19843445? ago

Bill Gates is now in charge of updates. This is VOAT 10.0.

19840689? ago

Official announcements and explanation by PuttItOut the owner of Voat at https://voat.co/v/Voat/3328850

19837019? ago

It is constant and annoying.

19834355? ago

When confronted with VOAT Maintenance or VOAT bad goat screen I have found clicking the VOAT symbol top left on that page to be the best and fastest way to get to the link wanted (if VOAT is back up). Reload and back seem to just reload the original VOAT Maint or Bad Goat page. Clicking the VOAT logo takes you straight to where you wanted to go in the first place.

19850583? ago

thank you!

19836150? ago

fucking awesome ui right there folks!

19834187? ago

Fuck that shit is irritating....

19832630? ago

"Updates"....we've been fucking INVADED. why do you think the upvoat requirement went up?

19832180? ago

Same here lately. I guess Russians are cutting more cables, right?

19831756? ago

I thought they said that would happen periodically while they Iron out the bugs.

19836144? ago

they do not appear to have a software development methodology

19831418? ago

This happens to me for the last 5 days

19831190? ago

Ive had nothing but issues since the update.

19830908? ago

Dude, fucking Epsteins army is tryin to take us down!! wagawaga!

19830402? ago

I’ve lost the ability to make posts, upvote or share links with my newer accounts. They’ve made it harder for newbs who come for Q to participate. It wasn’t like this before the past week or two. Tons of site down time as well coinciding with the attacks on the Chan’s.

19830040? ago

me too

19830032? ago

This is been going on for 3 days or so.

19829846? ago

Half the time I try and comment or downvote it doesn’t work lately. Or I just get the big goat page of hell.

19829713? ago

same here about a hour ago on multi devices until I booted up my VPN

19829655? ago

I haven't been able to upvote for at least a week. I'm not sure how everybody else gets the points enough to post their own post.

19830374? ago

You need to comment on other (non anonymous) subs and gain upvotes (CCP) for your comments.

Once you gain 20 CCP, you can upvote here.

Once you gain 100 CCP, you can downvote here.

There's another limit (100 CCP or higher), before you can post here.

19830798? ago

Thanks for the tips. I've been on here for a good year and I could never figure it out.

19829366? ago

I really don’t like how you have to have 10 comments to up vote

19830097? ago

It's 20 CCP for upvotes now (at least after consuming the initial 10)

Denied - CCP of 0 is below minimum of 20 required for action Vote (UpVote Submission 2.1)

19829649? ago

How long you been here? That was the rule when I began here... and why should you not have to participate before you upvote the way everyone else has?

19830285? ago

... the way everyone else has?

  1. Two wrongs don't make a right.

... participate before you upvote ...

  1. It's not about participation. It's only a system to prevent raiding/vote farming by too many new accounts. It's not the best system and I wish it would change.

  2. I'm participating right now (and since several months) and I'm lurking since QRV started (10 months).

  3. I came here for QRV, not the other subs.

19831409? ago

Yeah, and so did I. But QRV is anon, so you don't get any points. I'm sorry you don't want to go to any other subs and have some convo's with other people. The other Q subs are quite interesting. So are other subs that don't have a thing to do with Q.

Maybe YOU don't think it is the best solution, but voat's been around for a while now, longer than you or I have been here, and it seems to work out pretty well. I much prefer a free speech platform with a very few minimal rules that don't take much out of my day than a forum where I can't even count all the rules and I have to make sure I don't say X, Y, or Z. It's a trade-off, but one I am quite happy to make.

19829066? ago

D-DOS attack is what going with

19829027? ago

Here we are using a forum that resembles the "wild wild west" internet of 1999. Here we are giving donations (not so much lately since there was a big one) to continue using this site. Here we are shouting free speech for all because it is our God given right.

All I ask is you look at things differently. Is right click + open in new tab going to make your life worse? Sure it takes a couple seconds -- time is money! But is being online making you money?

