19850325? ago

HIs 2 gulfstreams were in the air 1 out of every 3 days and stopped in Paris, London, Morrocco, etc. only for a Few Hours. He landed in St Thomas with female children, looked like they were under 16, and did not even try to hide it.

19848351? ago

I tried to upvote this, but my upvote hasn't worked here for weeks. This is HUGE. Epstein may be the keystone that brings down the entire operation of the cabal.

19847554? ago

We've been writing about this for the last 2 years on the pizzagate forum.

19850297? ago

Okay. So you could have maybe seen we weren’t aware of it here and brought it over?

19847188? ago

I'm still waiting for the links to the Catholic Church and the UN to appear...

19847110? ago

I'm not surprised, BUT at the same time, if you don't provide sources, the CLAIMS are pure shit. Unfortunately people will believe anything you say on the internet without needing to provide proof. Confirmation Bias is a DRUG.

19847081? ago

Whatever happened to Anderson Cooper's reporting that the state department was hiding child porn rings? If that's what the Clowns were willing to report on, it may have been much worse.

19846973? ago

And I'm not surprised ........... There is no bottom to the depravity of the rank and vile.

19846882? ago

Let's take a look at who owns Dyncorp International. A quick search on

https:// en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/DynCorp

shows us that they are owned by Cerberus Capital Management.

The Cerberus Capital Management firm is ran by a Steve Feinberg. And who is Steve Feinberg? Let's check.

https:// en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Feinberg

On May 11, 2018, U.S. PresidentDonald Trumpnamed Feinberg to head thePresident's Intelligence Advisory Board.

Isn't it funny how both the Clinton's and Trump are connected to both Billionaire Pedo Epstein and DynCorp International Child Traffickers.

19846669? ago


19846535? ago

Eight million kids go missing world wide annually. This is industrial level human trafficking... sheesh, who thinks of this shit. USA alone almost a million 😬👎https://abcnews.go.com/US/missing-children-america-unsolved-cases/story?id=19126967

19846885? ago

Indeed. Many end up in the "sexual control of the politicians and other visible leaders" hell. Many end up in slave operations in far away places you would be shocked to learn are even inhabited. The rabbithole goes far deeper than you imagine.

19846278? ago

What a shame he is going to get away with his crimes like the Awan brothers no doubt... once they use him to smear Trump, they let him walk... hell the prosecutor is blatand deep state puppet.

19846096? ago

This isn’t evidence

19845908? ago

I think Acosta said Epstein was given this sentence 12 yrs ago because he worked for the US gov. it all makes sense, Epstein trafficked kids and set up the honey pots.

19846895? ago

Not U.S. Gov. "Intelligence" is what Acosta said. I read that as CIA and Mossad. Not CIA and Mossad as legitimate intelligence agencies. CIA and Mossad as unaccountable agencies long since gone rogue, and running open loop with no rules. There are many hints around the 'net that the two orgs worked together to control politicians and other public-facing leaders.

19845839? ago

https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/220266053/ here is the entire thread with the sources

19845510? ago

Sources on this?

19844716? ago

Duh moment......

19844707? ago

CIA and mossad are all the same kike faggot traitors.

19844506? ago

CIA = jewish = MOSSAD

yuge surprise!

19846792? ago

To become a politician, every one has to prove, he is not against Israel. I wonder, how came, the Squad was voted in without approval of ADL/Mosad?

19844720? ago

Audit the shit out of them. Actually, audit them all.

19844407? ago

It all starts in israel.

19845285? ago

And everyone in the world works 90 days a year to pay tribute via tax, and interest on national debt repayment.

Not hiding very well these days cabal.

19844373? ago

OLD NEWS. JE is Mossad. He was funded by the dip shit who owns the limited brand (I momentarily forgot the jerks name) along with the C_A and DS actors who run intel on the dark side. JE is the DS patsy used to frame and bribe and blackmail politicians and elites. JE's payoff was he got to diddle young girls and possibly boys and live a billionaire's lifestyle...even though he was a second rate teacher 40 years ago in some forgotten city and school.

19844345? ago

Man if this true this is the kind of bullshit our forefathers warned us about. Really. Our own fucking government (previous administrations) supporting this kind of shit?!?! Thank GOD for President TRUMP.

19844192? ago

No one knows how this fucker actually made his money.

Prince Andrew is a massive puzzle piece.

Welcome to the other side of the looking glass.

