems real

19908479? ago

the island temple?

19908482? ago

One interesting thing about statues, was Epstein praying to not Neptune but another type of Merman from Arabia, long-standing association with a Canaanite word for "fish" Dagon. https://jesuskingdom.wordpress.com/detestable/ Then the lords of the Philistines gathered them together for to offer a great sacrifice unto Dagon their god, and to rejoice: for they said, Our god hath delivered Samson our enemy into our hand. Judges – Chapter 16

19908965? ago

Leaked screenshots of letter the cabal sent a newspaper threatening to sue if they don't cover-up Epstein's associates. https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3340155/19789648 Suing for blood libel is suing based on being accused of draining blood from children for rituals. He was not accused of that, so why is he suing to say it is libel. Seems he knows too much to not be involved.