19833971? ago

check for example germanys leading boulevard newspaper, BILD. what is inside the article? Photo from Epstein with Trump. Without any content that would vindicate this. That is how it works. They will try till the end. https://www.bild.de/unterhaltung/royals/royals/prinz-andrew-im-fall-epstein-minderjaehrige-missbraucht-fbi-ermittelt-63427396.bild.html

19833944? ago

When Your Black Girlfriend Pisses You off and You break out the cientific Racism

19833918? ago

Since the MSM has been given the green light - Dont be Naive. the Whole World knows Fantastic, thanks for posting

OY VEY GAFILTAFISH RACIS!!! RACIS!!! OY GAFILTA... I need to Have a rest. Oy.

19833890? ago

The Jews have been best friends with the British crown for god knows how long. Centuries for sure.

19833204? ago

I saw this on FoxNews while out of town with some very, very Liberal family of mine.

I almost choked on the bottle of water I was drinking when I turned around to see what they were staring at behind me....BOOM....there is the man I have been talking to them about for 2 years...ARRESTED...DENIED BAIL AFTER OFFERING $100MIL!!!!

And here is my favorite fucking part...when they start talking about how it's about child sex trafficking....they all start with the "ohmy's!" and the "who could think people could do these sick things?".....and I am sitting there smiling before my wife finally says "what's with the shit-eating grin?"

I replied "do you really need me to say anything? you STILL don't get it? you REALLY have never heard ANYONE say, SPECIFICALLY, that Epstein was raping and murdering children, the Clinton's were ABSOLUTELY on his secret sex murder island, THEY DENIED IT, and that a shit-ton of their anti-Trump heroes were going to go down with Epstein when the evidence starts coming out?"

And some started asking questions like "ok smartass, yes, you have been preaching this satanic child sex slavers story for awhile now, so what?"

And I smiled, and simply said "no, no, you're right, nothing going on here, you absolutely have a firm grip on what these people do with their money and power, this was just a lucky coincidence that I happened to predict."

19831381? ago

Weve been waiting bloody years for this.. since saville.. it all went away... one or two people .. tokens..jailed i hope it does not happen to you ..

19830553? ago

Only because of who our leader is. God bless President Trump!

19830365? ago


19833939? ago

Epstein jew. Bronfman Jew. Weinstein Jew.

19830233? ago

MSM should be reporting on his ties of being a kike.

Stupid Qoomers.

19829752? ago

This is FOX News. It's not exactly MSNBC or CNN. Geez.

19828302? ago

They are giving up the ones they are willing to lose in an attempt to have this whole thing blow over without going full scale. This will fail, enjoy the show.

19850780? ago

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19830017? ago

This... And they’ll play it off as a one off type of sitstuon, like with Andrew. “Oh that guy.....family knows he’s a scumbag! Such a shame what he did....” meanwhile the Queen is eating baby fresh and worshipping Moloch!!

19827780? ago

Since the MSM has been given the green light to pursue the Prince's association with Epstein and the rabbit hole continues to get deeper and darker we (fellow conspiracy theorist and patriots) can back off and let em run with it. The vast number of normies to be woke by the press who will be following this "scandal" and everyone who may be associated with Epstein is priceless. We didn't build those new GITMO holding cells for nothing - fill em up!

19827548? ago

An interesting read re the queen and her cousins the bushes - Jim Hutchison The Real Terrorists - http://www.sxolsout.org.uk/zreal1.html Best wishes

19830316? ago

Also: Ellen DeGeneres and the Kate Middleton, the future Queen of England, are 15th cousins. http://newsfeed.time.com/2011/02/13/unlikely-family-ellen-degeneres-and-kate-middleton-are-15th-cousins/

19827542? ago

This is exciting. My hope is that the growing exposure and knowledge about him and ALL of his connections and dealings will require Msm to report on it to stay at all relevant.

19827450? ago

Dont be Naive. the Whole World knows. The Whole World knows that this is being suppressed.

19826846? ago

This is old news but I'm glad it's now going somewhat mainstream.

19826844? ago

It's very likely Prince Andrew is the least offensive member of the Royal Family (preferring underage girls who are post puberty is not quite the same as hunting, raping and eating toddlers and kids under 7), so it makes sense that they'd throw him under the bus and allow him to take all the heat on this stuff.

19828456? ago

It's plausible.

Yet, I have a hard time believing the part about throwing the Queen's favorite son under-the-bus.

My gut tells me the airing of this on MSM (and remember Fox News is indeed part of the elite cabal), is a response to Trump's recent trip to England. While Trump was there, he worked out a deal with British Intelligence and the royal family. I believe Trump more or less told them we have the evidence showing certain officials in England (black hats) were part of the cabal DP trying to overthrow the US government misusing the 5-Eyes Intelligence pact.

Is it possible that Trump demanded these officials be replaced to continue the 5-Eye pact? We know the British ambassador resigned immediately. What other shakeup is occurring there across the pond? Wasn't there a recent shakeup in MI6?

Is it possible the British tanker captured by the Iranians is a FF and DS operation, in which John Kerry helped plan and orchestrate? It's ironic this incident occurred right after Senator Rand Paul was designated to negotiate with the Iranians instead of the Administration's Neocon faction for working out a new nuclear deal with Iran. The British tanker sure throws cold water on any negotiations and plays into the hands of the Neocons and the DP.

Is it possible that the deal Trump made with the British royal family and government officials was to provide a secret immunity deal to Prince Andrew as Epstein's operations are exposed? Prince Andrew went to Epstein's Island more than once and it appears there are other associations with Epstein as well. It doesn't mean Prince Andrew is guilty of pedophilia per se, but it is certain to embarrass the royal family if more information is exposed.

Is the public exposure of Prince Andrew to Epstein on MSM to undermine the Trump agreement?

19829495? ago

Is it possible the British tanker captured by the Iranians is a FF and DS operation, in which John Kerry helped plan and orchestrate? It's ironic this incident occurred right after Senator Rand Paul was designated to negotiate with the Iranians instead of the Administration's Neocon faction for working out a new nuclear deal with Iran. The British tanker sure throws cold water on any negotiations and plays into the hands of the Neocons and the DP.

Sure going to be interesting watching this unfold as they throw everything that used to work at Patriots and get outmaneuvered at every turn in spite of their best efforts to start war.

19827715? ago

Exactly this.

They never mind sacrificing a few of their own. The real depravity will probably stay hidden forever.

19830582? ago

60% hidden 40% out in the Light according to Q

19832802? ago

Yes, I just wish it was 100%.

At least I say that because I dont know shit about shit, and I'm probably not nearly as tough as I think I am.

19826511? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=DQ1JQvi3GSA :

Past Epstein ties may expose worst royal family scandal yet - YouTube

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19826408? ago

Fantastic, thanks for posting.