19848782? ago

David Icke was crazy? https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/220266918/ Do demons walk among us? Anonymous

19844059? ago

Project Monarch girls are pre-programmed from birth with subliminal identity sex kitten mind control

19848375? ago

This maybe what they did with these kids. These may be the kids they send to do false flags, go into entertainment, like Rachel Chandler, etc...

19847332? ago

What happens to children who can mentally resist the programming or are pulled out before they finish with them? Do you think there are girls/kids out there who went through most of it but never "graduated" for assignments?

19846858? ago

NB: just one of a number of uses for mind controlled children (both sexes, but yes girls more prevalent) that Monarch produced. Latent assassins would be another. The rest are far crazier and mind-bending. I hope Q eventually takes us there as the onion gets peeled back layer by layer.

19847365? ago

There was a huge satanic-pedo thing going on in Nebraska in the 80's. I think it was spearheaded by Michael Aquino, who was at Offutt. He had friends; one in particular, but I can't remember her name. She was a professed witch and had a big, old house on acreage with a large pond on the property. Always a bunch of kids there. She would leave satanic literature around along with gothic-looking, heavy jewelry (brooches, chains, pendants, charms, etc) and costumes. These would pique some of the children's curiosity. She would then focus on those kids and tell them all about being a witch or warlock and satanism and basically sell them on how it wasn't bad like church said, but rather, fun and magical.

I agree. I hope we eventually find out all of it, no matter how it shakes us.

19844704? ago

This supposedly involves China Lake out in CA where that large earthquake just happened. Lots of people say the quake felt different, not like a normal CA quake. Many are speculating that a DUMB at that facility was taken out. China Lake was supposed to be an MKUltra/Monarch hub.

19845866? ago

what is a DUMB

19860329? ago

No such thing as a dumb question, even when it is a dumb question.

19845879? ago

Deep Underground Bunker.....buried bases

19845951? ago


19845405? ago

On the money.

19843922? ago

Our trusted government has super vilians embedded everywhere. Those we trust.

19843842? ago

The Dual Citizanship people funded and supported Epstein. This Rabit hole is deep, The NSA FBI should look at the connections carefully.

I Have my Life invested in America, Does the NSA FBI? Questions need...

19848719? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3346505 Epstein's' Great St. James Island construction plan, that he recently submitted to the local government.

19844223? ago

They had damn well better.

19843822? ago

Is there a money trail leading back to Israel?

19843774? ago

I'll give you one guess who the US government collects taxes from. The US taxpayer is unwillingly and unlawfully funding every Anti US group that exists. The corrupt elite launder the money through any other government, company, or charity they want to get the US citizens to fund their own demise.

19847182? ago

While we are paying our blood/sweat & tears sacrifice instalments and still using the money that they create out of nothing then we are still part of the problem

19846359? ago

Who's the current president? Why is he or she letting this happen? Genuinely curious

19843350? ago

It's clear as ever that these government agencies are not working for the people.

19848820? ago

“On multiple occasions I saw Epstein exit his helicopter, stand on the tarmac in full view of my tower, and board his private jet with children—female children,” says a former air traffic controller at the airstrip. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/07/horrors-of-jeffrey-epstein-private-island

19843343? ago


19843301? ago

Honestly at this point, I'm so fucking jaded that this doesn't register on the scale of surprise anymore. I bet this goes further than we ever imagined, I bet the Clinton's shadow government was not only aiding Epstein in trafficking children, I bet they were paying him to do it, too. He's been given way too many free passes from the government to get so far with so little information about him coming out. Before now, he barely made a peep in the news; now, he's fucking everywhere. Just like Harvey Weinstein. I bet he's got more connections to foreign governments than we can begin to count.

19843318? ago

^^^This comment needs to upvoated till the counter doesn’t register anymore. This can only be the logical conclusion.

19847845? ago

Can't upvote because CCP lower than 20... sad!

19848360? ago

Same here, anon. Haven't been able to upvote for weeks now. Very frustrating!

19845413? ago

The worst part is the general public doesn’t know, and most wouldn’t believe it or understand how to verify it. Forget MSM covering this, even the “ultra right wing” Fox News or the “hardcore conspiracy theorist” Alex Jones.

19843358? ago

I cant see the upvoat count, can anyone else?

19844107? ago

I think comment votes are now hidden unless they have at least one up or down-vote - probably one of the changes introduced during last week's Voat maintenance.

19843371? ago


19843376? ago

Ok, thanks.

19844678? ago

I don't think you can vote in QRV. Might be wrong.