All of us want change, there are bigger changes than the voat website.

19836115? ago

i do what you suggest -- open links i'm interesting in in a new tab, and then read them in order (the result of traveling to a dial-up country years ago)

however -- voat is still fucked up. i never use the back button, but regularly i'll get an error page when opening a new tab, and i'll have to wait a half hour or whatever before the errors stop

it's like we have a tenuous connection, it's really frustrating -- but then again, it gets me out in to the garden, there are so many weeds...

19828995? ago

Don't hit the back button.

19833573? ago

yep - finally figured that out, thanks

19834916? ago


19828869? ago

"Is this Q related?"

19833579? ago

yes, because we're talking about q subjects and can't get the system to work, duh

19833413? ago

only retard related

19834622? ago

Spellfag is proud of you.

19828838? ago

It's my fault. Sorry.


19828814? ago

Voat going down more often than a 5 peso putana at a used car salesmen convention.

19828881? ago

Makes sense, one costs 5 pesos, the other is free

19828803? ago

Putt has been working on updates for over a week. If you left this hole you infest you'd have a clue about Voat. But you're all fucking retarded instead.

19833580? ago

feel better honey?

19833813? ago

You've not killed yourself yet so, no. Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

And way to try being condescending when it ia you qho are purely stupid. Acting like listening to the CEO,Admin,Dev of the site you use is somehow a stupid thing.

The current thread has been there at the top of All for nine fucking days. It has a red Sticky label, it's hard to miss. There was a different thread about a week before that. You are oblivious to your surroundings.

Putt not only tells us when important things are going to happen, he at times asks for our input. We all have sometimes very long discussions aboit site decisions.He could post a thread tomorrow saying "Hey guys Im goimg to disable all Anon subs, they'll all become Name subs, what do you think?". All of QRV would miss this and then be irate when it happened. We have more than once changed his mind on decisions.

So take your high horse bullshit and shove it up your ass you drooling mongoloid.

19850620? ago

you feel better now sparky? need to wake up in the morning and insult people? i read the sticky, sweetie, it still didn't answer some of my questions. Happy I could provide your daily hate adrenaline for you. Your mom's calling. Your ovaltine is ready

19850698? ago

Btw good job replying to a 2 day old thread. You are Johnny on the spot.

19850688? ago

still didn't answer some of my questions

Then you are more retarded than I thought

19835289? ago

Uhh... Poor wittle baby having a temper tantrum. Time for momy womy to put you to bed.

19828789? ago

It's a CONSPIRACY. Against you.

19828665? ago

You're legal. You don't have to go back.

19828644? ago

There you go, last line.....

My puzzle has done puzzled itself out.

19828608? ago

just in case there is something sketchy going on, every time voat is down, I like to take some pertinent piece of information capable of redpilling normies and fling it far to the four corners of the internet. facebook and instagram isn't all there is

19828601? ago

I have the same issues

19828595? ago

Yah voats been acting like shit today. Pissing me off. Constantly getting that error.

19828575? ago

You should demand your money back.

19829135? ago

Mi6 KGB Mossad CIA fags are watching

19828570? ago

It might be on fire

19828517? ago

I wish there was a sticky or something by the admins to explain what’s going. on

19830417? ago

Fake ass explanations. You fags are so gullible. Chan’s are laughing at you.

19830975? ago

Don't you mean, Chan's are kekking at you?

19831091? ago


19828839? ago

There is a sticky by the owner of the site if you'd actually use voat you'd onow this. For 9 days there have been updates being released. Qtards are actually fucking retarded.

19828926? ago

Fuck off name fag. You cocksuckers bitch when we stay in our sub and then bitch when we don't. Go suck some more cock you stupid cunt and mind your own business.

19830246? ago

Yeah but you do polute v/all. Not saying you're not right to have your own (3) subverses, but it would be nice if they didn't take up 2/3 of the front page.

