19882244? ago

There was video of Trudeau, his wife, and Gomeshi (a guy that got in trouble for smacking around women) on a TV game show and his wife was suggesting Trudeau and Gomeshi kiss and Trudeau made this creepy face. Video seems to have been removed from YouTube though.

"Justin Trudeau thinks Jian Ghomeshi is very handsome": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkqvPkjjwj0

Anyone know of another link to this clip or the show it was from?

19886958? ago

Some of the cunts involved in the Gomeshi thing were just that but he was pretty much a run of the mill regular persian douchebag with a few bucks or name recogs.

19887546? ago

Yeah, his victims seemed more than willing to take the abuse for a chance to increase their status through a relationship with him.

19880721? ago

If you ask me, it's a woman wearing false eyebrows.

19880566? ago

Canada's elections are probably even more rigged than the USA's. You have to fix the election fraud first before you can vote Castro out.

19886949? ago

In a way yes and in a way no...out and out fraud is more prevalent in the US however the Canadian system is a horse shit one (essentially 33% of the popular vote gets a majority, which in Canada includes all of the votes for the "local" reps.)

19882637? ago

There's no need for rigging when Canada is filled with fools who'd legitimately elect Trudeau. I'm not ruling out the possibility that they could do it again. Btw, I'm Canadian.

19879975? ago


19879784? ago

What is wrong with legalized cannabis? I would have thought the libertarians here would have been anti-prohibition??

Not to mention it can cause you to question the status quo...

19880074? ago

Great suggestion - we could have everyone growing and smoking pot. I don't see what could go wrong there. Adverse health effects:

impaired memory and learning, distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch), loss of coordination, trouble with thinking and problem-solving increased heart rate, reduced blood pressure, osteoporosis (later in life) My suggestion: Stop smoking dope cuz you are not making any sense.

19888390? ago

Maybe try it before you criticize. Because if you believe what you just wrote, you obviously haven't.

19903024? ago

I smoked dope for 20 years. I don't don't need some internet libtard telling what I can criticize.

19886963? ago

You are a retard.

19880284? ago

Truth is proving you wrong. But keep on taking those prescriptions...you know the ones that don't have ANY side effects /s THE ONLY REASON CANNABIS WAS BLOCKED WAS BECAUSE THEY CANNOT MAKE MONEY ON NATURE!!! AND THIS IS WHY THEY ARE NOW TRYING TO CORNER THE MARKET NOW WITH THEIR "SYNTHETIC" VERSION. You need to do a little more research there bud. WWG1WGA

19886978? ago

The Canadian government has proven they can do just that. You are going to see a total switch towards not just legalization but "free" distribution for any loser with depression on welfare. You thought bread and circus was cool, have you ever tried bread and circus OHN WEEEEEEEEEED? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0B7bzP-Gog

19895072? ago

lol. It's all good.

19879516? ago

Don't forget: Enhanced Eyebrow Enthusiast!!

19879038? ago

This mincing little shit needs to be goodified.

19878823? ago

https://archive.ph/fSI6z :

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=15-5O4UPM0U :

Justin Trudeau Fumbles Question About His Conflict of Interest - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=pd-sLM8yuyQ :

Canada Now Investigates 'Climate Deniers'; Trudeau, Soros, Podesta Seek Globalist Tyranny - YouTube

https://archive.ph/KPazy :

This has been an automated message.

19878816? ago

He is a disgusting dripping luciferian piece of shit.

19878793? ago

So basically he is the Canadian Barack Obama?

19879081? ago

Worse, he makes Obama look like a straight man's man.

19878785? ago

I don't think his father would approve of Justin's behavior, although his step-dad Pierre Trudeau would have.

We don't have any evidence that Justin is a pedo, but sometimes it seems like they all are.

19878958? ago

Justin Trudeau is definitely a pedophile.

19879153? ago

Pedophile symbol on page 2 of Trudeau Foundation document

Oh I forgot about that one. Pretty damning.

Thanks for pointing that out.

19878824? ago

His foundation uses a pedo symbol... Google Trudeau foundation symbol its a triangle..may come up on GOOG not sure

He is involved in da pedoshit