19844931? ago

We can but it dosent report to anything

19845478? ago

So wtf? It doesn't matter anymore. I have noticed that voats don't appear as much anymore. Why change it? What the hell was the change for? I don't see the benefit. Sucks, and I am high in voat counts.

19845611? ago

Don’t be a faggot

19843141? ago

Where is the rest of whatever was posted? I want to be able to pass it on...

19843352? ago

I don’t know! It was from a screenshot off r/the_watch.

19843139? ago

They are late I @gothamgirl told you a long time ago. Sheesh...


19843319? ago

Okay? So not everyone is following your every word and move. What are you the hipster of deep state knowledge? You knew about it before it was cool?

Spare us your arrogance. WWG1WGA means being selfless and having humility. When someone doesn’t know something or asks a question that you’ve seen before, you answer it AGAIN, politely. The more people that are knowledgeable about all of this, the better we all are.

Your title suggests nothing similar to what I posted and not everyone has the time to watch your 5 minute video.

19844130? ago

I didn't say everyone should be following my words or moves and I wasn't being arrogant. If you didn't know this information already, are you really a true follower? Maybe not you, but some people find a 5 minute video helpful.. You need to heed your on advice on what WWGWGA really stands for. You missed the basics, and apparently research is not your thing. Otherwise you would have noticed pizzagate Voat researchers are better then POL and provided this info long long ago.

19845544? ago

"If you didn't know this information already, are you really a true follower?"

I object to your arrogant comment. And, I am NOT the anon you were addressing. Who the fuck are you to make that judgement? GTFO.

19845756? ago

Sad. Rejecting freedom of speech because you don't agree. That info has been shared numerous times, for years now, and repetitively recently. Got anything that isn't stale, or that we haven't seen 10 times in the last 24 hours?

I already told you who I was 🤣😂

19846428? ago

Wow, I don't give a fuck who you are. What an incredible shit answer. You truly need some help in the 'too much ego' department. Why would I leave? Over an idiot making self important statements? fuck off.

19848611? ago

Feeling is mutual and you shouldnt tell someone to GTFO if you don't want to hear it yourself. No one cares about your shit opinions lol.

19843600? ago

I'm sorry for being a dick. I'm still pissed that I haven't been paid for sucking off three Jews this week. And rent is coming up soon. My username Splooge if u can understand

19843338? ago

Yes. Good answer.

19843114? ago

Well of course. That would make his trafficking of children easier and without all the hassle of declaring who and what is traveling to his island.

19848846? ago

Epstein pilot is now selling Jeffrey Epstein helicopter, the model woman also a pilot deleted her social media accounts. DNA evidence in that helicopter? tail number in the listing.... N331JE ... where is the police? the Feds? where is Interpol? the NYPD?

19850311? ago


19843001? ago

This pisses me off to no end. Time to cl;ose down the ABC agencies and make a new plan. This obviously doesn't serve the people.

19843980? ago

Time to cl;ose down the ABC agencies and make a new plan

We've likely got a semi-function functional FBI for the first time generations because of the massive deep state purge conducted by President Trump... and you choose NOW to destroy it.

Don't you think that's a little bit super-retarded?

19856649? ago

IMO you are fooling yourself. Nothing has changed aqt the FBI.

19847028? ago

Fair comment.

19844611? ago

any body using the term "super-retarded".... is

19846802? ago

Nah dude you sound dumb

19843233? ago

If you really want to see a trafficking org, Check out Trump Models

19843412? ago

Link to evidence that any of them were ever trafficked? Any testimonies from the models about anything illegal happening? Anything other than baseless projection?

19845629? ago

Sad yall can’t see the truth right in front of you

19843487? ago

Heres an article where they were told to lie about Their immigration status. Which is a classic sign of trafficking. https://newrepublic.com/minutes/136447/trumps-modeling-agency-virtual-sweatshop-hired-undocumented-immigrants

19847685? ago

Mother Jones

The most legitimate, unbiased news source of our time.

New Republic

Nope, I was wrong. Move aside, Mother Jones! This is truly the mostest legitimatest, mostest unbiasedest news source ever.

Look, I'm not saying the claim isn't legitimate; it certainly could be. However, you're not going to win any support with those two as your sources. It's like Trump lovers and Q fanatics posting Sorcha Faal or "totallyconservativemegarightwingnewsmagatrump2020.com" as a "totally legit source, my dude."

19846811? ago


I love the fake news sources.

Why don’t you link cnn?


19850410? ago

Should I write it up on 4chan?