19832239? ago

The fact that you care that much about voat shows how much anime porn you jerk off too. Fuckin faggot. To watch South Park and put your pizza rolls in the oven with Mountain Dew you cock sucker

19832637? ago

OY. Relax Jew.

19830343? ago

I understand that, it would be nice if qrv didn't show up there at all, it just pisses people off and then they come here trolling.

19830838? ago

If I really cared that much I could just block the subverse.

19828948? ago

Heres one for you. Did you know that a bug was recently discovered that would reveal the names of anon sub users? Yeah you didnt know that. It is fixed.

Its a little thing called situational awareness. Its why some people Arent victims of street crime.

You retards think youre going to uncover the greatest conspiracy in human history, and you dont evwn know whats going on with the website you use.

You Are All Retarded

19829106? ago

Do I have to be a mechanic to drive my truck? By your logic we should all be computer scientist? I help people fix their shit all the time without calling them retards for it. Take your elitest attitude and fuck off. Or do something contructive about it. We're all newfags at some point faggot.

19832651? ago

You only don't need to be a mechanic to drive your truck because of the amount of work engineers do retard proofing everything. Your attitude is what leads tois what leads to liberalism taking over the world.

19833403? ago

So I guess I should be a subject matter expert in everything then, good advice!

19834956? ago

Expert? No. Know enough to at least be average in everything? Thats pretty obtainable.

19829254? ago

That is in no way the same thing. There is a sticky at the top of v/all by this guy named PuttItOut. He is the Admin and Dev of Voat. When you see a sticky by Putt you might want ro read it. Its like getting a letter from Chevy(which you own). You dont need to be a mechanic. You need to pay fucking attention to what is going on around you.

Jesus even your analogy is fucking retarded.

19832271? ago

“You listen to putitout like it’s Chevy” lol holy fuck are you a grade a faggot. Go outside. Meet people. Get a fuckin real life life.

19833393? ago

hey kike

19832329? ago

You are seriously retarded. Im suggesting you listen to the guy who runs the site about what is going on with it. You know like potential outages. Hes the one who knows. And he posts these things if youd bother to look for them.

God damn seriously you are mentally defective. Do the entire world a favor and kill yourself. If you have children kill them first. Kill your siblings and your parents and any animals who've lived with any of you in case theyve contracted the god damn stupid. End your entire genetic line and kill yourself last you fucking moron.

19829389? ago

Holy shit a fucking contructive statement I'm not losing IQ reading. I don't know shit about this place so thank you. Will do from now on. Any more shit I should know?

19833391? ago

then you must be a new-hire

19833418? ago

I didn't read the onboarding package. Who reads that shit anyways?

19829084? ago

Heres one for you. Did you know that a bug was recently discovered that would reveal the names of anon sub 
users? Yeah you didnt know that. It is fixed.

Yes actually I did know about that, it happened two days ago you douche bag.

Its a little thing called situational awareness. Its why some people Arent victims of street crime. 

I actually lurk a lot all over voat and you are a douche bag.

You retards think youre going to uncover the greatest conspiracy in human history, and you dont even know
 whats going on with the website you use.

I know more about what's going on with this website than you do. You are a douche bag.

You Are All Retarded

Did I mention that you are a douche bag?

Now fuck off namefag, go suck some more cock you stupid cunt and mind your own business.

19829266? ago

Then how could you possibly not know of the updates?

19829336? ago

Look who's the retarded one here^^ You see namefag the thing about an anon sub is you never really know if you are talking to the same person all the way through a thread. I saw you acting like an asshole to one of my fellow anons and I called you on it.

Now take my advise and mind your own damn business, you make yourself look more retarded with every comment.

19829382? ago

Wow. You are a master of disguise.

19829405? ago

Wow. You are a douche bag and a retard.

19829457? ago

Not knowing who you are talking to isnt a strength in a communication forum. Not that other guy btw.

19829590? ago

If you don't like qrv then go to GA or theawekening.

