20253687? ago

What is Bronfman family?

Because some voat user mentioned it here,



19822918? ago

There are some great informative posts in this thread about the secret societies (the NWO cabal).

Freemason Trump and Qpsyop are one of them.

Patriots are being played.

19822954? ago

Please clearly explain why Trump is pounding China into the dirt, attacking the Federal Reserve, exposing North Korea as a Cabal proxy, tearing up trade agreements, ET AL.

Your claim makes ZERO sense.

19823433? ago

Let me explain to you American dumbass.

The cabal creates chaos and uses their pawns to bring about their order.

Been going on for decades.

This is all NWO theatre.

Go to youtube - Is Trump a Freemason Trump Tower of Baal

19826096? ago

He did explain to you very clearly WTF is actually going on but your ignorant response was typical of all the morons like you in the Qcult a juvenile level insult calling him a nigger. You forgot to also call him a shill a faggot a libtard and a bot. You Qcult idiots can't handle the truth and everyone knows it. LMFAO

19824057? ago

way to duck every question I just asked.

Nigger providing YouTube videos for his proof lol

what a shitbag

19825926? ago

Go fuck yourself eat shit and fucking die asshole DEATH BECOME YOU!!!!!!!!!

19820198? ago

Anybody who wants to know more about the various secret societies needs to read the book by Jan Van Helsing, Secret Societies and their power in the 20th C. Very eye opening.

19818979? ago

Including Rothschild's, Bronfman's, Bill Gates, Prince Charles...

Oop's. You mi's'sed the apo'strophe out of "Gate's" and "Charle's ". If you are going to make up your own punctuation rule's you need to be con'si'stent.

19818521? ago

Some major world-wide Committee of 300 institutions and organizations are as follows:
Americans for a Safe Israel.
Biblical Archaeology Review.
British Petroleum. Canadian Institute of Foreign Relations. Christian Fundamentalism. Council on Foreign Relations, New York.
Egyptian Exploration Society. Imperial Chemical Industries.
International Institute for Strategic Studies. Order of Skull and Bones. Palestine Exploration Fund.
Poor Knights of the Templars
Royal Dutch Shell Company.
Socialist International.
South Africa Foundation.
Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.
Temple Mount Foundation.
The Atheist Club.
The Fourth State of Consciousness Club.
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
The Milner Group. The Nasi Princes.
The Order of Magna Mater. The Order of the Divine Disorder.
The Round Table. Trilateral Commission.
Universal Freemasonry. Universal Zionism.
Vickers Armament Company. Warren Commission. Watergate Committee.
Wilton Park.
World Council of Churches.

19818440? ago

strange list. /// William Waldorf Astor, Died:Oct 18, 1919 //// Zbigniew Brzezinski Died:May 26, 2017 /// Leopold de Rothschild Died:May 29, 1917 /// ...

19819085? ago

DNA membership - follow the blood lines, maybe a little Fritz Springmeier will fill in the blanks

19824144? ago

v. e. schoff, ok.

19817975? ago

Of the three hundred, how many are jewish or black?

19817697? ago

It goes higher They report to a committee of 3 who reports to a committee of 2 who reports to a committee of 2 322 skull and bones.

Rothschilds had a man in the top and third rank but the to one on top Jacob had a plane fly into his head recently.

19816493? ago

Ever heard of the book The Synagoge of Satan? It tells the history of the Kaballah.

19817713? ago

Kabbalah is a cheap rip off of ancient Celtic stuff

They use the inverted the if Life.

19816309? ago

300 sit over the CFR, these are the elite think tanks. Don’t forget Hillary and Obama has a secret meeting while campaigning against each other with the CFR. They both ditched their press gangs to run off to it. Hillary let Obama take the nomination after the meeting.

19816224? ago

How far do we have to go back in history to make this right? More the question, where is the level that it can actually be recovered from? I have no idea where that point is. I hope someone has a plan for this...

19819071? ago

The people that here to try and fix this are all currently in jungle trying to heal themselves of all the fucked up shit that was done to them as children....

19828084? ago

REM has a song "Ayahusca" which I didn't know what it meant back when I listened to them...

19815921? ago

Read it about 20 years ago...

19815919? ago

I couldn't open the article. I dug into the 300 quite a bit a while back. It is now my perception that the major issues and events that that I used to place at the feet of governments are mostly in the hands of this gang as well as the Bilderburg group, CFR, Trilateral commission, etc. Our elected (used lightly) officials do the bidding of these gangs and address the minor maintenance issues. Any meetings of the wealthiest folks on the planet done in secret with an obvious, hidden agenda may very well affect our individual shared experience more than our chosen representatives (also used lightly).

I highly doubt that there is much dialogue around feeding the hungry and housing the homeless.

19819209? ago

While many names on there are to be expected, it's interesting to see these also included:

Rupert Mordoch

Olympia Snowe

Susan Rice (WTH - who is she really connected to?)

Colin Powell

Tom Steyer

and of course both Prince Charles and Prince William...to keep the throne engaged

19827462? ago

Exactly. To be effective they need the state department, media, royal/elite support etc. It's a mafia.

19815658? ago

Ever heard of........kek.

19815531? ago

John Colemans book on the Committee of 300 is a must read

19817469? ago

Does he go into detail each person, their roles, and their endgame plan?

19815825? ago


19815524? ago

Do people know that Ghislane Maxwell recently shut down (her) Terramar Project, just putting it out there..cuz of Epstein arrest.

19815900? ago

Yep. Lots of post on that here and on the chans.

19816051? ago

Great, I do miss a lot.

19828058? ago

as do we all