19830164? ago

U can tell it’s SBBH by the +4 I geuss the whole gang only gets together on weekends.

19830048? ago

Virge is right, of course. My name, OP, is "others."

19829436? ago

Get it right

They're qiggers

19829792? ago

Virge calls them Qews

19829391? ago

Was it a footlong shit?

19829804? ago

Crensch, you suck at this

19829390? ago

Noone cares about your smear campaign.

19829810? ago

Of course, you wouldn’t want us to.

19829279? ago

Screw it. Judging by the way the entire web of Chan’s has operated for the past 15 years say, I’d imagine trolling will always remain an aspect of free speech forums. Welcome to the net breh.

W that said I’m not going to get involved w namefameing bs because my brain is 2 smul 4 dat anywayz.

All I kno is sub was fine till last mod left, right as porn started for the FIRST time in the sub.

Perhaps once funding is cut by Q.... Then we might be talkin!

19829361? ago

Team Seayzie is being funded. Part of that is to control the Q anons on voat.

19829423? ago

Good thing Q set up this BA sub instead of sending us to that other one... I might actually go read it rn just to see if the grass is any greener, or if the shills and nazis are as rampant there as they have become here!

19829585? ago

Nice try

19829412? ago

Ok keep pushing that, I think people will still just keep posting good links/ramblings/rankings and trolling/literal shilling. Biz as uze.

19829746? ago

Keep trying Crensch

19830083? ago

Lmao no if I was the mod for this sub porn would be KIA

19829265? ago

I heard that WhiteRonin is Kevdude and is literally a nigger.

19829350? ago

Wow! That’s for the confirmation again.

Thanks Virge / Crensch for fucking with QRV

19829650? ago

Stop down voting me, you are killing me man.

19832869? ago

Votes don’t count here dumb ass. Why bother?

19835973? ago

I know dumbass. So why are you down voting me you fucking black retard, triggered?

19836177? ago

You are triggered apparently. You child. Are so easy to offend.

19836498? ago

YES I AM. I am a child who is very offended by your worthless down votes in this anon sub.

And you are dick headed retard spamming your bullshit all over voat like a triggered little baby with a full diaper. Get a fucking life you name fag voat larping fuckbag.

" as the voat turns so are the days are your life...cue the gay soap opera music - with your host WhiteRonin who apparently has no life outside of voat.

Your down voting in an anon sub just proves what an offended triggered faggot you really are.

Now I'm warning you -- Don't down vote me again!

19836996? ago

Enjoy Crensch. I ain’t scared of you dumping 1000 rounds in your backyard berm.

19837097? ago

Did you down vote me again?

Don't make me come over there, I will slap the black right off your face.

Or I will beat the shit out of your fists with my face.

Either way someone's gunna get hurt.

19837182? ago


19837304? ago

I'm sure it is for you - the voat spamming legend. Carry on with your larp there nigger.

as the voat turns so are the days of your life - With your host WhiteRonin the spamming fool.

19837641? ago

Lol, Virge/Crensch feeling butt hurt today?

19837851? ago

Did you down vote me?

Don't mouth off to me boy, I will write a very well investigated and documented 204 page expose', exposing you and all of your past comments, horrific deeds and indiscretions to our fellow voat name fag soap opera larpers.

as the voat turns so are the days of our lives - with today's special guest host Crensch "the terminator" Virge.

19838018? ago

Did you pull your glock on me?

19838489? ago

Hahaha, did you down vote me? ...Ohh my gawd you did!... How rude!.... Halp me! Haallp me!!……. dude is down voting me into oblivion. I'm dying here... Dying I tell you! --- I'm melting...what a world, what a world….Ohh the humanity ---- Woe is me...Woe is me!!!