19829068? ago


19828490? ago

It's been doing that

19828461? ago

Yeah, it's been quirky for the last bit... QRV and TheAwakening. Twitter is also acting funny bunny.

19828390? ago

I was posting in QRV yesterday and it gave my username while I was posting. After submit it showed as anonymous.

19837744? ago

Me, too!! Thought I was seeing things!!!

19828685? ago

Angel investor needs a list of detractors

19833398? ago

you arent hidden anywhere, stupid

19960549? ago


19951299? ago

Its dark in the water mr

19953933? ago


kikes must be eradicated. have a blessed day

19960564? ago

You too

19951295? ago


19828898? ago

This is probably my biggest worry right now. Getting put up against the wall for practicing my right to free speech, my family being stomped down into the street...

19833407? ago

thats why we have the second amendment. everything will be alright.

19829087? ago

Use an account for QRV that wouldn’t matter if your username was revealed.

19830274? ago

A lot of voat, myself included, will delete their accounts every few months and make a new on, to be safe.

19831345? ago

Safe from what?

19837918? ago

In order to avoid looking your real life personhood to your account. Getting doxxed, essentially.

19841063? ago

Yes I get that. But why? What are we hiding from at this point? We are mostly shit posters on the internet and anyway there is no way to be safe on the net these days. Accept is and let's have our coming out party. Fags are braver then conservatives these days.

19841241? ago

Accept is and let's have our coming out party. Fags are braver then conservatives these days.

Bravery can lead to death. I think you're not really appreciating the potential danger involved.

19841265? ago

We have the numbers it's time we acted like it. Liberals can support infanticide openly but we're worried about saying kike online.

19841769? ago

We do not have the numbers. That's retarded. Its about 50/50.

Never-mind that there have been real assassination attempts, shootings, and mobs used against people like me.

19842571? ago

I've been fighting the conservative fight openly for 15 years and the worst I ever got is called names.

Grow a pair ffs

19850832? ago

You must not have children

19833400? ago

exactly. nothing

19828489? ago


19828389? ago

I keep getting the same. Sometimes I can get back by going to www.voat.co

19828372? ago

The back button is working for me. Last night I got an error when I upvoated.

19836049? ago

i've gotten errors posting a comment, which just puts the error in the space the comment should have been -- this is fucking DATALOSS and is a big deal!

now i have to hit ctrl+a, ctrl+c before submitting a comment in case it destroys it

19840139? ago

It is frustrating to have these errors and glitches! I am glad we found Q and still have these few remaining platforms. Along with everything else we are fighting for we need our communication channels protected.

19841072? ago

i am prepared for them going away. have a garden, water, etc. would be nice to reconnect once it's all over.

19843269? ago

Great that you have those and are prepared. Things could get beyond our reach if the deepstate has what they want. This is why Trump must win in 2020

19828354? ago

Update from Hades last weekend. It’s completely fucked everything up since then. The platform is no longer stable, probably no longer secure, and is getting DDOS’d up the ass constantly.

19836032? ago

couple years ago steemit did an update which fucked everything up and they blamed it on "ddos attacks" but were then called out on it with evidence, showing they basically "ddosed themselves" by writing shitty code

wonder if this is similar

19838184? ago

Very possible. My impression this code could be open source?

19838658? ago

Apparently it is: https://github.com/voat

Unclear whether they're using exactly and only that code there, though...

19838825? ago

Odd Q used Voat as the destination after Reddit if the code here could be possibly altered, attacked, or used against users who support the President.

19828331? ago

I get it from time to time, too. Was thinking maybe the site's getting hit a lot.

19828326? ago

No, it was the lame upgrades they recently did. Site is totally unusable now.

Probably on purpose as an attack on QRV. Otherwise they would have rolled them back by now.

19833592? ago

OK - thanks. Best explanation so far. Don't mean to be an ingrate. I really appreciate all they are doing. Just wasn't sure if it was me or memorex

19828495? ago

won’t let me upvote

19832866? ago

Yeah, me neither.